Hanslick, Eduard | Hanns | non fictional | 1825-1904 | - Musikkritiker
- Ästhetiker
- Musikautor
| | 118545825 | 21 | H |
Stehle, Sophie | | non fictional | 1838-1921 | | | 117231371 | 6 | S |
Grimminger, Adolf | | non fictional | 1827-1909 | - Sänger (Tenor)
- Schriftsteller
- Bildhauer
| | 116854936 | 1 | G |
Nestroy, Johann | | non fictional | 1801-1862 | - Schriftsteller
- Theaterdirektor
- Schauspieler
| | 118587080 | 7 | N |
Liebhardt, Luise | Liebhart | non fictional | 1828-1899 | | | 116996803 | 2 | L |
Draxler, Josef | | non fictional | 1813-1891 | | | 116196742 | 10 | D |
Schröder-Devrient, Wilhelmine | | non fictional | 1804-1860 | | | 119056569 | 6 | S |
Sontag, Henriette | Sonntag / Rossi | non fictional | 1806-1854 | | | 118797999 | 9 | S |
Staudigl, Josef | Staudigl, Joseph | non fictional | 1807-1861 | | | 117223298 | 7 | S |
Kreuzer, Heinrich | Kreutzer | non fictional | 1819-1900 | | | 116533846 | 4 | K |
Campe, Julius | | non fictional | ca. 1822-1870 | | | | 5 | C |
Beaumarchais, Pierre Augustin Caron de | | non fictional | 1732-1799 | | | 118507850 | 6 | B |
Bruch, Max | | non fictional | 1838-1920 | | | 118674501 | 14 | B |
Tegnér, Esaias | Tegner | non fictional | 1782-1846 | - Schriftsteller
- Linguist
- Bischof
| | 118621130 | 1 | T |
Jaksch, Amalie | Jacksch | non fictional | 1846-1913 | | | 1012676560 | 4 | J |
Lanner, Joseph | | non fictional | 1801-1843 | - Komponist
- Dirigent
- Violinist
| | 118569597 | 5 | L |
Bragi | Braga | fictional | | | | | 2 | B |
Freyja | Freia / Freya | fictional | | | | 119331039 | 2 | F |
Idun | Iduna | fictional | | | | | 1 | I |
Cesti, Antonio | | non fictional | 1623-1669 | | | 119253933 | 1 | C |
Hüttenbrenner, Anselm | | non fictional | 1794-1868 | - Komponist
- Pianist
- Musikkritiker
| | 118554492 | 1 | H |
Adam, Adolphe | | non fictional | 1803-1856 | | | 11864372X | 12 | A |
Rossi, Lauro | | non fictional | 1812-1885 | - Komponist
- Musiklehrer
- Dirigent
| | 116631279 | 1 | R |
Alboni, Marietta | | non fictional | 1823-1894 | - Sängerin (Alt)
- Sängerin (Mezzo-Sopran)
- Sängerin (Sopran)
| | 116279389 | 1 | A |
Erlanger, Mathilde Gabriele von | Alexander | non fictional | 1846-1934 | | | 1182058906 | 1 | E |
Kupelwieser, Josef | Kuppelwieser | non fictional | 1791-1866 | | | 134672275 | 2 | K |
Ander, Alois | | non fictional | 1821-1864 | | | 119497476 | 18 | A |
Artôt, Désirée | | non fictional | 1835-1907 | | | 116037229 | 18 | A |
Assmayer, Ignaz | Aßmayer | non fictional | 1790-1862 | - Organist
- Dirigent
- Komponist
| | 102499322 | 2 | A |
Stadler, Hermine | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | S |
Nottebohm, Gustav | | non fictional | 1817-1882 | | | 119368692 | 7 | N |
Auber, Daniel-François-Esprit | | non fictional | 1782-1871 | | | 118646192 | 69 | A |
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel | | non fictional | 1714-1788 | | | 118505505 | 6 | B |
Gunz, Gustav Georg | | non fictional | 1831-1894 | | | 116930322 | 6 | G |
Bach, Johann Sebastian | | non fictional | 1685-1750 | | | 11850553X | 99 | B |
Balochino, Carlo | Balocchino / Bolochino | non fictional | 1770-1851 | | | 130551716 | 4 | B |
Bargiel, Woldemar | | non fictional | 1828-1897 | | | 116056908 | 4 | B |
Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Felix | | non fictional | 1809-1847 | | | 118580779 | 127 | M |
Bauernfeld, Eduard von | | non fictional | 1802-1890 | | | 118507400 | 7 | B |
Bazzini, Antonio | | non fictional | 1818-1897 | - Violinist
- Komponist
- Musiklehrer
| | 116097701 | 5 | B |
Beck, Johann Nepomuk | | non fictional | 1827-1904 | | | 116101431 | 24 | B |
Beethoven, Ludwig van | | non fictional | 1770-1827 | | | 118508288 | 186 | B |
Bellini, Vincenzo | | non fictional | 1801-1835 | | | 118655191 | 36 | B |
Bénazet, Edouard | | non fictional | 1801-1867 | | | 1016375263 | 2 | B |
Berlioz, Hector | Berlioz, Hektor | non fictional | 1803-1869 | | | 118509675 | 69 | B |
Berton, Henri-Montan | | non fictional | 1767-1844 | | | 11614968X | 3 | B |
Bertoni, Ferdinando Gasparo | | non fictional | 1725-1813 | | | 119255960 | 1 | B |
Gomperz-Bettelheim, Caroline | | non fictional | 1848-1925 | | | 116155833 | 29 | G |
Bignio, Louis von | | non fictional | 1837-1907 | | | 143894595 | 18 | B |
Billroth, Theodor | | non fictional | 1829-1894 | | | 118510916 | 24 | B |
Bockelson, Johann | Johann von Leyden | non fictional | 1509-1536 | | | 118512234 | 2 | B |
Boieldieu, François Adrien | Boyeldieu / Boïeldieu | non fictional | 1775-1834 | | | 118512978 | 21 | B |
Boito, Arrigo | | non fictional | 1842-1918 | - Librettist
- Musikautor
- Komponist
| | 118513028 | 6 | B |
Bonaparte, Jérôme | Bonaparte, Jerome | non fictional | 1784-1860 | | | 118557432 | 1 | B |
Napoleon I., Kaiser von Frankreich | Napoleon Bonaparte | non fictional | 1769-1821 | | | 118586408 | 13 | N |
Börne, Ludwig | | non fictional | 1786-1837 | - Schriftsteller
- Journalist
- Kritiker
| | 118512749 | 6 | B |
Brahms, Johannes | | non fictional | 1833-1897 | | | 118514253 | 129 | B |
Brioschi, Carlo | | non fictional | 1826-1895 | | | 139882537 | 9 | B |
Brüggemann, Carl | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | 1037604113 | 1 | B |
Bülow, Hans von | Bülow, Hanns von | non fictional | 1830-1894 | | | 118664638 | 37 | B |
Catel, Charles-Simon | | non fictional | 1773-1830 | | | 116476761 | 5 | C |
Charton-Demeur, Anne | | non fictional | 1824-1892 | | | | 3 | C |
Cherubini, Luigi | | non fictional | 1760-1842 | | | 118520377 | 42 | C |
Chopin, Frédéric | | non fictional | 1810-1849 | | | 118520539 | 66 | C |
Concini, Concino | | non fictional | 1569-1617 | | | 119051796 | 1 | C |
Chézy, Helmina von | Chezy / Chez, Helmine von | non fictional | 1783-1856 | - Schriftstellerin
- Librettistin
| | 119360659 | 4 | C |
Corneille, Pierre | | non fictional | 1606-1684 | | | 118522175 | 5 | C |
Cucchi, Claudina | Couqui, Claudine | non fictional | 1834-1913 | | | 116696605 | 7 | C |
Dalfy, Lorenz | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 3 | D |
Derffel, Joseph | | non fictional | 1823-1884 | - Pianist
- Physiker
- Mathematiker
| | 1161750789 | 3 | D |
Dérivis, Henri-Étienne | Derivis | non fictional | 1780-1856 | | | 1128349078 | 1 | D |
Dessoff, Felix Otto | | non fictional | 1835-1892 | | | 116085053 | 38 | D |
Destinnová, Ema | Destinn, Emmy | non fictional | 1878-1930 | | | 119357437 | 4 | D |
Devrient, Eduard | | non fictional | 1801-1877 | - Sänger (Bariton)
- Schauspieler
- Regisseur
| | 118525042 | 7 | D |
Diabelli, Anton | | non fictional | 1781-1858 | | | 119216132 | 4 | D |
Diderot, Denis | | non fictional | 1713-1784 | - Philosoph
- Enzyklopädist
- Schriftsteller
| | 118525263 | 3 | D |
Dillner, Bertha von | | non fictional | 1847-1916 | - Sängerin (Sopran)
- Sängerin (Mezzo-Sopran)
| | 130141054 | 7 | D |
Dobyhall, Franz | Dobyhal / Dobihal | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | 1036616010 | 6 | D |
Donizetti, Gaetano | Donizetti, Gaëtano | non fictional | 1797-1848 | | | 118526731 | 48 | D |
Doppler, Franz | | non fictional | 1821-1883 | | | 116180064 | 6 | D |
Dumas der Jüngere, Alexandre | Dumas, Alexander | non fictional | 1824-1895 | | | 11852805X | 6 | D |
Durst, Matthias | | non fictional | 1815-1875 | | | 13766849X | 1 | D |
Dustmann-Meyer, Luise | Dustmann, Louise | non fictional | 1831-1899 | | | 116257202 | 33 | D |
Ehrbar, Friedrich | | non fictional | 1827-1905 | | | 116381477 | 10 | E |
Epstein, Julius | | non fictional | 1832-1926 | | | 116652357 | 9 | E |
Erl, Joseph | | non fictional | 1811-1874 | | | 116539518 | 12 | E |
Ernst, Heinrich Wilhelm | | non fictional | 1814-1865 | | | 119455668 | 7 | E |
Eschenbach, Wolfram von | | non fictional | ca. 1170-1220 | | | 118634933 | 2 | E |
Esser, Heinrich | | non fictional | 1818-1872 | | | 116577444 | 24 | E |
Esterházy de Galántha, Caroline | Eszterhazy | non fictional | 1811-1851 | | | 1269448374 | 2 | E |
Euripides | | non fictional | 485/80-406 | | | 118531395 | 2 | E |
Ferenczy, Franz | | non fictional | 1835-1881 | | | 116465492 | 6 | F |
Fétis, François-Joseph | Fetis | non fictional | 1784-1871 | - Musikautor
- Musiklehrer
- Komponist
| | 11949924X | 7 | F |
Erdmannsdörfer-Fichtner, Pauline von | | non fictional | 1847-1916 | | | 116531460 | 4 | E |
Fiori, Robert de | | non fictional | 1854-1933 | | | 1018225730 | 2 | F |
Flotow, Friedrich von | | non fictional | 1812-1883 | | | 118691929 | 23 | F |
Freytag, Gustav | | non fictional | 1816-1895 | - Schriftsteller
- Historiker
- Politiker
| | 118535455 | 1 | F |
Friedrich II., König von Preußen | Friedrich der Große | non fictional | 1712-1786 | - Monarch
- Komponist
- Schriftsteller
| | 118535749 | 8 | F |
Carré, Michel | | non fictional | ca. 1820-1872 | | | 119374536 | 3 | C |
Friedrich Wilhelm III., König von Preußen | | non fictional | 1770-1840 | | | 118535986 | 1 | F |
Barbier, Jules | | non fictional | 1825-1901 | | | 119309998 | 5 | B |
Eppich, Franz | | non fictional | 1835-1893 | - Sänger (Tenor)
- Schauspieler
| | 143989677 | 3 | E |
Gabillon, Zerline | | non fictional | 1834-1892 | - Schauspielerin
- Übersetzerin
| | 116333316 | 4 | G |
Gade, Niels Wilhelm | | non fictional | 1817-1890 | - Komponist
- Dirigent
- Organist
| | 119057077 | 15 | G |
Gandonnière, Almire | Gandonière | non fictional | 1814-1863 | - Schriftsteller
- Librettist
- Journalist
| | 105283616X | 1 | G |
Geisler, Marie | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 3 | G |
Gaudy, Franz von | | non fictional | 1800-1840 | | | 104234431 | 1 | G |
Gerold, Carl | | non fictional | 1783-1854 | | | 133262871 | 1 | G |
Gluck, Christoph Willibald | | non fictional | 1714-1787 | | | 118539841 | 58 | G |
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von | | non fictional | 1749-1832 | | | 118540238 | 79 | G |
Goldmark, Karl | | non fictional | 1830-1915 | | | 119527995 | 33 | G |
Gounod, Charles | | non fictional | 1818-1893 | | | 118718312 | 72 | G |
Graziani, Ludovico | | non fictional | 1820-1885 | | | 116827920 | 4 | G |
Grétry, André-Ernest-Modeste | Gretry | non fictional | 1741-1813 | | | 118542079 | 11 | G |
Grobecker, Anna | | non fictional | 1827-1908 | - Sängerin (Mezzo-Sopran)
- Schauspieler
| | 116856319 | 2 | G |
Guadagni, Gaetano | | non fictional | 1725-1792 | | | 129465909 | 1 | G |
Guidotti, Camillo | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 4 | G |
Halévy, Fromental | Halevy / Lévy | non fictional | 1799-1862 | | | 118832433 | 26 | H |
Hamann, Johann Georg | | non fictional | 1730-1788 | | | 11854523X | 1 | H |
Händel, Georg Friedrich | | non fictional | 1685-1759 | | | 118544489 | 68 | H |
Hasenclever, Richard | | non fictional | 1813-1876 | - Schriftsteller
- Mediziner
- Politiker
| | 116511850 | 1 | H |
Hasse, Johann Adolf | | non fictional | 1699-1783 | | | 118546651 | 9 | H |
Hasselt-Barth, Maria Wilhelmine von | | non fictional | 1813-1881 | | | 116515368 | 4 | H |
Haßler, Hans Leo | | non fictional | 1564-1612 | | | 118917447 | 2 | H |
Hauffe, Louise | | non fictional | 1836-1882 | | | 1050476735 | 3 | H |
Haydn, Joseph | | non fictional | 1732-1809 | | | 118547356 | 106 | H |
Hebbel, Friedrich | | non fictional | 1813-1863 | | | 118547445 | 11 | H |
Heine, Heinrich | | non fictional | 1797-1856 | - Schriftsteller
- Kritiker
- Journalist
| | 118548018 | 31 | H |
Henry the Fourth | | fictional | | | | | 10 | H |
Heißler, Barbara | | non fictional | 1831-1908 | | | 1138851035 | 1 | H |
Heller, Stephen | | non fictional | 1813-1888 | | | 118773852 | 4 | H |
Hellmesberger, Joseph | Hellmesberger senior | non fictional | 1828-1893 | | | 103787038 | 39 | H |
Herbeck, Johann von | | non fictional | 1831-1877 | - Dirigent
- Theaterdirektor
- Komponist
| | 118549448 | 53 | H |
Hérold, Ferdinand | Herold | non fictional | 1791-1833 | | | 118774204 | 17 | H |
Herz, Leo | | non fictional | 1808-1869 | | | 141577568 | 3 | H |
Hiller, Ferdinand von | | non fictional | 1811-1885 | | | 118704931 | 37 | H |
Hiller, Johann Adam | | non fictional | 1728-1804 | - Komponist
- Dirigent
- Musiklehrer
| | 118551124 | 11 | H |
Hilpert, Kasimir W. Friedrich | | non fictional | 1841-1896 | | | 1068787872 | 3 | H |
Hofmann, Alfred | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | H |
Holbein, Franz Ignaz von | | non fictional | 1779-1855 | - Theaterdirektor
- Schriftsteller
| | 100844901 | 4 | H |
Hölzel, Gustav | Hölzl | non fictional | 1813-1883 | | | 116927755 | 6 | H |
Hrabanek, Franz | | non fictional | 1831-1870 | | | 1251267114 | 19 | H |
Hugo, Victor | Hugo, Viktor | non fictional | 1802-1885 | | | 118554654 | 10 | H |
Humboldt, Wilhelm von | | non fictional | 1767-1835 | - Wissenschaftler
- Schriftsteller
- Politiker
| | 118554727 | 2 | H |
Isouard, Niccolò | | non fictional | 1775-1818 | | | 118983849 | 9 | I |
Jahn, Otto | | non fictional | 1813-1869 | | | 118556657 | 20 | J |
Janin, Jules Gabriel | | non fictional | 1804-1874 | | | 118775944 | 3 | J |
Jacquin, Gottfried von | Jaquin | non fictional | 1767-1792 | | | 130187801 | 1 | J |
Jenger, Johann Baptist | | non fictional | 1792-1856 | | | 118557319 | 1 | J |
Jennens, Charles | Jennies | non fictional | 1700/01-1773 | | | 108556662 | 2 | J |
Joachim, Joseph | | non fictional | 1831-1907 | - Violinist
- Komponist
- Dirigent
| | 118776223 | 45 | J |
Jommelli, Niccolò | Jomelli | non fictional | 1714-1774 | | | 11871290X | 15 | J |
Kant, Immanuel | | non fictional | 1724-1804 | | | 118559796 | 13 | K |
Kässmayer, Moritz | Käßmayer | non fictional | 1831-1884 | - Violinist
- Dirigent
- Komponist
| | 130205591 | 6 | K |
Kirchner, Theodor | | non fictional | 1823-1903 | | | 119430606 | 7 | K |
Köchel, Ludwig von | Köchl | non fictional | 1800-1877 | | | 116274352 | 6 | K |
Ludwig XIII., König von Frankreich | Louis XIII. | non fictional | 1601-1643 | | | 11872942X | 2 | L |
Kraft, Amalie | | non fictional | 1840-1866 | - Sängerin (Sopran)
- Schauspielerin
| | 1018068805 | 1 | K |
Krauss, Gabriele | Krauß | non fictional | 1840-1906 | | | 116400986 | 5 | K |
Kreissle von Hellborn, Heinrich | Kreißle | non fictional | 1822-1869 | | | 1017999457 | 4 | K |
Kremser, Eduard | | non fictional | 1838-1914 | - Komponist
- Dirigent
- Kunstsammler
| | 11652099X | 15 | K |
Lachner, Franz | | non fictional | 1803-1890 | | | 118725815 | 17 | L |
Laub, Ferdinand | | non fictional | 1832-1875 | | | 116865407 | 12 | L |
Laube, Heinrich | | non fictional | 1806-1884 | - Schriftsteller
- Dramaturg
- Theaterdirektor
| | 118570080 | 11 | L |
Lavater, Johann Caspar | | non fictional | 1741-1801 | - Theologe
- Philosoph
- Physiognomiker
| | 118570293 | 1 | L |
Lay, Theodor | | non fictional | 1825-1893 | | | 133043754 | 11 | L |
Legouvé, Ernest | Legouvé, Ernst | non fictional | 1807-1903 | | | 119524872 | 3 | L |
Leidesdorf, Maximilian J. | | non fictional | 1787-1840 | - Pianist
- Komponist
- Musikverleger
| | 121059057 | 1 | L |
Lermontov, Michail Jurʹevič | Lermontoff / Lermontow | non fictional | 1814-1841 | | | 11857194X | 3 | L |
Le Sueur, Jean-François | Lesueur | non fictional | 1760-1837 | - Komponist
- Dirigent
- Musiklehrer
| | 118572148 | 2 | L |
Levitschnigg, Heinrich von | | non fictional | 1810-1862 | | | 116965614 | 1 | L |
Lewinsky, Josef | | non fictional | 1835-1907 | - Schauspieler
- Regisseur
- Schriftsteller
| | 116972130 | 9 | L |
Lind, Jenny | Lind-Goldschmidt | non fictional | 1820-1887 | | | 118780026 | 22 | L |
Liszt, Franz | | non fictional | 1811-1886 | | | 118573527 | 130 | L |
Lortzing, Albert | | non fictional | 1801-1851 | - Komponist
- Schauspieler
- Sänger
| | 118574469 | 27 | L |
Lotti della Santa, Marcella | | non fictional | 1831-1901 | | | 1019268018 | 4 | L |
Löwe, Thomas | | non fictional | 1834-1919 | | | 1037699106 | 1 | L |
Ludwig XIV., König von Frankreich | Louis XIV. | non fictional | 1638-1715 | | | 118816829 | 5 | L |
Lully, Jean-Baptiste | Lulli | non fictional | 1632-1687 | | | 118575287 | 7 | L |
Luther, Martin | | non fictional | 1483-1546 | | | 118575449 | 18 | L |
Maquet, Auguste | Maquet, August | non fictional | 1813-1888 | | | 129099023 | 1 | M |
Mara, Gertrud Elisabeth | Schmeling | non fictional | 1749-1833 | | | 118730770 | 1 | M |
Marckhl-Wiswe, Elisabeth | Markl-Wiswe | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | M |
Hospital, Nicolas de l' | | non fictional | 1581-1644 | | | 1011847108 | 1 | H |
Marmontel, Jean François | | non fictional | 1723-1799 | | | 118578073 | 11 | M |
Marschner, Heinrich | | non fictional | 1795-1861 | | | 11878210X | 15 | M |
Marx, Adolf Bernhard | | non fictional | 1795-1866 | | | 119065290 | 12 | M |
Mascheroni, Edoardo | | non fictional | 1852-1941 | | | 116834277 | 1 | M |
Maurel, Victor | | non fictional | 1848-1923 | | | 116854553 | 5 | M |
Maria, Königin von Frankreich | Maria von Medici | non fictional | 1575-1642 | | | 118577778 | 1 | M |
Méhul, Étienne Nicolas | Mehul | non fictional | 1763-1817 | | | 118782843 | 15 | M |
Melanchthon, Philipp | | non fictional | 1497-1560 | | | 118580485 | 1 | M |
Mercadante, Saverio | | non fictional | 1795-1870 | - Komponist
- Dirigent
- Musiklehrer
| | 119060752 | 4 | M |
Meyerbeer, Giacomo | | non fictional | 1791-1864 | | | 118581945 | 75 | M |
Mayerhofer, Carl | Mayrhofer / Meyerhofer, Karl | non fictional | 1828-1913 | | | 116964251 | 30 | M |
Mayrhofer, Johann | Meyerhofer | non fictional | 1787-1836 | | | 119045451 | 2 | M |
Milesi, Pietro | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 2 | M |
Milder-Hauptmann, Pauline Anna | | non fictional | 1785-1838 | | | 117041556 | 11 | M |
Monaldi, Gino | | non fictional | 1847-1932 | | | | 2 | M |
Monsigny, Pierre-Alexandre | | non fictional | 1729-1817 | | | 100552641 | 5 | M |
Mosenthal, Salomon Hermann von | | non fictional | 1821-1877 | - Schriftsteller
- Librettist
- Bibliothekar
| | 101363184 | 12 | M |
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus | | non fictional | 1756-1791 | | | 118584596 | 179 | M |
Murska, Ilma von | | non fictional | 1834-1889 | | | 117187763 | 18 | M |
Naumann, Johann Gottlieb | | non fictional | 1741-1801 | | | 118738208 | 2 | N |
Nerval, Gérard de | | non fictional | 1808-1855 | | | 118587013 | 1 | N |
Nicolai, Otto | | non fictional | 1810-1849 | | | 118587684 | 15 | N |
Niemann, Albert | | non fictional | 1831-1917 | | | 117001686 | 6 | N |
Nohl, Ludwig | | non fictional | 1831-1885 | | | 117039926 | 2 | N |
Nourrit, Adolphe | | non fictional | 1802-1839 | | | 119335131 | 6 | N |
Benda, Franz | | non fictional | 1709-1786 | | | 119326728 | 2 | B |
Franconi, Antonio | | non fictional | 1737-1836 | | | 118874063 | 1 | F |
Widofnir | Solgofnir | fictional | | | | | 1 | W |
Savoyen, Ludwig Pius von | | non fictional | | | | | 1 | S |
Nini, Teresina | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | N |
Hogarth, George | | non fictional | 1783-1870 | | | 116953128 | 1 | H |
Jaëll, Alfred | Jaell | non fictional | 1832-1882 | | | 117059013 | 7 | J |
Abt, Franz | | non fictional | 1819-1885 | | | 102199175 | 5 | A |
Offenbach, Jacques | | non fictional | 1819-1880 | | | 118589598 | 26 | O |
Olschbaur, Karl Ritter von | Olschbauer | non fictional | 1829-1895 | | | 1019296453 | 4 | O |
Onslow, Georges | | non fictional | 1784-1853 | | | 118822756 | 1 | O |
Pachler, Maria | | non fictional | 1794-1855 | | | 1017673357 | 1 | P |
Pacini, Giovanni | | non fictional | 1796-1867 | | | 116014660 | 4 | P |
Pallerini, Antonio | | non fictional | 1819-1892 | | | 120407434 | 1 | P |
Pantzer, Rudolf | Panzer | non fictional | | | | | 8 | P |
Passy-Cornet, Adèle | | non fictional | 1838-1915 | - Sängerin (Sopran)
- Gesangslehrerin
| | 116052880 | 4 | P |
Patti, Adelina | Patti, Adeline | non fictional | 1843-1919 | | | 119235323 | 20 | P |
Pauer, Ernst | | non fictional | 1826-1905 | - Pianist
- Musiklehrer
- Komponist
| | 116060514 | 3 | P |
Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista | Pergolese / Pergolose | non fictional | 1710-1736 | | | 118739964 | 10 | P |
Peters, Carl Friedrich | | non fictional | 1779-1827 | | | 116108002 | 1 | P |
Pfeffer, Karl | | non fictional | 1833-1897 | | | 13335895X | 1 | P |
Philidor, François-André | | non fictional | 1726-1795 | | | 118791818 | 4 | P |
Piccinni, Niccolò | Picinni / Piccini | non fictional | 1728-1800 | | | 119314061 | 9 | P |
Pirkhert, Eduard | | non fictional | 1817-1881 | | | 13997279X | 1 | P |
Pixis, Francilla | | non fictional | 1816-1904 | | | 116203188 | 1 | P |
Polko, Elise | | non fictional | 1823-1899 | - Schriftstellerin
- Sängerin (Sopran)
| | 116263008 | 2 | P |
Probst, Heinrich | | non fictional | 1791-1846 | | | 119021749 | 1 | P |
Proch, Heinrich | | non fictional | 1809-1878 | - Dirigent
- Komponist
- Violinist
| | 116291710 | 20 | P |
Punto, Giovanni | | non fictional | 1746-1803 | - Hornist
- Violinist
- Komponist
| | 120769158 | 2 | P |
Putlitz, Gustav Heinrich Gans zu | | non fictional | 1821-1890 | - Schriftsteller
- Politiker
- Gutsherr
| | 116350660 | 3 | P |
Quinault, Philippe | | non fictional | 1635-1688 | | | 118787519 | 1 | Q |
Racine, Jean | | non fictional | 1639-1699 | | | 118597523 | 4 | R |
Raczek, Friedrich | | non fictional | 1843-? | | | 1170817831 | 1 | R |
Raczek, Sophie | | non fictional | 1845-? | | | 1170817904 | 1 | R |
Ritter, Minna | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | R |
Rameau, Jean-Philippe | | non fictional | 1683-1764 | | | 118598090 | 17 | R |
Randhartinger, Benedict | | non fictional | 1802-1893 | - Sänger (Tenor)
- Komponist
- Dirigent
| | 119346540 | 3 | R |
Ranzoni, Emmerich | | non fictional | 1823-1898 | | | 116330384 | 2 | R |
Rau, Heribert | | non fictional | 1813-1876 | - Schriftsteller
- Theologe
- Pfarrer
| | 116362979 | 1 | R |
Raumer, Friederike von | | non fictional | 1790-1869 | | | 173890245 | 1 | R |
Reichardt, Alexander | | non fictional | 1825-1885 | | | 140442553 | 1 | R |
Reichardt, Johann Friedrich | Reichard | non fictional | 1752-1814 | | | 118599100 | 8 | R |
Reinecke, Carl | Reinecke, Karl | non fictional | 1824-1910 | | | 119388472 | 18 | R |
Renard, Marie | | non fictional | 1863-1939 | - Sängerin (Mezzo-Sopran)
- Sängerin (Alt)
| | 116438037 | 21 | R |
Rieter-Biedermann, Jacob Melchior | | non fictional | 1811-1876 | | | 116545410 | 5 | R |
Rietz, Julius | | non fictional | 1812-1877 | - Dirigent
- Musiklehrer
- Komponist
| | 101365632 | 5 | R |
Rodenberg, Julius | | non fictional | 1831-1914 | | | 118601709 | 5 | R |
Roger, Gustave-Hippolyte | | non fictional | 1815-1879 | | | 118957252 | 11 | R |
Rokitansky, Viktor von | | non fictional | 1836-1896 | - Sänger (Bariton)
- Komponist
| | 117593427 | 18 | R |
Rossini, Gioachino | Rossini, Gioacchino | non fictional | 1792-1868 | | | 118602985 | 76 | R |
Du Roullet, François Louis Gaud Lebland | Rollet | non fictional | 1716-1786 | | | 127494529 | 1 | D |
Röver, Heinrich | | non fictional | 1827-1875 | | | 1018145931 | 13 | R |
Rubinštejn, Anton G. | Rubinstein | non fictional | 1829-1894 | | | 118926802 | 67 | R |
Salvi, Matteo | | non fictional | 1816-1887 | - Komponist
- Gesangslehrer
- Theaterdirektor
| | 118883194 | 8 | S |
Sauer, Ignaz | | non fictional | 1759-1833 | | | 135483131 | 1 | S |
Schäffer-Hoffmann, Emilie | | non fictional | 1835-1889 | | | | 1 | S |
Schiller, Friedrich | | non fictional | 1759-1805 | - Schriftsteller
- Philosoph
- Ästhetiker
| | 118607626 | 47 | S |
Schindler, Anton | | non fictional | 1795-1864 | - Violinist
- Musikautor
- Dirigent
| | 117271977 | 11 | S |
Schlesinger, Karl | | non fictional | 1813-1871 | | | 1030034885 | 4 | S |
Schletterer, Hans Michel | | non fictional | 1824-1893 | - Musiklehrer
- Dirigent
- Musikautor
| | 117326720 | 2 | S |
Schlüter, Joseph | | non fictional | 1833-1887 | | | 117517917 | 2 | S |
Heißler, Karl | | non fictional | 1823-1878 | | | 13775339X | 2 | H |
Frappart, Louis | | non fictional | 1832-1921 | | | 116720441 | 10 | F |
Trebelli, Zelia | | non fictional | 1838-1892 | | | 117407984 | 2 | T |
Wagner, Johanna | | non fictional | 1826-1894 | - Sängerin (Sopran)
- Schauspielerin
| | 118805916 | 4 | W |
Schmid, Carl | | non fictional | 1825-1873 | | | 117499315 | 17 | S |
Schmidtler, Anna | | non fictional | | | | | 2 | S |
Schober, Franz von | | non fictional | 1796-1882 | | | 116849436 | 2 | S |
Schoelcher, Victor | Schilcher | non fictional | 1804-1893 | - Politiker
- Schriftsteller
- Kunstsammler
| | 119311518 | 1 | S |
Schön, Eduard | Engelsberg, E. S. | non fictional | 1825-1879 | - Komponist
- Schriftsteller
- Beamter
| | 123911508 | 21 | S |
Schott, Johann Andreas | | non fictional | 1781-1840 | - Musikverleger
- Musikhändler
| | 137108567 | 1 | S |
Schrödter, Fritz | | non fictional | 1855-1924 | | | 11708204X | 25 | S |
Schubart, Christian Friedrich Daniel | | non fictional | 1739-1791 | - Schriftsteller
- Komponist
- Musikautor
| | 118610953 | 12 | S |
Schubert, Ferdinand | | non fictional | 1794-1859 | - Komponist
- Organist
- Dirigent
| | 118823035 | 3 | S |
Schubert, Franz | | non fictional | 1797-1828 | | | 118610961 | 113 | S |
Schuch, Ernst von | | non fictional | 1846-1914 | | | 117117153 | 2 | S |
Schumann, Clara | Wieck | non fictional | 1819-1896 | | | 11861164X | 31 | S |
Schumann, Robert | | non fictional | 1810-1856 | | | 118611666 | 157 | S |
Schwind, Moritz Ludwig von | | non fictional | 1804-1871 | | | 118612271 | 16 | S |
Scribe, Eugène | | non fictional | 1791-1861 | | | 118612425 | 18 | S |
Sedlnitzky-Choltic, Josef von | | non fictional | 1778-1855 | | | 130150630 | 4 | S |
Shakespeare, William | Shakspeare | non fictional | 1564-1616 | - Schriftsteller
- Schauspieler
| | 118613723 | 56 | S |
Skerle, Mathilde Franziska | Skerlé | non fictional | 1843-1918 | | | 1034789147 | 1 | S |
Solera, Temistocle | Solera, Themistokles | non fictional | 1815-1878 | - Librettist
- Schriftsteller
- Komponist
| | 119501821 | 1 | S |
Sonnleithner, Leopold | | non fictional | 1797-1873 | | | 117508594 | 3 | S |
Spaun, Anton von | | non fictional | 1790-1849 | - Jurist
- Historiker
- Germanist
| | 117481645 | 1 | S |
Spina, Carl A. | | non fictional | 1827-1906 | | | 14234110X | 5 | S |
Spohr, Louis | | non fictional | 1784-1859 | - Komponist
- Violinist
- Dirigent
| | 118616366 | 67 | S |
Spontini, Gaspare | | non fictional | 1774-1851 | | | 118616374 | 22 | S |
Sprato, Robert | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | S |
Staudigl, Joseph | | non fictional | 1850-1916 | | | 117223301 | 4 | S |
Steffens, Henrik | Steffens, Heinrich | non fictional | 1773-1845 | - Philosoph
- Wissenschaftler
- Schriftsteller
| | 118617109 | 1 | S |
Steger, Franz | | non fictional | 1824-1911 | | | 117228362 | 2 | S |
Strauss junior, Johann | Strauß | non fictional | 1825-1899 | | | 11861908X | 38 | S |
Strepponi, Giuseppina | | non fictional | 1815-1897 | | | 119043246 | 1 | S |
Swedenborg, Emmanuel von | | non fictional | 1688-1772 | - Wissenschaftler
- Mystiker
- Theosoph
| | 118620169 | 1 | S |
Tausig, Carl | Tausig, Karl | non fictional | 1841-1871 | | | 119317826 | 10 | T |
Tellheim, Caroline | Bettelheim | non fictional | 1844-1906 | | | 117254789 | 9 | T |
Thomas, Ambroise | | non fictional | 1811-1896 | | | 119221187 | 23 | T |
Tieck, Ludwig | | non fictional | 1773-1853 | - Schriftsteller
- Übersetzer
- Herausgeber
| | 12989432X | 16 | T |
Tietz, Caroline | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 2 | T |
Tietz, Malwina | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 2 | T |
Treumann, Karl | | non fictional | 1821-1877 | - Schauspieler
- Theaterdirektor
- Schriftsteller
| | 117416215 | 2 | T |
Uhland, Ludwig | | non fictional | 1787-1862 | - Schriftsteller
- Germanist
- Jurist
| | 118625063 | 20 | U |
Varnhagen, Rahel | | non fictional | 1771-1833 | - Schriftstellerin
- Salonnière
| | 118626175 | 3 | V |
Verdi, Giuseppe | | non fictional | 1813-1901 | | | 118626523 | 74 | V |
Viardot-García, Pauline | Viardot-Garcia | non fictional | 1821-1910 | - Sängerin (Mezzo-Sopran)
- Komponistin
- Pianistin
| | 118804375 | 8 | V |
Viktor Emanuel III., König von Italien | | non fictional | 1869-1947 | | | 118804545 | 1 | V |
Vergilius Maro, Publius | Virgil | non fictional | 70-19 v.u.Z. | | | 118626574 | 3 | V |
Vogl, Johann Michael | Vogel | non fictional | 1768-1840 | - Sänger (Bariton)
- Dirigent
- Komponist
| | 118768964 | 4 | V |
Volkmann, Robert | | non fictional | 1815-1883 | | | 11876912X | 15 | V |
Wachtel, Theodor | | non fictional | 1823-1893 | | | 117085952 | 9 | W |
Wagner, Richard | Freigedank | non fictional | 1813-1883 | | | 118594117 | 174 | W |
Waldmann, Maria | | non fictional | 1842-1920 | | | 128628464 | 1 | W |
Walter, Gustav | | non fictional | 1834-1910 | - Sänger (Tenor)
- Gesangslehrer
| | 117130990 | 64 | W |
Weber, Carl Maria von | Weber, Karl Maria von | non fictional | 1786-1826 | | | 118629662 | 95 | W |
Weidner, Joseph | | non fictional | 1801-1871 | | | | 1 | W |
Weinwurm, Rudolf | | non fictional | 1835-1911 | | | 118766325 | 10 | W |
Weiß, Alfonsine von | Weiß, Alphonsine von | non fictional | 1830-nach 1887 | - Pianistin
- Musiklehrerin
- Komponistin
| | 1037009487 | 1 | W |
Wild, Franz | | non fictional | 1791-1860 | | | 117379298 | 7 | W |
Wildauer, Mathilde | | non fictional | 1820-1878 | - Schauspielerin
- Sängerin (Sopran)
| | 117379700 | 8 | W |
Wilt, Marie | Wilt, Maria | non fictional | 1834-1891 | | | 11703908X | 22 | W |
Sayn-Wittgenstein, Carolyne von | | non fictional | 1819-1887 | - Adelige
- Schriftstellerin
- Journalistin
| | 119369168 | 7 | S |
Wolf, Hugo | | non fictional | 1860-1903 | | | 118634712 | 5 | W |
Wolter, Charlotte | | non fictional | 1834-1897 | | | 11880782X | 3 | W |
Zamara, Antonio | Zamarra | non fictional | 1823-1901 | | | 137695039 | 2 | Z |
Zedlitz, Joseph Christian von | | non fictional | 1790-1862 | | | 118808346 | 1 | Z |
Weigl, Joseph | Weigel | non fictional | 1766-1846 | | | 100470106 | 14 | W |
Dachs, Josef | | non fictional | 1827-1896 | | | 130009539 | 5 | D |
Doppler, Karl | | non fictional | 1825-1900 | | | 116180110 | 1 | D |
Friedberg, Ekaterina Iosifovna | Friedberg, Kathinka | non fictional | 1838-1901 | | | 122841379 | 1 | F |
Geistinger, Marie | | non fictional | 1836-1903 | | | 116520272 | 7 | G |
Swoboda, Albin | | non fictional | 1836-1901 | - Schauspieler
- Sänger (Tenor)
- Theaterdirektor
| | 117386065 | 7 | S |
Rott, Karl Mathias | | non fictional | 1807-1876 | | | 138051496 | 4 | R |
Blasel, Carl | | non fictional | 1831-1922 | - Schauspieler
- Sänger (Tenor)
- Theaterdirektor
| | 11620026X | 6 | B |
Friese, Carl Adolf | | non fictional | 1831-1900 | | | 116819456 | 3 | F |
Hanne | Hannchen | fictional | | | - Die Jahreszeiten, Hob. XXI:3
| | 3 | H |
Blasel, Johanna | | non fictional | 1840-1910 | | | 1021277665 | 1 | B |
Hopp, Julius | | non fictional | 1819-1885 | | | 115580131 | 3 | H |
Walzel, Camillo | Zell, F. | non fictional | 1829-1895 | | | 119545780 | 1 | W |
Kaschke, Johann | | non fictional | 1817-1904 | | | 130208183 | 1 | K |
Stein, Carl | | non fictional | 1807-1866 | - Schauspieler
- Sänger
- Komponist
| | 130157627 | 1 | S |
Dowland, John | | non fictional | 1563-1626 | | | 11867238X | 1 | D |
Leisring, Volckmar | | non fictional | ca. 1588-1637 | | | 120161761 | 1 | L |
Durante, Francesco | | non fictional | 1684-1755 | | | 118901753 | 2 | D |
Bach-Marschner, Therese | | non fictional | 1827-1884 | | | 116025417 | 1 | B |
Seehofer, Therese | | non fictional | 1846-1936 | | | 133661954 | 2 | S |
Sophocles | Sophokles | non fictional | 497/496-406/405 v.u.Z. | - Schriftsteller
- Schauspieler
| | 118615688 | 2 | S |
Winkelmann, Hermann | | non fictional | 1849-1912 | | | 117414840 | 17 | W |
Sander, Constantin | | non fictional | 1826-1905 | | | 117003077 | 1 | S |
Lenau, Nikolaus | | non fictional | 1802-1850 | | | 118571508 | 9 | L |
Castelli, Ignaz Franz | | non fictional | 1781-1862 | - Schriftsteller
- Beamter
- Bibliothekar
| | 118667424 | 5 | C |
Weigel, Rudolph | | non fictional | 1804-1867 | - Buchhändler
- Kunsthändler
- Verleger
| | 117243264 | 3 | W |
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich | | non fictional | 1770-1831 | | | 118547739 | 17 | H |
Vischer, Friedrich Theodor | | non fictional | 1807-1887 | - Theologe
- Philosoph
- Ästhetiker
| | 11862721X | 13 | V |
Raffael | Raphael / Rafael Sanzio | non fictional | 1483-1520 | | | 118597787 | 15 | R |
Poussin, Nicolas | | non fictional | 1594-1665 | | | 118596047 | 11 | P |
Hummel, Johann Nepomuk | | non fictional | 1778-1837 | | | 118554751 | 21 | H |
Mattheson, Johann | Matheson | non fictional | 1681-1764 | - Musikautor
- Schriftsteller
- Komponist
| | 118578995 | 13 | M |
Neidhardt, Johann Georg | | non fictional | ca. 1680-1739 | - Organist
- Komponist
- Musikautor
| | 12964594X | 10 | N |
Forkel, Johann Nikolaus | | non fictional | 1749-1818 | | | 118809962 | 15 | F |
Mosel, Ignaz von | | non fictional | 1772-1844 | - Beamter
- Komponist
- Musikautor
| | 116936371 | 13 | M |
Michaelis, Christian Friedrich | | non fictional | 1770-1834 | | | 117016284 | 10 | M |
Marpurg, Friedrich Wilhelm | Marburg | non fictional | 1718-1795 | | | 118921088 | 11 | M |
Heinse, Wilhelm | | non fictional | 1746-1803 | - Schriftsteller
- Musikautor
- Ästhetiker
| | 118548565 | 10 | H |
Engel, Johann Jakob | | non fictional | 1741-1802 | - Schriftsteller
- Musikautor
- Philosoph
| | 11868468X | 10 | E |
Kirnberger, Johann Philipp | | non fictional | 1721-1783 | - Komponist
- Musiklehrer
- Musikautor
| | 118777238 | 10 | K |
Pierer, Heinrich August | | non fictional | 1794-1850 | - Offizier
- Verleger
- Lexikograph
| | 119114445 | 10 | P |
Schilling, Gustav | | non fictional | 1805-1880 | | | 117269956 | 10 | S |
Koch, Heinrich Christoph | | non fictional | 1749-1816 | - Musikautor
- Lexikograph
- Violinist
| | 118777602 | 10 | K |
André, Johann Anton | | non fictional | 1775-1842 | | | 116331674 | 11 | A |
Sulzer, Johann Georg | | non fictional | 1720-1779 | | | 11879941X | 10 | S |
Böhm, J. W. | | non fictional | 18./19. Jhdt. | | | | 10 | B |
Weber, Gottfried | | non fictional | 1779-1839 | | | 118643231 | 11 | W |
Hand, Ferdinand Gotthelf | | non fictional | 1786-1851 | | | 100158218 | 10 | H |
Richter, Heinrich Friedrich Wilhelm | Amadeus Autodidactos | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | 1089752962 | 10 | R |
Bellini, Fermo | | non fictional | 1804-1865 | - Mediziner
- Musikautor
- Komponist
| | 128483172 | 10 | B |
Thiersch, Friedrich Wilhelm | | non fictional | 1784-1860 | | | 118837877 | 10 | T |
Dommer, Arrey von | | non fictional | 1828-1905 | | | 116177020 | 9 | D |
Rosenkranz, Karl | | non fictional | 1805-1879 | | | 118602721 | 10 | R |
Suard, Jean-Baptiste Antoine | | non fictional | 1735-1817 | | | 100595189 | 10 | S |
Arnaud, François | | non fictional | 1721-1784 | - Schriftsteller
- Musikautor
- Ästhetiker
| | 138053243 | 10 | A |
La Harpe, Jean-François de | | non fictional | 1739-1803 | | | 11856871X | 10 | L |
Schmidt, Julian | | non fictional | 1818-1886 | - Journalist
- Historiker
- Redakteur
| | 11875968X | 5 | S |
Ulybyšev, Aleksandr Dmitrievič | Oulibicheff | non fictional | 1794-1858 | | | 121674533 | 10 | U |
Riehl, Wilhelm Heinrich | | non fictional | 1823-1897 | - Journalist
- Schriftsteller
- Historiker
| | 118600850 | 12 | R |
Plato | Platon | non fictional | 428/7-348/7 v.u.Z. | | | 118594893 | 14 | P |
Ørsted, Hans Christian | Oerstedt | non fictional | 1777-1851 | - Physiker
- Chemiker
- Philosoph
| | 118786784 | 10 | Ø |
Kannegiesser, Karl Ludwig | Kannegießer | non fictional | 1781-1861 | - Lehrer
- Schriftsteller
- Übersetzer
| | 116044640 | 10 | K |
Becher, Alfred Julius | | non fictional | 1803-1848 | - Musikkritiker
- Schriftsteller
- Komponist
| | 118654268 | 16 | B |
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques | | non fictional | 1712-1778 | - Schriftsteller
- Philosoph
- Komponist
| | 118603426 | 14 | R |
Gott | Gott Vater / Dieu / Seigneur | fictional | | | | 4021662-7 | 52 | G |
Glinka, Michail Ivanovič | Glinka, Michael von | non fictional | 1804-1857 | | | 118695398 | 5 | G |
Pišek, Jan Křtitel | Pischek | non fictional | 1814-1873 | | | 116191961 | 5 | P |
Dante, Alighieri | | non fictional | 1265-1321 | - Politiker
- Schriftsteller
- Gelehrter
| | 118523708 | 7 | D |
Galletti Gianoli, Isabella | Galetti | non fictional | 1835-1901 | | | | 2 | G |
Everardi, Camillo | | non fictional | 1825-1899 | | | | 8 | E |
Mongini, Pietro | | non fictional | 1828-1874 | | | | 3 | M |
Stradella, Alessandro | | non fictional | 1639 -1682 | | | 118755714 | 3 | S |
Rini | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | R |
Rotter, Irma | | non fictional | 1842-1913 | | | 115856838X | 3 | R |
Wodan | Wotan / Odin | fictional | | | | 118769715 | 3 | W |
Achille | Achilleus / Achilles / Achill | fictional | | | - Iphigénie en Aulide, Wq. 40
| | 11 | A |
Azucena | | fictional | | | | | 3 | A |
Bruckner, Anton | | non fictional | 1824-1896 | | | 118515799 | 18 | B |
Dessauer, Josef | | non fictional | 1798-1876 | | | 101057903 | 4 | D |
Lebitschnig, Josef | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | L |
Gassmann, Florian Leopold | Gaßmann | non fictional | 1729-1774 | | | 118869442 | 4 | G |
Donar | Thor | fictional | | | | 119192748 | 1 | D |
Hermann Geßler | | fictional | | | | | 2 | H |
Kotzebue, August von | | non fictional | 1761-1819 | - Schriftsteller
- Librettist
- Herausgeber
| | 118565796 | 8 | K |
Achille | Achilleus / Achilles / Achill | fictional | | | | | 1 | A |
Millerschek, Anna | | non fictional | 1826-1891 | | | 1019409118 | 2 | M |
Maffio Orsini | | fictional | | | | | 2 | M |
Ernani | | fictional | | | | | 3 | E |
Trauttmansdorff-Weinsberg, Ferdinand zu | | non fictional | 1749-1827 | | | 101105592 | 2 | T |
Hasner, Leopold von | | non fictional | 1818-1891 | | | 119059495 | 3 | H |
Caccini, Giulio | | non fictional | 1551-1618 | - Komponist
- Sänger
- Musiklehrer
| | 119283263 | 5 | C |
Monteverdi, Claudio | Monteverde | non fictional | 1567-1643 | | | 118583700 | 2 | M |
Bartolini, Ottavio | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | B |
Schultner, Adolf | | non fictional | | | | | 2 | S |
Hyrtl, Joseph | | non fictional | 1810-1894 | | | 118708481 | 2 | H |
Admète | | fictional | | | | | 10 | A |
Fernand | Fernando | fictional | | | | | 3 | F |
Azula, Tomaso de | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | A |
Adolar | | fictional | | | | | 4 | A |
Aechter von Möspelbrunn | | fictional | | | | | 1 | A |
Cornago, Giovanni Battista | | non fictional | 1828-1880 | | | | 1 | C |
Agamemnon | | fictional | | | - Iphigénie en Aulide, Wq. 40
| | 11 | A |
Pedrotti, Carlo | | non fictional | 1817-1893 | | | 115453830 | 4 | P |
Ronconi, Georgio | | non fictional | 1810-1890 | | | 116607122 | 3 | R |
Gellert, Christian Fürchtegott | | non fictional | 1715-1769 | | | 118538322 | 1 | G |
Agamemnon | | fictional | | | | | 1 | A |
Alceste | | fictional | | | | | 10 | A |
Alessandro Stradella | | fictional | | | | | 1 | A |
Amina | | fictional | | | | | 9 | A |
Angèle | Angela | fictional | | | | | 2 | A |
Jungfer Anna Reich | | fictional | | | - Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor
| | 2 | J |
Armide | Armida | fictional | | | | | 1 | A |
Arnold | | fictional | | | | | 2 | A |
Arthur | | fictional | | | | | 1 | A |
Arvino | | fictional | | | - I Lombardi alla prima crociata, H40
| | 1 | A |
Bartolo | | fictional | | | - Le nozze di Figaro, KV492
| | 2 | B |
Basilio | | fictional | | | - Le nozze di Figaro, KV492
| | 2 | B |
Beatrice | | fictional | | | | | 2 | B |
Marie von Beaumarchais | | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
Belshazzar | Belsazar | fictional | | | | | 1 | B |
Benedick | Benedict | fictional | | | | | 2 | B |
Bertram | | fictional | | | | | 4 | B |
Brander | | fictional | | | - La damnation de Faust, H111
| | 2 | B |
Brigitte | | fictional | | | | | 1 | B |
Bruder Tuck | | fictional | | | | | 1 | B |
Calchas | Kalchas | fictional | | | - Iphigénie en Aulide, Wq. 40
| | 1 | C |
Don Luiz Camoens | Camoëns | fictional | | | - Indra, das Schlangenmädchen
| | 1 | D |
Cássh, Elise | Cash | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | 117017082X | 1 | C |
Candidat | | fictional | | | - Doctor Heine. Ein Rigorosum im Sommer
| | 1 | C |
Caprus | | fictional | | | | | 1 | C |
Cherubino | Cherubim | fictional | | | - Le nozze di Figaro, KV492
| | 5 | C |
Jesus Christus | Heiland / Christ / Jésus | non fictional | 1. Jhdt. | | | 118557513 | 33 | J |
Jacinthe | Claudia | fictional | | | | | 1 | J |
Claudio | | fictional | | | | | 2 | C |
Clitemnestre | Klytämnestra | fictional | | | - Iphigénie en Aulide, Wq. 40
| | 1 | C |
Concini | | fictional | | | | | 1 | C |
Corentin | | fictional | | | - Dinorah ou Le pardon de Ploërmel
| | 2 | C |
Delila | | fictional | | | | 119372193 | 2 | D |
Didon | Dido | fictional | | | | | 2 | D |
Dinorah | | fictional | | | - Dinorah ou Le pardon de Ploërmel
| | 4 | D |
Don Curzio | | fictional | | | - Le nozze di Figaro, KV492
| | 2 | D |
Don Giovanni | Don Juan | fictional | | | - Il dissoluto punito ossia Il Don Giovanni, KV527
| | 19 | D |
Don John | Don Juan | fictional | | | | | 2 | D |
Roland | | fictional | | | | | 11 | R |
Boccolini, Cesare | | non fictional | 1826-1886 | | | | 3 | B |
Florestan | | fictional | | | | | 7 | F |
Leonore | Fidelio | fictional | | | | | 13 | L |
Don Pizarro | | fictional | | | | | 3 | D |
Lablache, Luigi | | non fictional | 1794-1858 | | | 116636041 | 8 | L |
Ugolino, della Gherardesca | | non fictional | 13. Jhdt. | | | 128579641 | 2 | U |
Fabbrini, Amalie | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | 116355859 | 2 | F |
Ériphile | Eriphile | fictional | | | | | 1 | É |
Iphigénie | Iphigenie / Iphigenia | fictional | | | - Iphigénie en Aulide, Wq. 40
| | 1 | I |
Iphigénie | Iphigenie / Iphigenia | fictional | | | | | 1 | I |
Oreste | Orest | fictional | | | - Iphigénie en Tauride, Wq. 46
| | 2 | O |
Patrocle | Patroklus | fictional | | | - Iphigénie en Aulide, Wq. 40
| | 1 | P |
Pylade | Pylades | fictional | | | - Iphigénie en Tauride, Wq. 46
| | 3 | P |
Stamitz, Johann | Stanitz | non fictional | 1717-1757 | | | 118752618 | 10 | S |
Rolle, Christian Friedrich | | non fictional | 1681-1751 | | | 121262847 | 10 | R |
Fioravanti, Luigi | | non fictional | 1829-1887 | | | 1052037046 | 3 | F |
Angelini, Gian Francesco | | non fictional | 1830-1915 | | | | 3 | A |
Volpini, Elisa | | non fictional | 1835-1907 | | | | 3 | V |
Pandolfini, Francesco | | non fictional | 1836-1916 | | | 1013200403 | 2 | P |
Arditi, Luigi | | non fictional | 1822-1903 | - Komponist
- Violinist
- Dirigent
| | 11631995X | 1 | A |
Aménofi | | fictional | | | - Moïse et Pharaon, ou Le passage de la Mer Rouge
| | 1 | A |
Lucia | | fictional | | | | | 9 | L |
Renato | René | fictional | | | - Un ballo in maschera, H59
| | 3 | R |
Baralti, Lucia | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | B |
Don Ottavio | | fictional | | | - Il dissoluto punito ossia Il Don Giovanni, KV527
| | 5 | D |
Graf Dorego | | fictional | | | | | 1 | G |
Cajus | | fictional | | | | | 2 | C |
Edgardo di Ravenswood | Edgar | fictional | | | | | 7 | E |
Elisabeth | | fictional | | | - Tannhäuser und der Sängerkrieg auf Wartburg, WWV70
| | 7 | E |
Elvira | | fictional | | | | | 2 | E |
Elvira | | fictional | | | | | 2 | E |
Emmeline | Emeline | fictional | | | | | 2 | E |
Eurydike | Euridice / Eurydice | fictional | | | | 119507706 | 1 | E |
Sir John Falstaff | | fictional | | | - Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor
| | 3 | S |
Bardolfo | Bardolf | fictional | | | | | 2 | B |
Faust | | fictional | | | - La damnation de Faust, H111
| | 3 | F |
Fenella | | fictional | | | | | 4 | F |
Fenton | | fictional | | | | | 2 | F |
Fidès | Fides | fictional | | | | | 11 | F |
Figaro | | fictional | | | - Le nozze di Figaro, KV492
| | 5 | F |
Ford | | fictional | | | | | 2 | F |
Fra Diavolo | | fictional | | | | | 4 | F |
Franz Waldung | Baldung | fictional | | | | | 3 | F |
Frau Fluth | | fictional | | | - Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor
| | 2 | F |
Frithjof | | fictional | | | | | 2 | F |
Gennaro | | fictional | | | | | 3 | G |
Gil Pérez | Gil-Perez | fictional | | | | | 1 | G |
Giselda | | fictional | | | - I Lombardi alla prima crociata, H40
| | 1 | G |
Conte di Almaviva | | fictional | | | - Le nozze di Figaro, KV492
| | 3 | C |
Graf Harley | | fictional | | | | | 1 | G |
Contessa di Almaviva | Gräfin Almaviva | fictional | | | - Le nozze di Figaro, KV492
| | 2 | C |
Comte d'Oberthal | Graf Oberthal | fictional | | | | | 1 | C |
Grauweiblein | | fictional | | | | | 1 | G |
Marguerite | Margarete / Margarethe / Gretchen | fictional | | | | | 18 | M |
Marguerite | Margarete / Margarethe / Gretchen | fictional | | | - La damnation de Faust, H111
| | 3 | M |
Hamlet | | fictional | | | | | 8 | H |
Harold | Harald | fictional | | | - Childe Harold's Pilgrimage
| | 1 | H |
Hektor | Hector | fictional | | | | 119291002 | 3 | H |
Nägeli, Hans Georg | | non fictional | 1773-1836 | - Komponist
- Verleger
- Musikautor
| | 11858622X | 15 | N |
Zelter, Carl Friedrich | | non fictional | 1758-1832 | - Komponist
- Dirigent
- Musiklehrer
| | 118636421 | 18 | Z |
Szymanowska, Maria | | non fictional | 1789-1831 | | | 117392359 | 10 | S |
Albrecht, Johann Wilhelm | | non fictional | 1703-1736 | | | 129761265 | 10 | A |
Pythagoras | | non fictional | ca. 570-ca. 496 v.u.Z. | | | 118597248 | 11 | P |
Caelus Aemilianus | | non fictional | ? | | | | 3 | C |
Lichtenthal, Peter | | non fictional | 1780-1853 | - Musikautor
- Mediziner
- Komponist
| | 120226510 | 10 | L |
Della Porta, Giambattista | | non fictional | 1535-1615 | | | 119054647 | 10 | D |
Webb, Daniel | | non fictional | ca. 1718-1798 | - Philosoph
- Ästhetiker
- Philologe
| | 129810819 | 10 | W |
Nicolai, Ernst Anton | Nikolai | non fictional | 1722-1802 | | | 100222838 | 10 | N |
Schneider, Peter Joseph | | non fictional | 1791-1871 | - Mediziner
- Musikautor
- Philosoph
| | 115598472 | 10 | S |
Boyle, Robert | | non fictional | 1627-1691 | | | 118659642 | 10 | B |
Kausch, Johann Joseph | | non fictional | 1751-1825 | | | 100807402 | 10 | K |
Whytt, Robert | | non fictional | 1714-1766 | | | 119350394 | 10 | W |
Valentin, Gabriel Gustav | | non fictional | 1810-1883 | | | 10404103X | 3 | V |
Wagner, Rudolf | | non fictional | 1805-1864 | | | 118628410 | 10 | W |
Carus, Carl Gustav | | non fictional | 1789-1869 | | | 118519352 | 10 | C |
Harless, Emil | Harleß | non fictional | 1820-1862 | | | 116476494 | 10 | H |
Purkyně, Jan Evangelista | Purkinje | non fictional | 1787-1869 | - Mediziner
- Anatom
- Physiologe
| | 118597159 | 10 | P |
Lotze, Hermann | | non fictional | 1817-1881 | - Philosoph
- Physiologe
- Mediziner
| | 118574574 | 11 | L |
Heinichen, Johann David | Heinchen | non fictional | 1683-1729 | | | 118709712 | 10 | H |
Böcklin von Böcklinsau, Franz Friedrich Siegmund August | | non fictional | 1745-1813 | | | 10427719X | 10 | B |
Orsino | | fictional | | | | | 10 | O |
Burgh, Allatson | | non fictional | 1769-1856 | | | | 10 | B |
Palma | unklarer Bezug | non fictional | ? | | | | 10 | P |
Alexander III., König von Makedonien | Alexander der Große | non fictional | 356-323 v.u.Z. | | | 118501828 | 11 | A |
Timotheus, Milesius | | non fictional | 4. Jhdt. v.u.Z. | | | 131769936X | 11 | T |
Antigenida | Antigenides | non fictional | 4. Jhdt. v.u.Z. | | | 11924814X | 5 | A |
Erik I. Ejegod | Ericus bonus | non fictional | ca. 1056-1103 | | | | 10 | E |
Krantz, Albert | Krantzius | non fictional | 1448-1517 | - Theologe
- Historiker
- Diplomat
| | 118777939 | 10 | K |
Hélène | Helena | fictional | | | | | 1 | H |
Herakles | Herkules | fictional | | | | 118639552 | 2 | H |
Landgraf Hermann | | fictional | | | - Tannhäuser und der Sängerkrieg auf Wartburg, WWV70
| | 3 | L |
Hero | | fictional | | | | | 2 | H |
Herr Fluth | Herr Bach | fictional | | | - Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor
| | 2 | H |
Hoël | | fictional | | | - Dinorah ou Le pardon de Ploërmel
| | 2 | H |
Horace | Horazio | fictional | | | | | 2 | H |
Graf Hugo | | fictional | | | | | 1 | G |
Ingeborg | | fictional | | | | | 2 | I |
Isabelle | Prinzessin | fictional | | | | | 2 | I |
Wilfried von Ivanhoe | | fictional | | | - Der Templer und die Jüdin, op. 60
| | 3 | W |
Wanja | Janko | fictional | | | | | 1 | W |
Jean de Leyde | Johann von Leyden / Prophet | fictional | | | | | 4 | J |
Jonas | | fictional | | | | | 2 | J |
Judas | | fictional | | | | | 2 | J |
Juliano | | fictional | | | | | 1 | J |
Julia | Julie | fictional | | | | | 2 | J |
Junker Spärlich | | fictional | | | - Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor
| | 2 | J |
Jupiter | Jovis | fictional | | | | 118558897 | 4 | J |
Käthchen von Heilbronn | | fictional | | | - Das Käthchen von Heilbronn oder Die Feuerprobe
| | 1 | K |
Calchas | Kalchas | fictional | | | | | 1 | C |
Don Sebastian | | fictional | | | - Indra, das Schlangenmädchen
| | 1 | D |
Konrad | Conrad | fictional | | | | | 2 | K |
Pamela | | fictional | | | | | 3 | P |
Lady Harriet Durham | Martha | fictional | | | - Martha oder Der Markt zu Richmond
| | 3 | L |
Laros | | fictional | | | - Das Glück von Edenhall, op. 143
| | 1 | L |
Lord Kokbourg | Lord Cockburn / Kockburn | fictional | | | | | 2 | L |
Lord Elfort | | fictional | | | | | 1 | L |
Lyonel | | fictional | | | - Martha oder Der Markt zu Richmond
| | 1 | L |
Marcel | Marcell | fictional | | | | | 2 | M |
Marcellina | Marzelline / Marzelline | fictional | | | - Le nozze di Figaro, KV492
| | 4 | M |
Vitry | | fictional | | | | | 1 | V |
Margaretha von Miroix | Margarethe | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
Mattatias | Mathatias | non fictional | 2. Jhdt. v.u.Z. | | | 1011235412 | 1 | M |
Ménélas | Menelaus | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
Méphistophélès | Mephistopheles / Mephisto | fictional | | | - La damnation de Faust, H111
| | 3 | M |
Mephistopheles | Mephisto | fictional | | | - Faust. Der Tragödie erster Theil;
- Faust. Der Tragödie zweyter Theil
| | 6 | M |
Montague | | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
Moses | Mosè | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
Nadori | | fictional | | | | | 1 | N |
Nani | | fictional | | | | | 1 | N |
Nannetta | | fictional | | | | | 2 | N |
Orfeo | Orpheus | fictional | | | | | 9 | O |
Pagano | | fictional | | | - I Lombardi alla prima crociata, H40
| | 1 | P |
Pamina | | fictional | | | | | 6 | P |
Pâquerette | Paquerette | fictional | | | | | 1 | P |
Pâris | Paris | fictional | | | | | 1 | P |
Pedell | | fictional | | | - Doctor Heine. Ein Rigorosum im Sommer
| | 1 | P |
Pistola | Pistol | fictional | | | | | 2 | P |
Oronte | | fictional | | | - I Lombardi alla prima crociata, H40
| | 1 | O |
Raimbaud | Raimbaut | fictional | | | | | 2 | R |
Raoul de Nangis | | fictional | | | | | 12 | R |
Renaud | Rinaldo | fictional | | | | | 1 | R |
Rhapsode | | fictional | | | | | 1 | R |
Robert | | fictional | | | | | 1 | R |
Roméo | Romeo | fictional | | | | | 2 | R |
Rosina | Rosine | fictional | | | | | 9 | R |
Saldorf | Seldorf | fictional | | | - Ein Feldlager in Schlesien
| | 1 | S |
Samson | | fictional | | | | | 1 | S |
Schenk | | fictional | | | - Das Glück von Edenhall, op. 143
| | 1 | S |
Siebel | | fictional | | | | | 5 | S |
Simson | Samson | fictional | | | | 118605283 | 3 | S |
Somarone | | fictional | | | - Béatrice et Bénédict, H138
| | 2 | S |
Acciano | | fictional | | | - I Lombardi alla prima crociata, H40
| | 1 | A |
Susanna | Susanne | fictional | | | - Le nozze di Figaro, KV492
| | 7 | S |
Tamino | | fictional | | | | | 4 | T |
Tannhäuser | | fictional | | | - Tannhäuser und der Sängerkrieg auf Wartburg, WWV70
| | 9 | T |
Teufel | Satan / Deibel | fictional | | | | 4059588-2 | 11 | T |
Valentin | | fictional | | | | | 4 | V |
Valentine | | fictional | | | | | 14 | V |
Venus | | fictional | | | - Tannhäuser und der Sängerkrieg auf Wartburg, WWV70
| | 2 | V |
Waldfräulein | | fictional | | | | | 1 | W |
Jozé | | fictional | | | - Indra, das Schlangenmädchen
| | 1 | J |
Zigaretta | | fictional | | | - Indra, das Schlangenmädchen
| | 1 | Z |
Wolfram von Eschinbach | Wolfram von Eschenbach | fictional | | | - Tannhäuser und der Sängerkrieg auf Wartburg, WWV70
| | 5 | W |
Zerlina | Zerline | fictional | | | - Il dissoluto punito ossia Il Don Giovanni, KV527
| | 8 | Z |
Zerline | | fictional | | | | | 2 | Z |
Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von | | non fictional | 1775-1854 | | | 118607057 | 10 | S |
Traetta, Tommaso | Traëtta | non fictional | 1727-1779 | | | 118802631 | 11 | T |
Musard, Philippe | | non fictional | 1792-1859 | | | 1146172486 | 10 | M |
Aristophanes | | non fictional | ca. 445-385 v.u.Z. | | | 118503987 | 10 | A |
Portia | Porzia | fictional | | | | | 10 | P |
Bassanio | | fictional | | | | | 10 | B |
Arnim, Bettina von | | non fictional | 1785-1859 | - Schriftstellerin
- Komponistin
| | 118504185 | 13 | A |
Reinhard, Karl Friedrich | | non fictional | 1761-1837 | - Diplomat
- Politiker
- Schriftsteller
| | 118744224 | 10 | R |
Oehlenschläger, Adam Gottlob | | non fictional | 1779-1850 | | | 119071606 | 11 | O |
Krüger, Eduard | | non fictional | 1807-1885 | | | 116559810 | 10 | K |
Hauptmann, Moritz | Hauptmann, Moriz | non fictional | 1792-1868 | | | 118709143 | 20 | H |
Grimm, Jacob | | non fictional | 1785-1863 | - Philologe
- Linguist
- Historiker
| | 118542257 | 14 | G |
Kinkel, Johanna | | non fictional | 1810-1858 | - Komponistin
- Musiklehrerin
- Schriftstellerin
| | 118562258 | 10 | K |
Egmont, Lamoraal van | | non fictional | 1522-1568 | | | 118529153 | 10 | E |
King Lear | | fictional | | | | | 11 | K |
Wilhelm Tell | | fictional | | | | 118621211 | 10 | W |
Jeanne, d'Arc | | non fictional | ca. 1412-1431 | | | 118557238 | 10 | J |
Kahlert, August | | non fictional | 1807-1864 | | | 10016806X | 10 | K |
Apollon | Apollo | fictional | | | | 118503642 | 15 | A |
Orestes | Orest | fictional | | | | 118736558 | 11 | O |
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim | | non fictional | 1729-1781 | - Schriftsteller
- Kritiker
- Journalist
| | 118572121 | 14 | L |
Laokoon | | fictional | | | | 118569651 | 11 | L |
Florian, Jean-Pierre Claris de | | non fictional | 1755-1794 | | | 118684000 | 10 | F |
Carlberg, Gotthold | | non fictional | 1838-1881 | - Musikautor
- Journalist
- Dirigent
| | 1161443592 | 1 | C |
Aphrodite | | fictional | | | | 118649809 | 10 | A |
Thorvaldsen, Bertel | Thorwaldsen | non fictional | 1770-1844 | | | 118622323 | 10 | T |
Overbeck, Friedrich | | non fictional | 1789-1869 | | | 118840266 | 10 | O |
Hus, Jan | Huß | non fictional | um 1370-1415 | | | 118554948 | 12 | H |
Zimmermann, Robert von | | non fictional | 1824-1898 | - Philosoph
- Schriftsteller
- Ästhetiker
| | 118637002 | 10 | Z |
Barth, Johann Ambrosius | | non fictional | 1760-1813 | | | 132235080 | 7 | B |
Wolf, Adam | | non fictional | 1822-1883 | | | 117458333 | 1 | W |
Faust | | fictional | | | - Faust. Der Tragödie erster Theil;
- Faust. Der Tragödie zweyter Theil
| | 12 | F |
Margarete | Margarethe / Gretchen | fictional | | | - Faust. Der Tragödie erster Theil
| | 7 | M |
Strauß, David Friedrich | | non fictional | 1808-1874 | - Schriftsteller
- Philosoph
- Theologe
| | 118619055 | 12 | S |
Lazarus, Moritz | | non fictional | 1824-1903 | | | 118570439 | 5 | L |
Helmholtz, Hermann von | Helmholz | non fictional | 1821-1894 | | | 11854893X | 13 | H |
Geibel, Emanuel | | non fictional | 1815-1884 | | | 11853811X | 19 | G |
Doempke, Gustav | | non fictional | 1853-1923 | | | 1117864669 | 1 | D |
Hostinský, Otakar | Hostinsky | non fictional | 1847-1910 | - Musikautor
- Ästhetiker
- Musikkritiker
| | 117012955 | 2 | H |
Ambros, August Wilhelm | | non fictional | 1816-1876 | - Musikautor
- Jurist
- Komponist
| | 116297506 | 6 | A |
Ehrlich, Heinrich | | non fictional | 1822-1899 | - Pianist
- Kritiker
- Musikautor
| | 116408936 | 1 | E |
Köstlin, Heinrich Adolf | | non fictional | 1846-1907 | | | 116301635 | 1 | K |
Grillparzer, Franz | | non fictional | 1791-1872 | | | 118542192 | 22 | G |
Ruggieri degli Ubaldini | Ruggiero | non fictional | ?-1295 | | | | 2 | R |
Fahrbach, Phillip | | non fictional | 1815-1885 | | | 116382740 | 1 | F |
Mosen, Julius | | non fictional | 1803-1867 | | | 118584375 | 1 | M |
Gänsbacher, Johann | | non fictional | 1778-1844 | - Komponist
- Dirigent
- Freiheitskämpfer
| | 118814044 | 1 | G |
Lukas | Lucas | fictional | | | - Die Jahreszeiten, Hob. XXI:3
| | 3 | L |
Krančević, Dragomir | Krancevic / Kranczewic / Kranczewits | non fictional | 1847-1929 | | | 1152351966 | 4 | K |
Kumenecker, Joseph | | non fictional | 1830-nach 1870 | | | 137685505 | 1 | K |
Princeps, Louis Rudolf | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | P |
Kühne, Ferdinand Gustav | | non fictional | 1806-1888 | - Schriftsteller
- Kritiker
- Journalist
| | 11872505X | 1 | K |
Ziehrer, Carl Michael | | non fictional | 1843-1922 | | | 118636812 | 1 | Z |
Hasel, Johann Emerich | | non fictional | 1828-1900 | | | 140729496 | 1 | H |
Salieri, Antonio | | non fictional | 1750-1825 | | | 118750909 | 14 | S |
Ebersdorf, Peter von | Eberstorff | non fictional | 14. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | E |
Cäcilia von Rom | | non fictional | 2. Jhdt. | | | 118666479 | 3 | C |
Fux, Johann Joseph | | non fictional | ca. 1660-1741 | - Dirigent
- Komponist
- Musikautor
| | 118694375 | 5 | F |
Caldara, Antonio | | non fictional | 1671-1736 | | | 118666584 | 4 | C |
Conti, Francesco | | non fictional | 1681-1732 | | | 100864627 | 1 | C |
Porsile, Guiseppe | Porsile, Joseph | non fictional | 1680-1750 | | | 133359409 | 1 | P |
Cassati, Pietro | | non fictional | 1684-1745 | - Komponist
- Sänger (Kastrat)
| | 1031963847 | 1 | C |
Muffat, Gottlieb | Muffat, Theophil | non fictional | 1690-1770 | | | 119149397 | 2 | M |
Don Gregorio | | fictional | | | | | 1 | D |
Abdalà | Abdallah | fictional | | | | | 1 | A |
Dorotea | Dorothea | fictional | | | | | 1 | D |
Vittoria | | fictional | | | | | 1 | V |
Emilio | | fictional | | | | | 1 | E |
Goldoni, Carlo | | non fictional | 1707-1793 | | | 118540505 | 1 | G |
Ricci, Federico | Ricci, Federigo | non fictional | 1809-1877 | | | 116504331 | 1 | R |
Ricci, Luigi | | non fictional | 1805-1859 | | | 132700107 | 1 | R |
Tadolini, Eugenia | | non fictional | 1808-1872 | | | 117195960 | 4 | T |
Cagnoni, Antonio | | non fictional | 1828-1896 | | | 12198365X | 1 | C |
De Ferrari, Serafino Amedeo | | non fictional | 1824-1885 | | | 115457305 | 1 | D |
Angelina | | fictional | | | - La Cenerentola, ossia La bontà in trionfo
| | 2 | A |
Ferretti, Jacopo | Feretti | non fictional | 1784-1852 | | | 100471196 | 1 | F |
Etienne, Charles Guillaume | | non fictional | 1777-1845 | - Librettist
- Schriftsteller
- Journalist
| | 118682482 | 1 | E |
Aschenputtel | Aschenbrödel | fictional | | | | 118958801 | 5 | A |
Gervinus, Georg Gottfried | | non fictional | 1805-1871 | - Historiker
- Politiker
- Musikautor
| | 118538918 | 12 | G |
Orpheus | | fictional | | | | 118590278 | 2 | O |
Mauro, Bartolomeo Ortensio | | non fictional | 1634-1725 | | | 130325449 | 8 | M |
Winterfeld, Carl von | | non fictional | 1784-1852 | | | 100704018 | 9 | W |
Hinrichs, Friedrich | | non fictional | 1820-1902 | | | 11689735X | 4 | H |
Boyé, Pascal | | non fictional | 1741-1794 | - Publizist
- Musikkritiker
- Komponist
| | | 9 | B |
Karoline, Königin von Großbritannien | | non fictional | 1683-1737 | | | 11887036X | 9 | K |
Lobe, Johann Christian | | non fictional | 1797-1881 | | | 117068098 | 9 | L |
Lenz, Wilhelm von | | non fictional | 1808-1883 | | | 104235012 | 10 | L |
Rudolf, Erzherzog von Österreich | Rudolph | non fictional | 1788-1831 | | | 118908138 | 12 | R |
Du Bois-Reymond, Emil Heinrich | | non fictional | 1818-1896 | | | 118527665 | 7 | D |
Paul, Jean | | non fictional | 1763-1825 | | | 118557211 | 10 | P |
Thieriot, Paul Emil | | non fictional | 1780-1831 | | | 117338370 | 9 | T |
Herbart, Johann Friedrich | | non fictional | 1776-1841 | | | 11854943X | 9 | H |
Alidoro | | fictional | | | - La Cenerentola, ossia La bontà in trionfo
| | 1 | A |
Mainvielle-Fodor, Josephine | | non fictional | 1789-1870 | | | 116689498 | 3 | M |
Mombelli, Ester | | non fictional | 1792-nach 1827 | - Sängerin (Sopran)
- Sängerin (Mezzo-Sopran)
| | | 1 | M |
Damoreau, Laure Cinthie | Cinti | non fictional | 1801-1863 | | | 116020687 | 1 | D |
Dandini | | fictional | | | - La Cenerentola, ossia La bontà in trionfo
| | 1 | D |
Don Magnifico | | fictional | | | - La Cenerentola, ossia La bontà in trionfo
| | 2 | D |
Don Ramiro | | fictional | | | - La Cenerentola, ossia La bontà in trionfo
| | 1 | D |
Carrión, Emanuel | Carrion | non fictional | 1817-1876 | | | 116459026 | 3 | C |
Zucchini, Giovanni | | non fictional | 1812-1892 | | | 1019805617 | 7 | Z |
Galli, Filippo | | non fictional | 1783-1853 | | | 1033521078 | 1 | G |
Siegstädt, Hermine von | | non fictional | 1846-1883 | | | 101964866X | 7 | S |
Scudo, Paul | | non fictional | 1806-1864 | - Musikkritiker
- Schriftsteller
- Komponist
| | 117454338 | 6 | S |
Escudier, Léon | | non fictional | 1821-1881 | - Musikautor
- Journalist
- Musikverleger
| | 116569689 | 2 | E |
Blaze, Henri | Henri Blaze de Bury | non fictional | 1813-1888 | | | 116200952 | 2 | B |
Lévy, Michel | | non fictional | 1821-1875 | | | 119014416 | 2 | L |
Castil-Blaze, François Henri Joseph | | non fictional | 1784-1857 | - Musikautor
- Kritiker
- Komponist
| | 115711449 | 3 | C |
Kaulbach, Wilhelm von | | non fictional | 1805-1874 | | | 118560751 | 2 | K |
Michelangelo, Buonarroti | Michel-Angelo | non fictional | 1475-1564 | | | 118582143 | 8 | M |
Franz I., König von Frankreich | | non fictional | 1494-1547 | | | 118534947 | 1 | F |
Vogler, Georg Joseph | | non fictional | 1749-1814 | - Musikautor
- Organist
- Komponist
| | 118627546 | 4 | V |
Malibran, Maria | | non fictional | 1808-1836 | - Sängerin (Mezzo-Sopran)
- Sängerin (Sopran)
| | 118781421 | 5 | M |
Lucca, Pauline | | non fictional | 1841-1908 | | | 116458658 | 11 | L |
Cornelius, Peter von | | non fictional | 1783-1867 | | | 118676903 | 1 | C |
Rochlitz, Friedrich | | non fictional | 1769-1842 | | | 118601644 | 7 | R |
Josef II., Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reichs | Joseph | non fictional | 1741-1790 | | | 118558404 | 13 | J |
Bonno, Guiseppe | | non fictional | 1711-1788 | | | 12371348X | 3 | B |
Spitta, Philipp | | non fictional | 1841-1894 | | | 118890883 | 11 | S |
Tayer, Alexander Wheelock | | non fictional | 1817-1897 | | | 117300403 | 5 | T |
Esterházy de Galántha, Nikolaus Joseph | Eszterhazy | non fictional | 1714-1790 | | | 118931474 | 4 | E |
Wranitzky, Paul | | non fictional | 1756-1808 | - Violinist
- Dirigent
- Komponist
| | 11742692X | 1 | W |
Kuefstein, Johann Ferdinand von | | non fictional | 1752-1818 | | | 131534912 | 1 | K |
Thalberg, Sigismund | | non fictional | 1812-1871 | | | 11729781X | 8 | T |
Lysiart | | fictional | | | | | 2 | L |
Eglantine von Puiset | Eglantin | fictional | | | | | 3 | E |
Friedrich von Telramund | | fictional | | | | | 1 | F |
Ortrud | | fictional | | | | | 2 | O |
Heinrich der Vogler | | fictional | | | | | 1 | H |
Taglioni, Paul | | non fictional | 1808-1884 | | | 117197459 | 4 | T |
König Ludwig VI. | | fictional | | | | | 2 | K |
Weber, Max Maria von | | non fictional | 1822-1881 | - Eisenbahndirektor
- Beamter
- Schriftsteller
| | 119429829 | 7 | W |
Barbaja, Domenico | | non fictional | 1778-1841 | | | 116050438 | 8 | B |
Euryanthe von Savoyen | | fictional | | | | | 3 | E |
Emma | | fictional | | | | | 2 | E |
Udo | | fictional | | | | | 2 | U |
Terpsichore | | fictional | | | | 124538584 | 1 | T |
Flick | | fictional | | | - Die Abenteuer von Flick und Flock
| | 1 | F |
Flock | | fictional | | | - Die Abenteuer von Flick und Flock
| | 1 | F |
Mynheer van der Straaten | | fictional | | | - Die Abenteuer von Flick und Flock
| | 1 | M |
Gutzkow, Karl | | non fictional | 1811-1878 | | | 118543830 | 4 | G |
König der Gnomen | Gnomenkönig | fictional | | | - Die Abenteuer von Flick und Flock
| | 1 | K |
Topase | Topaze | fictional | | | - Die Abenteuer von Flick und Flock
| | 1 | T |
van Bett | | fictional | | | - Die Abenteuer von Flick und Flock
| | 1 | v |
Genius der Wahrheit | Göttin der Wahrheit | fictional | | | - Die Abenteuer von Flick und Flock
| | 1 | G |
Unterseeischer Beamter | See-Polizei-Commissär | fictional | | | - Die Abenteuer von Flick und Flock
| | 1 | U |
Amphitrite | Amphytrite | fictional | | | - Die Abenteuer von Flick und Flock
| | 1 | A |
Telle, Johanna | | non fictional | 1828-1906 | | | 1041355491 | 1 | T |
Klesheim, Anton von | | non fictional | 1812-1884 | - Schriftsteller
- Schauspieler
| | 116223057 | 1 | K |
Martha | | fictional | | | - Die Abenteuer von Flick und Flock
| | 1 | M |
Nella | | fictional | | | - Die Abenteuer von Flick und Flock
| | 1 | N |
Leander | | fictional | | | | 118811169 | 2 | L |
Hero | | fictional | | | | 118811169 | 2 | H |
Grisi, Giulia | | non fictional | 1811-1869 | | | 116855835 | 7 | G |
Mario, Giovanni | | non fictional | 1810-1883 | | | 119350971 | 2 | M |
Molière | | non fictional | 1622-1673 | | | 11858331X | 11 | M |
Hertel, Peter Ludwig | | non fictional | 1817-1899 | | | 116752734 | 1 | H |
Price, Julius | | non fictional | 1833-1893 | | | 1026723124 | 5 | P |
Mignon | | fictional | | | | | 4 | M |
Erlkönig | | fictional | | | | | 1 | E |
Stadelmayer, Anna | | non fictional | 1833-1931 | | | 1330453085 | 5 | S |
Schläger, Hedwig | Schräger | non fictional | 1853-1907 | | | | 1 | S |
Elßler, Fanny | Elsler | non fictional | 1810-1884 | | | 118688863 | 3 | E |
Karl V., Kaiser des Heiliges Römisches Reichs | | non fictional | 1500-1558 | | | 118560093 | 2 | K |
Ortigue, Joseph d' | d'Ortigues | non fictional | 1802-1866 | | | 119499819 | 2 | O |
Hell, Theodor | | non fictional | 1775-1856 | - Schriftsteller
- Übersetzer
- Journalist
| | 118633716 | 1 | H |
Langert, August | | non fictional | 1836-1920 | | | 116721626 | 2 | L |
Ella | | fictional | | | | | 1 | E |
Gisella | | fictional | | | | | 1 | G |
Elfried | | fictional | | | | | 1 | E |
Alter Sänger | | fictional | | | | | 1 | A |
Nordischer König | | fictional | | | | | 1 | N |
Scarlatti, Alessandro | | non fictional | 1660-1725 | | | 118605976 | 13 | S |
Joseph Maria Friedrich Wilhelm, Prinz von Sachsen-Hildburghausen | | non fictional | 1702-1787 | | | 10107333X | 2 | J |
Auersperg, Vinzenz Karl von | | non fictional | 1812-1867 | | | 116377631 | 1 | A |
Dittersdorf, Karl Ditters von | | non fictional | 1739-1799 | | | 118679856 | 8 | D |
Morzin, Karl Joseph Franz | | non fictional | 1717-1783 | | | 1037995562 | 1 | M |
Razumovskij, Andrej K. | Rasumowski / Rasumowsky | non fictional | 1752-1836 | | | 130200875 | 4 | R |
Aeschylus | Aischylus / Aeschylos | non fictional | 525-456 v.u.Z. | | | 118500856 | 2 | A |
Purcell, Henry | | non fictional | 1659-1695 | | | 118742973 | 1 | P |
Suppé, Franz von | | non fictional | 1819-1895 | | | 118757873 | 5 | S |
Saint-Léon, Arthur | | non fictional | 1821-1870 | - Tänzer
- Choreograph
- Violinist
| | 116760354 | 1 | S |
Massé, Victor | | non fictional | 1822-1884 | | | 116835737 | 3 | M |
Kreutzer, Conradin | | non fictional | 1780-1849 | | | 11871600X | 12 | K |
Hager, Johannes | Hasslinger-Hassingen, Johann von | non fictional | 1822-1898 | | | 116515937 | 4 | H |
Balfe, Michael W. | | non fictional | 1808-1870 | - Komponist
- Sänger (Bariton)
| | 115829253 | 1 | B |
Birch-Pfeiffer, Charlotte | | non fictional | 1800-1868 | - Schauspielerin
- Schriftstellerin
- Theaterdirektor
| | 118658875 | 3 | B |
Ernst II., Herzog von Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha | | non fictional | 1818-1893 | - Adeliger
- Offizier
- Komponist
| | 118685279 | 5 | E |
Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich | | non fictional | 1746-1827 | | | 118592912 | 1 | P |
Maier, Julius Jospeh | Mayer | non fictional | 1821-1889 | - Jurist
- Musikautor
- Bibliothekar
| | 116687991 | 1 | M |
István I., König von Ungarn | König Stephan I. | non fictional | ca. 970-1038 | | | 11861777X | 1 | I |
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da | Palästrina | non fictional | ca. 1525-1594 | | | 118818686 | 16 | P |
Cimarosa, Domenico | | non fictional | 1749-1801 | | | 118887254 | 9 | C |
Paisiello, Giovanni | Païsiello / Paesiello / Paësiello | non fictional | 1740-1816 | | | 119010097 | 11 | P |
Stendhal | Henri Beyle | non fictional | 1783-1842 | | | 118617648 | 5 | S |
Pasta, Giuditta | | non fictional | 1797-1865 | | | 119515164 | 5 | P |
Braun, Peter von | | non fictional | 1758-1819 | - Unternehmer
- Theaterdirektor
| | 13871200X | 2 | B |
Grassalkovich de Gyarak, Antal III. | Grassalkowitz | non fictional | 1771-1841 | | | 116823429 | 1 | G |
Mayseder, Joseph | | non fictional | 1789-1863 | | | 120220644 | 5 | M |
Czartoryski, Konstanty Adam | | non fictional | 1773-1860 | - Offizier
- Politiker
- Kunstsammler
| | 1060272636 | 1 | C |
Gyrowetz, Adalbert | | non fictional | 1763-1850 | | | 119186322 | 12 | G |
Fünfkirchen, Johann Franz von | | non fictional | 1709-1782 | | | | 1 | F |
Sporck, Franz Anton von | Spork | non fictional | 1662-1738 | | | 118616382 | 2 | S |
Karl Eugen, Herzog von Württemberg | Würtemberg | non fictional | 1728-1793 | | | 118560158 | 1 | K |
Patachich, Ádám | | non fictional | 1717-1784 | | | 130318817 | 2 | P |
Schuppanzigh, Ignaz | | non fictional | 1776-1830 | - Violinist
- Dirigent
- Musiklehrer
| | 103946292 | 6 | S |
Linke, Joseph | | non fictional | 1783-1837 | | | 1019529873 | 2 | L |
Weiß, Franz | | non fictional | 1778-1830 | | | 11728937X | 1 | W |
Moscheles, Ignaz | | non fictional | 1794-1870 | | | 118785028 | 10 | M |
Tomaschek, Wenzel Johann | Tomaczek | non fictional | 1774-1850 | | | 119010003 | 6 | T |
Buquoy, Georg von | Bouquoi | non fictional | 1781-1851 | | | 117160636 | 1 | B |
Schaffgotsch, Philipp Gotthard von | | non fictional | 1716-1795 | | | 104243244 | 2 | S |
Dietrichstein, Karl Maximilian von | | non fictional | 1702-1784 | | | | 1 | D |
Tost, Johann | | non fictional | 1755-1831 | | | 1046147994 | 1 | T |
Podesta Gregorio | Don Gregorio | fictional | | | - Ein Trauerspiel in Sizilien
| | 1 | P |
Leopold II., Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reichs | | non fictional | 1747-1792 | | | 118571877 | 6 | L |
Montaubry, Achille Félix | | non fictional | 1826-1898 | | | 1068775157 | 3 | M |
Weber, Bedřich Diviš | Weber, Dionys | non fictional | 1766-1842 | | | 117158755 | 1 | W |
Bériot, Charles-Auguste de | | non fictional | 1802-1870 | - Violinist
- Musiklehrer
- Komponist
| | 11613481X | 3 | B |
Gossec, François-Joseph | | non fictional | 1734-1829 | | | 118963147 | 2 | G |
David, Félicien | David, Felicien | non fictional | 1810-1876 | | | 118836358 | 8 | D |
Tantalus | | fictional | | | | 119155060 | 1 | T |
Walcker, Eberhard Friedrich | Walker | non fictional | 1794-1872 | | | 119262347 | 2 | W |
Schulhoff, Julius | | non fictional | 1825-1898 | - Pianist
- Musiklehrer
- Komponist
| | 117169781 | 4 | S |
Puccini, Giacomo | | non fictional | 1858-1924 | | | 118596942 | 4 | P |
Mahler, Gustav | | non fictional | 1860-1911 | - Dirigent
- Komponist
- Theaterdirektor
| | 118576291 | 33 | M |
Leoncavallo, Ruggiero | | non fictional | 1857-1919 | | | 118779559 | 9 | L |
Jahn, Wilhelm | | non fictional | 1835-1900 | | | 117065641 | 30 | J |
Naval, Franz | | non fictional | 1865-1939 | | | 116266945 | 12 | N |
Saville, Frances | Saville, Francès | non fictional | Saville, Frances | | | 117022187 | 5 | S |
Charpentier, Gustave | | non fictional | 1860-1956 | | | 118669109 | 1 | C |
Nedbal, Oskar | | non fictional | 1874-1930 | | | 118820621 | 4 | N |
Marcello | Marcell | fictional | | | | | 2 | M |
Rodolfo | Rudolf / Rudolph | fictional | | | | | 3 | R |
Schaunard | | fictional | | | | | 2 | S |
Benoît | Bernard | fictional | | | | | 2 | B |
Mimì | Mimi | fictional | | | | | 3 | M |
Musetta | Musette | fictional | | | | | 3 | M |
Colline | Collin | fictional | | | | | 2 | C |
Murger, Henri | | non fictional | 1822-1861 | | | 118785400 | 4 | M |
Mascagni, Pietro | | non fictional | 1863-1945 | | | 118782428 | 24 | M |
Gutheil-Schoder, Marie | | non fictional | 1874-1935 | - Sängerin (Sopran)
- Sängerin (Mezzo-Sopran)
| | 116932449 | 6 | G |
Kurz, Selma | | non fictional | 1874-1933 | | | 118568280 | 3 | K |
Ferrand, Humbert | | non fictional | 1800-1868 | | | 143112953 | 1 | F |
Chateaubriand, François-René de | | non fictional | 1768-1848 | - Schriftsteller
- Politiker
- Diplomat
| | 118520237 | 1 | C |
Heinrich IV., König von Frankreich | Henri | non fictional | 1553-1610 | | | 118548174 | 3 | H |
Reicha, Anton | Reicher | non fictional | 1770-1836 | - Komponist
- Musikautor
- Musiklehrer
| | 118931482 | 2 | R |
Berlioz-Smithson, Harriet | | non fictional | 1800-1854 | | | 11613626X | 2 | B |
Ophelia | Ophelie | fictional | | | | | 1 | O |
Paganini, Niccolò | | non fictional | 1782-1840 | | | 118591177 | 12 | P |
Griepenkerl, Wolfgang Robert | | non fictional | 1810-1868 | | | 118542141 | 1 | G |
Berlioz, Marie | Rezio, Mariquita | non fictional | 1814-1862 | | | 1096361728 | 1 | B |
Berlioz, Louis | | non fictional | 1834-1867 | | | 1076853692 | 1 | B |
Klindworth, Karl | | non fictional | 1830-1916 | - Pianist
- Dirigent
- Musiklehrer
| | 116228660 | 2 | K |
Čajkovskij, Pëtr Ilʹič | Tschaikowsky / Tschaikowski | non fictional | 1840-1893 | | | 118638157 | 26 | Č |
Auer, Leopold von | | non fictional | 1845-1930 | - Violinist
- Musiklehrer
- Komponist
| | 118995022 | 3 | A |
Schreker, Franz | Schrecker | non fictional | 1878-1934 | - Komponist
- Dirigent
- Musiklehrer
| | 118610740 | 2 | S |
Fuchs, Robert | | non fictional | 1847-1927 | | | 119271559 | 10 | F |
Scheffel, Joseph Victor von | | non fictional | 1826-1886 | | | 118606832 | 6 | S |
Abert, Johann Joseph | | non fictional | 1832-1915 | | | 118877895 | 3 | A |
Jaffé, Moritz | | non fictional | 1834-1925 | | | 1072506769 | 1 | J |
Korngold, Julius | | non fictional | 1860-1945 | - Musikkritiker
- Musikautor
- Librettist
| | 119060094 | 1 | K |
Peter II., Kaiser von Brasilien | | non fictional | 1825-1891 | | | 119446383 | 1 | P |
Uhl, Friedrich | | non fictional | 1825-1906 | | | 117268054 | 2 | U |
Tristan | | fictional | | | - Tristan und Isolde, WWV90
| | 12 | T |
Ludwig II., König von Bayern | | non fictional | 1845-1886 | | | 118574892 | 11 | L |
Pohl, Richard | | non fictional | 1826-1896 | | | 116260564 | 6 | P |
Jauner, Franz von | | non fictional | 1831-1900 | - Schauspieler
- Theaterdirektor
| | 118776045 | 4 | J |
Vogl, Therese | | non fictional | 1845-1921 | | | 11862752X | 2 | V |
Vogl, Heinrich | | non fictional | 1845-1900 | | | 118627503 | 2 | V |
Friedrich Materna, Amalie | Friedrich-Materna | non fictional | 1844-1918 | | | 116824174 | 12 | F |
Fontane, Theodor | | non fictional | 1819-1898 | | | 118534262 | 1 | F |
Grädener, Hermann | Graedener | non fictional | 1844-1929 | - Komponist
- Musiklehrer
- Dirigent
| | 116808268 | 7 | G |
Strauss, Richard | Strauß | non fictional | 1864-1949 | | | 11861911X | 22 | S |
Huber, Hans | | non fictional | 1852-1921 | - Komponist
- Pianist
- Musiklehrer
| | 118707469 | 2 | H |
Schalk, Franz | | non fictional | 1863-1931 | - Violinist
- Dirigent
- Theaterdirektor
| | 118606360 | 2 | S |
Matthisson, Friedrich von | Matthison / Mathisson | non fictional | 1761-1831 | | | 118731890 | 2 | M |
Lhévinne, Josef | Lhévinne, Joseph | non fictional | 1874-1944 | | | 124379923 | 1 | L |
Bricht-Pyllemann, Agnes | | non fictional | 1870-1950 | | | 130123234 | 3 | B |
Grieg, Edvard | Grieg, Edward | non fictional | 1843-1907 | | | 118697641 | 16 | G |
Anna | | fictional | | | | | 1 | A |
Hans Heiling | | fictional | | | | | 9 | H |
Hauk, Minnie | Hauck | non fictional | 1851-1929 | - Sängerin (Sopran)
- Schauspielerin
| | 116527188 | 5 | H |
Königin der Erdgeister | Gnomenkönigin | fictional | | | | | 1 | K |
Reichmann, Theodor | | non fictional | 1849-1903 | | | 116402822 | 12 | R |
Bruder Tuck | | fictional | | | - Der Templer und die Jüdin, op. 60
| | 2 | B |
Rebecca | Rebekka | fictional | | | - Der Templer und die Jüdin, op. 60
| | 3 | R |
Brian de Bois Guilbert | | fictional | | | - Der Templer und die Jüdin, op. 60
| | 2 | B |
Brandt-Forster, Ellen | | non fictional | 1866-1921 | | | 116404086 | 21 | B |
Sedlmaier, Sophie | Sedlmair | non fictional | 1857-1939 | | | 117469181 | 4 | S |
Kaulich, Luise | | non fictional | 1855-1939 | | | 130208450 | 16 | K |
Schittenhelm, Anton | | non fictional | 1849-1923 | | | 117278157 | 22 | S |
Felix, Benedikt | | non fictional | 1860-1912 | | | 1011346265 | 18 | F |
Wolfrum, Philipp | | non fictional | 1854-1919 | - Komponist
- Dirigent
- Musikautor
| | 11863495X | 2 | W |
Bagge, Selmar | | non fictional | 1823-1896 | | | 116039191 | 3 | B |
Franck, Eduard | Frank | non fictional | 1817-1893 | | | 119138131 | 2 | F |
Ullman, Bernard | Ullmann | non fictional | 1817-1885 | | | 1027244084 | 7 | U |
Kalbeck, Max | | non fictional | 1850-1921 | - Musikautor
- Schriftsteller
- Librettist
| | 11603498X | 18 | K |
Gumbert, Ferdinand | | non fictional | 1818-1896 | - Komponist
- Gesangslehrer
- Musikautor
| | | 3 | G |
Feuerbach, Anselm | | non fictional | 1829-1880 | | | 118532731 | 2 | F |
Klinger, Max | | non fictional | 1857-1920 | | | 118563335 | 4 | K |
Löwe, Ferdinand | Loewe | non fictional | 1863-1925 | | | 119273853 | 8 | L |
Perger, Richard von | | non fictional | 1854-1911 | - Dirigent
- Komponist
- Musikautor
| | 116079150 | 20 | P |
Tietjens, Therese | | non fictional | 1831-1877 | | | 117381543 | 3 | T |
Csillag, Rosa | Czillagh | non fictional | 1832-1892 | - Sängerin (Mezzo-Sopran)
- Sängerin (Sopran)
- Tänzerin
| | 116750820 | 4 | C |
Bertha | | fictional | | | | | 2 | B |
Joachim, Amalie | Weiß, Amalie | non fictional | 1839-1899 | | | 117139947 | 5 | J |
Sucher, Rosa | | non fictional | 1849-1927 | | | 116515112 | 1 | S |
Sommer, Kurt Christoph Gottfried | | non fictional | 1866-1921 | | | 117477214 | 1 | S |
Schütze, Stephan | | non fictional | 1771-1839 | | | 119244616 | 1 | S |
Bahr-Mildenburg, Anna | | non fictional | 1872-1947 | - Sängerin (Sopran)
- Regisseurin
| | 118646370 | 4 | B |
Demuth, Leopold | | non fictional | 1861-1910 | | | 116070323 | 8 | D |
Foerster-Lauterer, Berta | Förster-Lauterer | non fictional | 1869-1936 | | | 116643250 | 2 | F |
Rudolph | | fictional | | | | | 1 | R |
Preuss, Arthur | Preuß | non fictional | 1878-1944 | - Sänger (Tenor)
- Musiklehrer
- Komponist
| | 124630472 | 2 | P |
Kittel, Hermine | | non fictional | 1879-1948 | - Sängerin (Alt)
- Schauspielerin
| | 116194294 | 2 | K |
Brüll, Ignaz | | non fictional | 1846-1907 | | | 118660284 | 18 | B |
Litzmann, Berthold | | non fictional | 1857-1926 | | | 117066478 | 1 | L |
Widmann, Joseph Viktor | Widmann, Josef Victor | non fictional | 1842-1911 | - Schriftsteller
- Librettist
- Journalist
| | 118632302 | 8 | W |
Schumann, Marie | | non fictional | 1841-1929 | | | 117303259 | 5 | S |
Schumann, Eugenie | | non fictional | 1851-1938 | | | 119287943 | 3 | S |
Berlioz, Louis V. Joseph | | non fictional | 1776-1848 | | | 1157760783 | 1 | B |
Enderes, Karl | | non fictional | 1788-1860 | | | 1244799866 | 1 | E |
Kohler, Rosa | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | K |
Ferni, Carolina | | non fictional | 1839-1926 | - Sängerin (Sopran)
- Violinistin
| | | 1 | F |
Maillart, Louis Aimé | Maillard | non fictional | 1817-1871 | | | 101379552 | 4 | M |
Klang, Marie | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | K |
Neumann, Emilie | Lukas / Lucas | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | N |
Aristoteles | | non fictional | 384-322 v.u.Z. | | | 118650130 | 10 | A |
Vinci, Leonardo da | | non fictional | 1452-1519 | | | 118640445 | 1 | V |
Siposs, Antal | Sipos | non fictional | 1839-1923 | - Komponist
- Pianist
- Musiklehrer
| | 1068484756 | 1 | S |
Docteur Faust | | fictional | | | | | 9 | D |
Zoloé | Zoloë / Bayadère / Bajadere | fictional | | | - Le dieu et la bayadère, ou La courtisane amoureuse
| | 3 | Z |
Bismarck, Otto von | | non fictional | 1815-1898 | | | 11851136X | 5 | B |
Schubert, Franz Theodor | | non fictional | 1763-1830 | | | 1014515483 | 2 | S |
Capulet | | fictional | | | | | 1 | C |
Mose | Moses | fictional | | | | 118641190 | 2 | M |
Esterházy de Galántha, János Károly | Eszterhazy | non fictional | 1775-1834 | | | | 2 | E |
Edlbacher, ? | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | E |
Prihoda, Joh. | Przihoda | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 2 | P |
Loewe, Carl | Löwe, Karl / Curt | non fictional | 1796-1869 | | | 118573934 | 19 | L |
Nikolaus von Myra | Nicolo / Niclas | non fictional | 3./4. Jhdt. | | | 12918814X | 2 | N |
Förchtgott, Ernst | Fürchtgott | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 4 | F |
Schiele, R. | | non fictional | ca. 1816-1849 | | | | 1 | S |
Lohengrin | | fictional | | | | | 5 | L |
Duca di Mantova | Herzog von Mantua | fictional | | | | | 1 | D |
Ferni, Virginia | | non fictional | 1837-1926 | | | | 1 | F |
Aljabʹev, Aleksandr Aleksandrovič | Alabieff | non fictional | 1787-1851 | | | 119162962 | 1 | A |
Franz Joseph I., Kaiser von Österreich | | non fictional | 1830-1916 | | | 118535013 | 11 | F |
Yorick | | fictional | | | - A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy
| | 1 | Y |
Benjamin | | fictional | | | | | 2 | B |
Crillon, Louis des Balbes de Berton de | | non fictional | 1541-1615 | | | | 2 | C |
Luise, Großherzogin von Baden | | non fictional | 1838-1923 | | | 118729667 | 1 | L |
Schnorr von Carolsfeld, Ludwig | Schott | non fictional | 1836-1865 | | | 119210916 | 2 | S |
Robert | Robert der Teufel | fictional | | | | | 6 | R |
Lord Ruthwen | | fictional | | | | | 3 | L |
Lueger, Karl | | non fictional | 1844-1910 | | | 118729578 | 1 | L |
Klein, Regine | | non fictional | 1857-1939 | | | 130209953 | 2 | K |
Slezak, Leo | | non fictional | 1873-1946 | - Sänger (Tenor)
- Schauspieler
- Schriftsteller
| | 118614959 | 2 | S |
Mayr, Richard | Mayer | non fictional | 1877-1935 | | | 124142095 | 2 | M |
Pachta von Rayhofen, Johann Josef Philipp | | non fictional | 1723-1822 | | | 102490735X | 2 | P |
Barbôt, Caroline | Barbôt, Karoline | non fictional | 1830-1875 | | | 138168253 | 1 | B |
Peters Michaeloff | Petroff, Peter / Peter der Große von Russland | fictional | | | | | 2 | P |
Papageno | | fictional | | | | | 3 | P |
Strauss senior, Johann | Strauß | non fictional | 1804-1849 | | | 118619098 | 9 | S |
Darwin, Charles | Darvin | non fictional | 1809-1882 | - Wissenschaftler
- Biologe
- Geologe
| | 118523813 | 1 | D |
Wasielewski, Wilhelm Joseph von | Wasielewsky | non fictional | 1822-1896 | - Violinist
- Dirigent
- Journalist
| | 115359885 | 4 | W |
Wieck, Friedrich | | non fictional | 1785-1873 | - Musiklehrer
- Musikhändler
- Musikautor
| | 118767755 | 2 | W |
Graf, Conrad | | non fictional | 1782-1851 | | | 13606244X | 2 | G |
Pleyel, Camilla | | non fictional | 1811-1875 | - Pianistin
- Komponistin
- Musiklehrerin
| | 116245247 | 1 | P |
Cramer, Johann Baptist | | non fictional | 1771-1858 | | | 119175606 | 2 | C |
Franchomme, Auguste | | non fictional | 1808-1884 | | | 11669386X | 1 | F |
Osborne, George Alexander | | non fictional | 1806-1893 | | | | 1 | O |
Baillot, Pierre Marie François de Sales | | non fictional | 1771-1842 | - Violinist
- Musiklehrer
- Komponist
| | 116040505 | 2 | B |
Paër, Ferdinando | Paër, Ferdinand | non fictional | 1771-1839 | - Komponist
- Musikautor
- Musiklehrer
| | 100001718 | 5 | P |
Kalkbrenner, Friedrich | | non fictional | 1785-1849 | | | 118559559 | 2 | K |
Batta, Alexandre | Batta, Alexander | non fictional | 1816-1902 | | | 11608166X | 1 | B |
Dreyschock, Alexander | | non fictional | 1818-1869 | | | 116222743 | 5 | D |
Kolowrat-Liebsteinsky, Franz Anton von | | non fictional | 1778-1861 | | | 116330422 | 1 | K |
Ferdinand I., Kaiser von Österreich | | non fictional | 1793-1875 | | | 118686747 | 4 | F |
Vesque von Püttlingen, Johann | J. Hoven | non fictional | 1803-1883 | - Komponist
- Schriftsteller
- Beamter
| | 117395684 | 4 | V |
Fischhof, Joseph | | non fictional | 1804-1857 | - Musiklehrer
- Komponist
- Musikautor
| | 116584645 | 5 | F |
Frankl, Ludwig August | | non fictional | 1810-1894 | - Mediziner
- Journalist
- Schriftsteller
| | 116718234 | 2 | F |
François | Franz | fictional | | | | | 1 | F |
Sauer, Julia von | | non fictional | 18./19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | S |
Swieten, Gottfried van | Svieten | non fictional | 1733-1803 | | | 118620185 | 4 | S |
Ferdinand Karl, Erzherzog von Österreich | | non fictional | 1754-1806 | | | 124794815 | 1 | F |
Leopold I., Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reichs | | non fictional | 1640-1705 | | | 118571869 | 5 | L |
Karl VI., Kaiser des Heiliges Römisches Reichs | | non fictional | 1685-1740 | | | 118560107 | 5 | K |
Franz II., Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reichs | Franz I., Kaiser von Österreich | non fictional | 1768-1835 | | | 118534955 | 7 | F |
Marie Therese, Kaiserin von Österreich | Maria Theresia von Neapel | non fictional | 1772-1807 | | | 128881534 | 2 | M |
Kutschera, Johann Nepomuk von | | non fictional | 1766-1832 | | | 1017735883 | 1 | K |
Eybler, Joseph von | | non fictional | 1765-1846 | | | 118531522 | 1 | E |
Wrbna, Rudolph von | | non fictional | 1761-1823 | | | 130237264 | 1 | W |
Schwarzenberg, Joseph II Fürst | | non fictional | 1769-1833 | | | 139578161 | 1 | S |
Fries, Moritz von | | non fictional | 1777-1826 | | | 13213571X | 1 | F |
Lobkowitz, Joseph Franz Maximilian Ferdinand von | | non fictional | 1772-1816 | | | 130627011 | 4 | L |
Kinsky, Franz Ferdinand Fürst | | non fictional | 1738-1806 | | | 1074963326 | 2 | K |
Alois I., Fürst von Liechtenstein | | non fictional | 1759-1805 | | | 129115460 | 1 | A |
Lichnowsky, Karl von | | non fictional | 1761-1814 | | | 136671586 | 1 | L |
Harrach, Johann Ernst von | | non fictional | 1756-1829 | | | 137123167 | 1 | H |
Spielmann, Anton Freiherr von | | non fictional | 1738-1813 | | | 100243053 | 1 | S |
Marschall, Friedrich Ernst von | | non fictional | 1748-1832 | | | 116791292 | 1 | M |
Thun, Maria Wilhelmine von | | non fictional | 1744-1800 | | | 1046110330 | 1 | T |
Hatzfeld, August von | | non fictional | 1754/56-1787 | | | 134129423 | 1 | H |
Golicyn, Dmitrij | Galitzyn | non fictional | 1721-1793 | | | 116357878 | 1 | G |
Zichy, Károly | | non fictional | 1753-1826 | | | 131377574 | 1 | Z |
Apponyi, Anton von | | non fictional | 1751-1817 | | | 116316608 | 1 | A |
Batthyány, Imre von | Batthyany | non fictional | 1791-1874 | | | | 1 | B |
Starzer, Josef | Starzer, Joseph | non fictional | 1728-1787 | | | 122505824 | 1 | S |
Brunswik von Korompa, Franz | Brunswick | non fictional | 1777-1849 | | | 135654823 | 1 | B |
Ries, Ferdinand | | non fictional | 1784-1838 | | | 118600966 | 3 | R |
Dietrichstein, Moritz von | | non fictional | 1775-1864 | - Bibliothekar
- Mäzen
- Komponist
| | 116113669 | 2 | D |
Bonifacius | | fictional | | | - Leben und Tod der heiligen Genoveva
| | 1 | B |
Patti, Carlotta | | non fictional | 1835-1889 | | | 116059133 | 8 | P |
Sappho | | fictional | | | | | 3 | S |
Kalidasa | | non fictional | 4./5. Jhdt. | | | 118559516 | 1 | K |
Schmitt, Alois | | non fictional | 1827-1902 | | | 116799633 | 2 | S |
Engel Gabriel | | fictional | | | - Ein Weihnachtsmysterium, op. 31
| | 1 | E |
Maria | | fictional | | | - Ein Weihnachtsmysterium, op. 31
| | 1 | M |
Joseph | | fictional | | | - Ein Weihnachtsmysterium, op. 31
| | 1 | J |
Evangelist und Erzähler | | fictional | | | - Ein Weihnachtsmysterium, op. 31
| | 1 | E |
Rückbeil-Hiller, Emma | Ruckbeil-Hiller | non fictional | 19. / 20. Jhdt. | | | 116673036 | 1 | R |
Pinks, Emil | | non fictional | 1866-1933 | | | 116188596 | 1 | P |
Puškin, Aleksandr Sergeevič | Puschkin | non fictional | 1799-1837 | | | 118641816 | 3 | P |
Günzburg, Marie | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt | | | | 1 | G |
Fournier, Virginie | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | 130148741 | 1 | F |
Gogolʹ, Nikolaj Vasilʹevič | | non fictional | 1809-1852 | | | 118540424 | 2 | G |
Lažečnikov, Ivan Ivanovič | Lagetschnikow / Lajetschnikow | non fictional | 1792-1869 | | | 119208261 | 2 | L |
Dargomyžskij, Aleksandr S. | Dargomijski | non fictional | 1813-1869 | | | 116027584 | 2 | D |
Musorgskij, Modest Petrovič | Mussorgsky | non fictional | 1839-1881 | | | 118641255 | 2 | M |
Faust | | fictional | | | | | 1 | F |
Mephistofeles | Mephisto | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
German | Hermann | fictional | | | | | 1 | G |
Gräfin | | fictional | | | | | 1 | G |
Liza | Lisa | fictional | | | | | 1 | L |
Gräfin | | fictional | | | | | 1 | G |
German | Hermann | fictional | | | | | 1 | G |
Liza | Lisa | fictional | | | | | 1 | L |
Eleckij | Jelezky | fictional | | | | | 1 | E |
Čajkovskij, Modest I. | | non fictional | 1850-1916 | - Schriftsteller
- Librettist
- Übersetzer
| | 116430796 | 1 | Č |
Tomskij | Tomsky | fictional | | | | | 1 | T |
Mantler, Ludwig | | non fictional | 1861--1936 | - Sänger (Bassist)
- Schauspieler
| | 116736356 | 1 | M |
Weidt, Lucy | | non fictional | 1876-1940 | | | 117241067 | 1 | W |
Petru, Josie | | non fictional | 1876-1907 | | | | 1 | P |
Schmedes, Erik | | non fictional | 1868-1931 | | | 117455784 | 5 | S |
Grimm, Julius Otto | | non fictional | 1827-1903 | | | 116843217 | 3 | G |
Eichendorff, Joseph von | | non fictional | 1788-1857 | - Schriftsteller
- Übersetzer
- Historiker
| | 118529390 | 3 | E |
Schläger, Hans | | non fictional | 1820-1885 | | | 117280224 | 1 | S |
Viclinda | | fictional | | | - I Lombardi alla prima crociata, H40
| | 1 | V |
Dumba, Nicolaus | Dumba, Nikolaus / Nikolas | non fictional | 1830-1900 | - Unternehmer
- Politiker
- Mäzen
| | 11881740X | 11 | D |
Sofia | | fictional | | | - I Lombardi alla prima crociata, H40
| | 1 | S |
Bachrich, Siegmund | | non fictional | 1841-1913 | | | 130103101 | 4 | B |
Orsi, Romeo | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | 1154949362 | 1 | O |
Kolař-Auspitz, Auguste | Kolár | non fictional | 1843-1878 | | | 11631060X | 4 | K |
Herder, Johann Gottfried von | | non fictional | 1744-1803 | - Schriftsteller
- Philosoph
- Theologe
| | 118549553 | 2 | H |
Oluf | Olaf | fictional | | | | | 1 | O |
Sauret, Emile | Sauret, Emil | non fictional | 1852-1920 | - Violinist
- Musiklehrer
- Komponist
| | 117019682 | 4 | S |
Elverkongens Datter | Erlkönigs Tochter | fictional | | | | | 1 | E |
Moderen | Mutter | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
Molique, Bernhard | | non fictional | 1802-1869 | - Violinist
- Dirigent
- Komponist
| | 117120251 | 3 | M |
Fibich, Zdeněk | Fibich, Zdenko | non fictional | 1850-1900 | | | 117749443 | 4 | F |
Hilbert, Alois | | non fictional | 1840-1903 | | | 1328178455 | 3 | H |
Horn, Eduard | | non fictional | 1832-1891 | | | 141040912 | 2 | H |
Moszkowski, Moritz | | non fictional | 1854-1925 | | | 116941391 | 5 | M |
Kaspar | | fictional | | | | | 2 | K |
Schmidt, Franz | | non fictional | 1874-1939 | | | 118608762 | 1 | S |
Dvořák, Antonín | Dvořak, Anton | non fictional | 1841-1904 | | | 11852836X | 46 | D |
Forster, Josef | Förster / Forster, Joseph | non fictional | 1838-1917 | - Komponist
- Techniker
- Mathematiker
| | 116666307 | 3 | F |
Goetz, Hermann | Götz | non fictional | 1840-1876 | | | 118696025 | 9 | G |
Francesca, da Rimini | | non fictional | 13. Jhdt. | | | 118684396 | 1 | F |
Zingarelli, Nicola Antonio | | non fictional | 1753-1837 | | | 119255944 | 6 | Z |
Malatesta, Giovanni | Malatesta, Lanciotto | non fictional | ca. 1240-1304 | | | | 1 | M |
Morlacchi, Francesco | | non fictional | 1774-1841 | | | 11931715X | 1 | M |
Frank, Ernst | Franck | non fictional | 1847-1889 | | | 119354438 | 2 | F |
Francesca da Rimini | | fictional | | | | | 1 | F |
Polenta, Guido Novello da | | non fictional | vor 1275-1323 | | | | 1 | P |
Malatesta, Paolo | | non fictional | ca. 1246-1285 | | | | 1 | M |
Pellico, Silvio | | non fictional | 1789-1854 | | | 119238500 | 1 | P |
Heyse, Paul | | non fictional | 1830-1914 | | | 118550772 | 7 | H |
Paolo Malatesta | | fictional | | | | | 1 | P |
Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles Maurice de | | non fictional | 1754-1838 | - Politiker
- Diplomat
- Schriftsteller
| | 118620606 | 2 | T |
Kunz, Konrad Max | | non fictional | 1812-1875 | | | 119220814 | 1 | K |
Labitzky, August | | non fictional | 1832-1903 | - Violinist
- Dirigent
- Komponist
| | 129436186 | 1 | L |
Hellmesberger, Joseph | Hellmesberger junior | non fictional | 1855-1907 | | | 103901396 | 21 | H |
Evangelist | | fictional | | | | | 1 | E |
Labitzky, Joseph | | non fictional | 1802-1881 | - Violinist
- Dirigent
- Komponist
| | 116635983 | 1 | L |
Anschütz, Heinrich | | non fictional | 1785-1865 | - Schauspieler
- Schriftsteller
| | 116014180 | 3 | A |
Löwe, Ludwig | | non fictional | 1794-1871 | | | 101459734 | 4 | L |
Fichtner, Karl Albrecht | | non fictional | 1805-1873 | | | 116489561 | 3 | F |
Mannl, Rudolf | Mannl, Rudolph | non fictional | 1812-1863 | | | 1013170946 | 1 | M |
David, Ferdinand | | non fictional | 1810-1873 | - Violinist
- Komponist
- Musiklehrer
| | 102199191 | 6 | D |
Labitzky, Wilhelm | | non fictional | 1829-1871 | | | 131687778 | 1 | L |
Labitzky, Antonie | | non fictional | 1833-1894 | | | 1037404173 | 1 | L |
Marchesi, Mathilde | | non fictional | 1821-1913 | - Sängerin (Mezzo-Sopran)
- Gesangslehrerin
| | 116760206 | 3 | M |
Kohn-Speyer, Siegmund Leopold | Cahn-Speyer | non fictional | 1830-1895 | | | 116308761 | 1 | K |
Aurora | | fictional | | | | 119240416 | 1 | A |
Themis | | fictional | | | | 118881647 | 1 | T |
Iris | | fictional | | | | 129680761 | 1 | I |
Bizet, Georges | Bizet, George | non fictional | 1838-1875 | | | 118511440 | 19 | B |
Fellner, Leopold | | non fictional | 1840-1919 | | | 127512330 | 1 | F |
Oelschlegel, Alfred | | non fictional | 1847-1915 | | | 133358534 | 1 | O |
Hiller, Max | | non fictional | 1869-1954 | | | 1226722067 | 1 | H |
Massenet, Jules | | non fictional | 1842-1912 | | | 118578723 | 30 | M |
Bellaigue, Camille | Bellaigue, Camillo | non fictional | 1858-1930 | | | 1020675659 | 5 | B |
Adam | | fictional | | | | | 2 | A |
Renan, Ernest | | non fictional | 1823-1892 | - Philologe
- Philosoph
- Orientalist
| | 118744496 | 4 | R |
Ève | Eva | fictional | | | | | 2 | È |
Eva | | fictional | | | | 118531441 | 3 | E |
Jésus | Jesus / Heiland | fictional | | | | | 1 | J |
Marie-Magdeleine | Maria Magdalena / Maria von Magdala | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
Judas | | fictional | | | | | 1 | J |
Reyer, Ernest | | non fictional | 1823-1909 | | | 118788523 | 4 | R |
Nestor, von Pylos | | fictional | | | | 118803182 | 1 | N |
Gérôme, Jean Léon | | non fictional | 1824-1904 | | | 119324695 | 1 | G |
Judas, Makkabäus | Judas Maccäbus | non fictional | 2. Jhdt. v.u.Z. | | | 118886673 | 1 | J |
Maria Magdalena | Maria von Magdala | non fictional | 1. Jhdt. | | | 118577840 | 1 | M |
Marthe | Martha | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
Marconi, Francesco | | non fictional | 1853-1916 | | | 134454979 | 1 | M |
Pozzi, Maria | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | P |
Migliardi, Lia | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | M |
Brancaleoni, Ettore | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | B |
Szalit, Paula | | non fictional | 1885-1942 | | | 141538368 | 1 | S |
Grünfeld, Alfred | | non fictional | 1852-1924 | | | 116888652 | 11 | G |
Rée, Luis | Rée, Louis | non fictional | 1861-1939 | - Pianist
- Komponist
- Musiklehrer
| | 137683383 | 2 | R |
Rée, Susanne | Pilz | non fictional | 1862-1937 | - Pianistin
- Sängerin (Sopran)
| | 116389842 | 2 | R |
Heuberger, Richard | | non fictional | 1850-1914 | - Komponist
- Dirigent
- Musikautor
| | 118550470 | 15 | H |
Schytte, Ludvig | Schütte | non fictional | 1848-1909 | | | 117432512 | 1 | S |
Mottl, Felix | | non fictional | 1856-1911 | | | 116942037 | 3 | M |
Göttl, Eduard | | non fictional | 1858-1925 | | | 1263892094 | 1 | G |
Jaëll, Marie | Jaell | non fictional | 1846-1925 | | | 119358905 | 1 | J |
Le Beau, Luise Adolpha | Le Beau, Louise | non fictional | 1850-1927 | - Komponistin
- Pianistin
- Musiklehrerin
| | 11929138X | 1 | L |
Thern, Willy | | non fictional | 1847-1911 | | | 117302813 | 5 | T |
Thern, Louis | | non fictional | 1848-1920 | | | 11730283X | 5 | T |
Adler, Guido | | non fictional | 1855-1941 | | | 118500694 | 5 | A |
Oswald, von Wolkenstein | | non fictional | ca. 1376-1445 | - Schriftsteller
- Komponist
- Politiker
| | 118590618 | 2 | O |
Hausmann, Anna | Jäger, Sabina | non fictional | 14./15. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | H |
Walther von der Vogelweide | | non fictional | ca. 1170-1230 | - Schriftsteller
- Komponist
- Sänger
| | 118628976 | 2 | W |
Mann | Hans | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
Koller, Oswald | | non fictional | 1852-1910 | - Musikautor
- Historiker
- Germanist
| | 1013812239 | 2 | K |
Nawrátil, Karl | Nawratil | non fictional | 1836-1914 | | | 116901349 | 1 | N |
Schatz, Josef | Schatz, Joseph | non fictional | 1871-1950 | | | 117110922 | 1 | S |
Sachs, Hans | | non fictional | 1494-1576 | - Meistersinger
- Schriftsteller
| | 118604597 | 3 | S |
Weib | Frau | fictional | | | | | 1 | W |
Nachbar | | fictional | | | | | 1 | N |
Nachbarin | | fictional | | | | | 1 | N |
Petrus | | non fictional | 1. Jhdt. | | | 118593323 | 1 | P |
Müller, Georg | | non fictional | 1840-1909 | | | 117590681 | 9 | M |
Abu Hassan | | fictional | | | | | 1 | A |
Scherer, Wilhelm | | non fictional | 1841-1886 | | | 118607200 | 2 | S |
Schillings, Max von | | non fictional | 1868-1933 | - Komponist
- Dirigent
- Theaterdirektor
| | 11875503X | 1 | S |
Elisabeth I., Königin von England | | non fictional | 1533-1603 | | | 118529870 | 1 | E |
Byrd, William | | non fictional | 1539/40-1623 | | | 118675109 | 1 | B |
Hilgermann, Laura | | non fictional | 1865-1945 | | | 116806745 | 3 | H |
Stehmann, Gerhard | | non fictional | 1866-1926 | | | 117237094 | 2 | S |
Breuer, Hans | | non fictional | 1868/70-1929 | | | 116493380 | 3 | B |
Hartmann, Pater | Hartmann, von An der Lahn-Hochbrunn | non fictional | 1863-1914 | - Priester
- Organist
- Komponist
| | 10389991X | 1 | H |
Perosi, Lorenzo | | non fictional | 1872-1956 | - Komponist
- Organist
- Dirigent
| | 119378671 | 2 | P |
Tinel, Edgar | | non fictional | 1854-1912 | | | 11738626X | 10 | T |
Franciscus | | fictional | | | | | 2 | F |
Franz, von Assisi | Franciscus | non fictional | 1182-1226 | | | 118534963 | 4 | F |
Bernardone, Pietro di | | non fictional | 12./13. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | B |
Franziskus | | fictional | | | | | 1 | F |
Savonarola, Girolamo | | non fictional | 1452-1498 | | | 118605933 | 2 | S |
Innozenz III. | Innocenz | non fictional | 1160-1216 | | | 118555642 | 2 | I |
Honorius III. | | non fictional | ca. 1150-1227 | | | 118553437 | 2 | H |
Walther von Stolzing | | fictional | | | - Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, WWV96
| | 5 | W |
Veit Pogner | | fictional | | | - Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, WWV96
| | 4 | V |
Redwitz, Oskar von | | non fictional | 1823-1891 | | | 116392983 | 2 | R |
Frauscher, Moritz | | non fictional | 1859-1916 | | | 116746653 | 4 | F |
Wolzogen, Ernst von | | non fictional | 1855-1934 | - Schriftsteller
- Kabarettist
- Komponist
| | 11889028X | 1 | W |
Kunrad | | fictional | | | | | 1 | K |
Diemut | | fictional | | | | | 1 | D |
Ortolf Sentlinger | | fictional | | | | | 1 | O |
Senta | | fictional | | | - Der fliegende Holländer, WWV63
| | 5 | S |
Holländer | | fictional | | | - Der fliegende Holländer, WWV63
| | 6 | H |
Nietzsche, Friedrich | | non fictional | 1844-1900 | - Philosoph
- Komponist
- Philologe
| | 118587943 | 10 | N |
Michalek, Margarethe | | non fictional | 1875-1944 | - Sängerin (Sopran)
- Sängerin (Mezzo-Sopran)
| | 133114805 | 6 | M |
Bayer, Josef | Bayer, Joseph | non fictional | 1852-1913 | | | 116097108 | 2 | B |
Wagner, Siegfried | | non fictional | 1869-1930 | - Komponist
- Dirigent
- Regisseur
| | 118628429 | 3 | W |
Petznek, Elisabeth | | non fictional | 1883-1963 | | | 118593412 | 1 | P |
Soldat, Marie | Soldat-Röger / Soldat-Roeger | non fictional | 1863-1955 | | | 117460354 | 6 | S |
Borwick, Leonard | | non fictional | 1868-1925 | | | 117621641 | 2 | B |
Walter-Segel, Olga | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | - Schriftstellerin
- Pianistin
| | 1159102406 | 3 | W |
Ilia | | fictional | | | | | 2 | I |
Humperdinck, Engelbert | | non fictional | 1854-1921 | | | 11855476X | 4 | H |
Müller, Wilhelm | | non fictional | 1794-1827 | - Schriftsteller
- Übersetzer
- Herausgeber
| | 11858524X | 2 | M |
Sauer, Emil von | | non fictional | 1862-1942 | - Pianist
- Komponist
- Musiklehrer
| | 116977108 | 10 | S |
Huberman, Bronisław | Hubermann, Bronislaw | non fictional | 1882-1947 | - Violinist
- Musiklehrer
- Komponist
| | 129680788 | 5 | H |
Venus | Vénus | fictional | | | | 11876800X | 2 | V |
Voltaire | | non fictional | 1694-1778 | | | 118627813 | 11 | V |
Rachel | | non fictional | 1821-1858 | | | 118950886 | 2 | R |
Phèdre | Phädra | fictional | | | | | 1 | P |
Pasdeloup, Jules Étienne | | non fictional | 1819-1887 | - Dirigent
- Konzertdirektor
- Komponist
| | 116049545 | 1 | P |
Lamoureux, Charles | | non fictional | 1834-1899 | | | 116662344 | 2 | L |
Hippolyte | Hippolyt | fictional | | | | | 1 | H |
Neptun | | fictional | | | | 11952354X | 1 | N |
Reißiger, Carl Gottlieb | Reissiger | non fictional | 1798-1859 | | | 100625320 | 2 | R |
Richter, Hans | Richter, Hanns | non fictional | 1843-1916 | | | 118744984 | 49 | R |
Schaffer, Alfred | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | S |
Höller, Blandine | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | H |
Weinberger, Josef | Weinberger, Joseph | non fictional | 1855-1928 | | | 117262730 | 1 | W |
Rückauf, Anton | | non fictional | 1855-1903 | - Pianist
- Musiklehrer
- Komponist
| | 116673001 | 7 | R |
Rosé, Arnold | | non fictional | 1863-1946 | | | 116608943 | 31 | R |
Door, Anton | | non fictional | 1833-1919 | | | 116179570 | 6 | D |
Rubinštejn, Nikolaj G. | Rubinstein, Nikolaus | non fictional | 1835-1881 | - Pianist
- Dirigent
- Musiklehrer
| | 120131730 | 4 | R |
Quasimodo | | fictional | | | | | 1 | Q |
Sauer, Johann von | | non fictional | 18./19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | S |
Untilowa, ? | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | U |
Nuitter, Charles | | non fictional | 1828-1899 | - Librettist
- Musikautor
- Historiker
| | 117071099 | 1 | N |
Wolzogen, Alfred von | | non fictional | 1823-1883 | - Schriftsteller
- Theaterdirektor
| | 117435325 | 1 | W |
Hoffmann, E. T. A. | Hofmann | non fictional | 1776-1822 | - Musikautor
- Schriftsteller
- Jurist
| | 118552465 | 6 | H |
Triboulet | | fictional | | | | | 1 | T |
Erckmann-Chatrian | Künstlername von Emile Erckmann und Alexandre Chatrian | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | 1026760488 | 3 | E |
Devrient, Ludwig | | non fictional | 1784-1832 | | | 11867174X | 2 | D |
Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph | | non fictional | 1742-1799 | - Wissenschaftler
- Mathematiker
- Hochschullehrer
| | 118572628 | 1 | L |
Luther | Lutter | fictional | | | | | 1 | L |
Pácal, Franz | Pacal | non fictional | 1865-1938 | | | 1024898644 | 5 | P |
Hoffmann | | fictional | | | | | 2 | H |
Werther | | fictional | | | | | 2 | W |
Olympia | | fictional | | | | | 2 | O |
Spalanzani | | fictional | | | | | 2 | S |
Giulietta | | fictional | | | | | 2 | G |
Antonia | | fictional | | | | | 2 | A |
Nicklausse | Nikolaus / Niklas | fictional | | | | | 2 | N |
Kusmitsch, Lotte | Kusmitsch, Karoline | non fictional | 1873-nach 1902 | | | 116626860 | 4 | K |
Schlémil | Schlemihl | fictional | | | | | 1 | S |
Neidl, Franz | | non fictional | 1858-1926 | | | 1019425024 | 20 | N |
Miracle | Miracolo | fictional | | | | | 2 | M |
Ritter, Josef | | non fictional | 1859-1911 | - Schauspieler
- Sänger (Bariton)
| | 133631796 | 24 | R |
Coppélius | Coppelius | fictional | | | | | 2 | C |
Dapertutto | | fictional | | | | | 1 | D |
Hesch, Wilhelm | | non fictional | 1860-1908 | | | 12962537X | 16 | H |
Crespel | Krespel | fictional | | | | | 2 | C |
Piloty, Karl von | | non fictional | 1826-1886 | | | 118641662 | 1 | P |
Franck, César | Frank, Cesar | non fictional | 1822-1890 | | | 118534645 | 9 | F |
Benoît, Peter | Benoit | non fictional | 1834-1901 | - Komponist
- Dirigent
- Musiklehrer
| | 118886568 | 2 | B |
Saul | | fictional | | | | | 1 | S |
David | | fictional | | | | | 1 | D |
Jonathan | | fictional | | | | | 1 | J |
Michal | Michel | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
Merab | Meral | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
Kury, Rita | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | K |
Chrysander, Friedrich | | non fictional | 1826-1901 | | | 118816098 | 8 | C |
Krespel | | fictional | | | | | 1 | K |
Klein Zaches | Klein Zack | fictional | | | - Klein Zaches genannt Zinnober
| | 1 | K |
Delibes, Léo | Délibes / Leo | non fictional | 1836-1891 | | | 118924265 | 16 | D |
Swammerdamm | Swammerdam | fictional | | | - Meister Floh. Ein Märchen in sieben Abenteuern zweier Freunde
| | 1 | S |
Leuwenhoek | Liuvenhoek | fictional | | | - Meister Floh. Ein Märchen in sieben Abenteuern zweier Freunde
| | 1 | L |
Magister Tinte | | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
Stella | | fictional | | | | | 1 | S |
Lindorff | | fictional | | | | | 1 | L |
Dietz, Sophie | | non fictional | 1820-1887 | | | 116116846 | 2 | D |
Hetznecker, Karoline | Mangstl | non fictional | 1822-1888 | | | 116779608 | 1 | H |
Behrend-Brand, Magdalena | | non fictional | 1828-1895 | | | 116110708 | 1 | B |
Kindermann, August | | non fictional | 1817-1891 | - Sänger (Bassist)
- Regisseur
| | 116172134 | 1 | K |
Härtinger, Martin | Hartinger | non fictional | 1815-1896 | | | 116364548 | 1 | H |
Schwanthaler, Ludwig von | | non fictional | 1802-1848 | | | 118762877 | 1 | S |
Stiglmaier, Johann Baptist | Stigelmaier | non fictional | 1791-1844 | | | 117258792 | 1 | S |
Ludwig I., König von Bayern | | non fictional | 1786-1868 | | | 118574884 | 2 | L |
Grisar, Albert | | non fictional | 1808-1869 | | | 116855274 | 2 | G |
Petschnikoff, Alexander | Petschnikow | non fictional | 1873-1949 | | | 116134771 | 1 | P |
Wedekind, Erika | | non fictional | 1868-1944 | - Sängerin (Sopran)
- Gesangslehrerin
| | 117204307 | 2 | W |
Engl, Johann Evangelist | | non fictional | 1835-1921 | | | 116504099 | 3 | E |
Wunderer, Alexander | | non fictional | 1877-1955 | | | 130237396 | 1 | W |
Bass, Roderich | Baß | non fictional | 1873-1933 | | | 133344231 | 1 | B |
Lehmann, Lilli | | non fictional | 1848-1929 | | | 118883933 | 4 | L |
Klöpfer, Victor | | non fictional | 1869-1904 | | | 11623198X | 1 | K |
Lenz, Leopold | | non fictional | 1804-1862 | - Sänger (Bariton)
- Komponist
| | 116916826 | 1 | L |
Fellner, Ferdinand | | non fictional | 1847-1916 | | | 118686623 | 2 | F |
Helmer, Hermann | | non fictional | 1849-1919 | | | 118710230 | 2 | H |
Demel, Karl | | non fictional | 1858-1915 | | | 143120751 | 1 | D |
Leporello | | fictional | | | - Il dissoluto punito ossia Il Don Giovanni, KV527
| | 6 | L |
Donna Anna | Doña Anna | fictional | | | - Il dissoluto punito ossia Il Don Giovanni, KV527
| | 5 | D |
Donna Elvira | Doña Elvira | fictional | | | - Il dissoluto punito ossia Il Don Giovanni, KV527
| | 3 | D |
Il Commendatore | Gouverneur / Comthur | fictional | | | - Il dissoluto punito ossia Il Don Giovanni, KV527
| | 2 | I |
Arányi, Desider | Aranyi | non fictional | 1868-1923 | | | 1014876265 | 2 | A |
Schaetzle, Franz | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | S |
Masetto | | fictional | | | - Il dissoluto punito ossia Il Don Giovanni, KV527
| | 2 | M |
Hummel, Joseph Friedrich | | non fictional | 1841-1919 | | | 117062316 | 1 | H |
Karl Theodor, Kurfürst der Pfalz | | non fictional | 1724-1799 | | | 118560190 | 1 | K |
Nowak, Christian | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | N |
Wesser, Bruno | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | W |
Schmidl, Alois | | non fictional | 1862-1946 | | | 1043128247 | 1 | S |
Hoffmann, Karl | Hofmann | non fictional | 1835-1909 | | | 137683677 | 2 | H |
Schumann, August | | non fictional | 1773-1826 | - Schriftsteller
- Buchhändler
| | 100802583 | 1 | S |
Carus, Charlotte Agnes Florentine | | non fictional | 1802-1839 | | | 1209230437 | 1 | C |
Schumann, Christiane | | non fictional | 1767-1836 | | | 143061771 | 1 | S |
Keil, Karl | | non fictional | 1861-1920 | | | 107313699X | 1 | K |
Hartmann, Johannes | | non fictional | 1869-1952 | | | 116498498 | 1 | H |
Bendemann, Eduard Julius Friedrich | | non fictional | 1811-1889 | | | 10223244X | 1 | B |
Piatti, Alfredo C. | Piatti, Alfred | non fictional | 1822-1901 | | | 116176849 | 3 | P |
Sommerhoff, Louis | | non fictional | 1844-1911 | | | 117477958 | 2 | S |
Vieuxtemps, Henri | | non fictional | 1820-1881 | | | 117416460 | 10 | V |
Schumann, Elise | | non fictional | 1843-1928 | | | 117477850 | 3 | S |
Schumann, Ferdinand | | non fictional | 1849-1891 | | | 117294497 | 2 | S |
Schumann, Ludwig | | non fictional | 1848-1899 | | | 1021212970 | 2 | S |
Schumann, Julie | | non fictional | 1845-1872 | | | 117294667 | 3 | S |
Lolli, Antonio | Lolly | non fictional | ca. 1725-1802 | | | 102374392 | 1 | L |
Radicati di Marmorito, Vittorio | | non fictional | 1831-1923 | | | 1020810440 | 2 | R |
Steibelt, Daniel | | non fictional | 1765-1823 | | | 104206780 | 3 | S |
Tränkner, Karl | Traenckler | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | T |
Tränkner, ? | Traenckler | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | T |
Peri | | fictional | | | - Das Paradies und die Peri, op. 50
| | 3 | P |
Mysz-Gmeiner, Lula | | non fictional | 1876-1948 | - Sängerin (Alt)
- Gesangslehrerin
| | 117212490 | 2 | M |
Röhr-Brajnin, Sophie | Röhr-Brainin | non fictional | 1861-1937 | | | 116582219 | 1 | R |
Klotz, Anna | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | K |
Catalani, Angelica | | non fictional | 1780-1849 | | | 118667505 | 4 | C |
Linda | | fictional | | | | | 3 | L |
Kummer, Friedrich August | | non fictional | 1797-1879 | | | 118725343 | 1 | K |
Anthes, Georg | | non fictional | 1863-1922 | | | 116312726 | 2 | A |
Büttner, Max | | non fictional | 1857-1927 | | | 117146692 | 1 | B |
Vollhardt, Reinhard | | non fictional | 1858-1926 | | | 1053359950 | 1 | V |
Keiser, Reinhard | Kaiser | non fictional | 1674-1739 | | | 118560999 | 1 | K |
Halir, Carl | | non fictional | 1859-1909 | | | 116405449 | 3 | H |
Hausmann, Robert | | non fictional | 1852-1909 | | | 11654077X | 5 | H |
Wirth, Emanuel | | non fictional | 1842-1923 | | | 11741204X | 3 | W |
Baumann, Emma | | non fictional | 1855-1925 | | | 116088206 | 1 | B |
Lütschg, Waldemar | Lütschy | non fictional | 1877-1948 | | | 117300152 | 1 | L |
Thuille, Ludwig | | non fictional | 1861-1907 | - Pianist
- Musiklehrer
- Komponist
| | 118622404 | 2 | T |
Bierbaum, Otto Julius | | non fictional | 1865-1910 | - Schriftsteller
- Journalist
- Librettist
| | 118510762 | 1 | B |
Lobetanz | | fictional | | | | | 1 | L |
Prinzessin | | fictional | | | | | 1 | P |
König | | fictional | | | | | 1 | K |
Gugeline | | fictional | | | | | 1 | G |
Prinz | | fictional | | | | | 1 | P |
Buckel | | fictional | | | | | 1 | B |
Nessler, Victor E. | Neßler | non fictional | 1841-1890 | | | 116941898 | 2 | N |
Seidl, Arthur | | non fictional | 1863-1928 | - Musikautor
- Journalist
- Dramaturg
| | 117464260 | 2 | S |
Grengg, Carl | | non fictional | 1853-1914 | - Sänger (Bassist)
- Sänger (Bariton)
| | 116832185 | 18 | G |
Grosz-Pohlner, Jenny | | non fictional | 1868-1952 | | | 116873906 | 7 | G |
Thann, Vilma von | | non fictional | | | | | 2 | T |
Stoll, August | | non fictional | 1853-1918 | - Schauspieler
- Sänger (Tenor)
- Regisseur
| | 1019703806 | 12 | S |
Bottesini, Giovanni | | non fictional | 1821-1889 | - Kontrabassist
- Komponist
- Dirigent
| | 119004941 | 2 | B |
Scalese, Melanie | | non fictional | | | | | 2 | S |
Hindle, Johann | | non fictional | 1792-1862 | | | 123724031 | 1 | H |
Langlois, M. | | non fictional | | | | | 1 | L |
Di Barbieri, Carlo Emanuele | | non fictional | 1822-1867 | | | 103882278 | 3 | D |
Edelsberg, Philippine von | | non fictional | 1838-1917 | | | 116354968 | 4 | E |
Ullrichs, Marie | | non fictional | 1841-1867 | | | | 2 | U |
Asten, Julie von | | non fictional | 1839-1923 | | | 1206863021 | 4 | A |
Schenner, Wilhelm | | non fictional | 1839-1913 | - Organist
- Pianist
- Musiklehrer
| | 1042973237 | 2 | S |
Preyer, Gottfried von | | non fictional | 1807-1901 | - Dirigent
- Musiklehrer
- Komponist
| | 133359794 | 1 | P |
Henselt, Adolf von | Henselt, Adolph von | non fictional | 1814-1889 | - Pianist
- Komponist
- Musiklehrer
| | 118903861 | 7 | H |
Alidor | Alcidor | fictional | | | | | 3 | A |
Cendrillon | Aschenbrödel | fictional | | | | | 2 | C |
Elvira | | fictional | | | | | 1 | E |
Waldersee, Alfred von | | non fictional | 1832-1904 | | | 118628658 | 3 | W |
Seyff-Katzmayr, Marie | Katzmayer | non fictional | 1869-1957 | | | 117092008X | 3 | S |
Bratanitsch, Helene | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | 1170106900 | 1 | B |
Plank, Elsa von | | non fictional | ?-nach 1942 | | | 116205164 | 1 | P |
Eisner von Eisenhof, Angelo | Eisner-Eisenhof | non fictional | 1857-1938 | - Adeliger
- Journalist
- Kunsthistoriker
| | 1021283436 | 3 | E |
Hirschfeld, Robert | | non fictional | 1857-1914 | - Musikautor
- Journalist
- Musiklehrer
| | 119060620 | 4 | H |
Weltner, Albert Josef | | non fictional | 1855-1914 | - Schriftsteller
- Archivar
- Musikautor
| | 1032431776 | 1 | W |
Geronimo | | fictional | | | | | 1 | G |
Paolino | | fictional | | | | | 1 | P |
Fidalma | | fictional | | | | | 1 | F |
Reif, Josephine | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | R |
Beer, Otto | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | 1269441396 | 1 | B |
Sedmakova, Sofija | Sedmak | non fictional | 1877-1920 | | | 123332098X | 1 | S |
Richter, Marie | Cankl | non fictional | 1875-1948 | | | 1059931524 | 1 | R |
Hell, Leopold | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 2 | H |
Hagenauer, Ludwig | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | H |
Conte Robinson | Graf Robinson | fictional | | | | | 1 | C |
Pacchierotti, Gaspare | Pacchiarotti | non fictional | 1740-1821 | | | 101536375X | 1 | P |
Erl, Anton | | non fictional | 1846-1927 | | | 116539364 | 2 | E |
Nollet, Georg | | non fictional | 1842-1915 | | | 1035101203 | 1 | N |
Lechner-Bauer, Natalie | | non fictional | 1858-1921 | | | 121751414 | 2 | L |
Müller-Campbell, Lucy | Herbert-Campbell | non fictional | 1873-1944 | | | 117167711 | 2 | M |
Mathilde, Fürstin von Schwarzburg-Sondershausen | | non fictional | 1814-1888 | | | 124297854 | 1 | M |
Hermstedt, Johann Simon | Hermstädt | non fictional | 1778-1846 | | | 116744545 | 1 | H |
Humbert I., König von Italien | Umberto | non fictional | 1844-1900 | | | 118803131 | 2 | H |
Mühlfeld, Richard | | non fictional | 1856-1907 | | | 117163406 | 4 | M |
Margarete, Königin von Italien | Margherita | non fictional | 1851-1926 | | | 120736233 | 1 | M |
Barezzi, Antonio | | non fictional | 1787-1867 | | | | 1 | B |
Basili, Francesco | Basily | non fictional | 1767-1850 | | | 117768103 | 1 | B |
Merelli, Bartolomeo | | non fictional | 1794-1879 | - Theaterdirektor
- Librettist
| | 130551600 | 5 | M |
Janetschek, Alois | Jaretschek | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | 117078255 | 2 | J |
Nebukadnezar II., König von Babylonien | | non fictional | ca. 640-562 v.u.Z. | | | 118586718 | 1 | N |
Sembrich, Marcella | | non fictional | 1858-1935 | | | 117469513 | 4 | S |
Strauss, Pauline | Strauß de Ahna | non fictional | 1863-1950 | | | 117312355 | 1 | S |
Prill, Karl | | non fictional | 1864-1931 | | | 116290455 | 1 | P |
Brecher, Gustav | | non fictional | 1879-1940 | - Dirigent
- Komponist
- Musikkritiker
| | 119001314 | 2 | B |
Rösch, Friedrich | | non fictional | 1862-1925 | | | 116593229 | 1 | R |
Lipsius, Ida Marie | La Mara | non fictional | 1837-1927 | | | 11705822X | 7 | L |
Jessonda | | fictional | | | | | 1 | J |
Paradis, Maria Theresia von | | non fictional | 1759-1824 | | | 118937367 | 1 | P |
Süßmayr, Franz Xaver | Süßmayer / Süßmeyer | non fictional | 1766-1803 | | | 11861990X | 3 | S |
Stephanie, Gottlieb | | non fictional | 1741-1800 | - Schauspieler
- Schriftsteller
- Theaterdirektor
| | 119545799 | 1 | S |
Haschka, Lorenz Leopold | | non fictional | 1749-1827 | | | 104044977 | 1 | H |
Saurau, Graf Franz Joseph von | | non fictional | 1760-1832 | | | 117019496 | 1 | S |
Kauer, Ferdinand | | non fictional | 1751-1831 | - Komponist
- Violinist
- Dirigent
| | 118560697 | 4 | K |
Baumayer, Marie | Baumeyer, Maria / Anna | non fictional | 1851-1931 | | | 130099104 | 9 | B |
Kubelík, Jan | Kubelik | non fictional | 1880-1940 | | | 104013516 | 1 | K |
Voigt, Johanna | Ambrosius | non fictional | 1854-1939 | | | 119223546 | 1 | V |
Baumbach, Rudolf | | non fictional | 1840-1905 | - Schriftsteller
- Wissenschaftler
| | 118653857 | 1 | B |
Groth, Klaus | | non fictional | 1819-1899 | | | 118542699 | 3 | G |
Scheidemantel, Karl | | non fictional | 1859-1923 | | | 117193801 | 8 | S |
Pregi, Marcella | | non fictional | 1866-1958 | | | 116281588 | 3 | P |
Scholz, Bernhard | | non fictional | 1835-1916 | | | 116902930 | 3 | S |
Georg V., König von Hannover | | non fictional | 1819-1878 | | | 118690485 | 2 | G |
Stockhausen, Julius | | non fictional | 1826-1906 | - Sänger (Bariton)
- Gesangslehrer
- Dirigent
| | 118798952 | 14 | S |
Grimm, Hermann | | non fictional | 1828-1901 | - Kunsthistoriker
- Hochschullehrer
| | 118697773 | 1 | G |
Hochmeister, Mathilde von | | non fictional | 1870-1942 | | | | 1 | H |
Artevelde, Jacob van | | non fictional | ca. 1290-1345 | | | 119109840 | 1 | A |
Beers, Jan van | | non fictional | 1821-1888 | | | 13588568X | 1 | B |
Buths, Julius | | non fictional | 1851-1920 | | | 117184195 | 1 | B |
Smetana, Bedřich | Smetana, Friedrich | non fictional | 1824-1884 | | | 118615017 | 19 | S |
Körner, Gisela | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 9 | K |
Gura, Hermann | | non fictional | 1870-1944 | - Sänger (Bariton)
- Schauspieler
| | 116930489 | 2 | G |
Musch, Carl | Musch, Karl | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 2 | M |
Löwe, Irma | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | L |
Marsop, Paul | | non fictional | 1856-1925 | | | 116793155 | 1 | M |
Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton | | non fictional | 1803-1873 | | | 11866493X | 1 | L |
Irene | | fictional | | | - Rienzi, der letzte der Tribunen, WWV49
| | 1 | I |
Adriano | | fictional | | | - Rienzi, der letzte der Tribunen, WWV49
| | 1 | A |
Paolo Orsini | | fictional | | | - Rienzi, der letzte der Tribunen, WWV49
| | 1 | P |
Steffano Colonna | | fictional | | | - Rienzi, der letzte der Tribunen, WWV49
| | 1 | S |
Cola Rienzi | | fictional | | | - Rienzi, der letzte der Tribunen, WWV49
| | 3 | C |
Achilleus | Achilles / Achill | fictional | | | | 118500384 | 4 | A |
Reichenberg, Franz von | | non fictional | 1853-1905 | | | 116398787 | 18 | R |
Friedensbote | | fictional | | | - Rienzi, der letzte der Tribunen, WWV49
| | 1 | F |
Byron, Baron George Gordon Byron | | non fictional | 1788-1824 | | | 118518208 | 7 | B |
Astarte | | fictional | | | | 118650750 | 2 | A |
Manfred | | fictional | | | | | 3 | M |
Laroš, German A. | Laroche | non fictional | 1845-1904 | | | 1016520654 | 2 | L |
Miliukova, Antonina | | non fictional | 1848-1917 | | | | 1 | M |
Rosé, Alexander | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 3 | R |
Saul, König von Israel | | non fictional | 2. Jtsd v.u.Z. | | | 118605836 | 1 | S |
Gleitz, Carl | Glitz | non fictional | 1862-1920 | - Komponist
- Dirigent
- Musiklehrer
| | 11665872X | 2 | G |
Deborah | Debora | fictional | | | | 1108794203 | 1 | D |
Dirkens, Annie | | non fictional | 1870-1942 | | | 116141255 | 3 | D |
Ossian | Macpherson, James | fictional | | | | 118747800 | 3 | O |
Heckmann, Robert | | non fictional | 1848-1891 | | | 116562706 | 1 | H |
Salomo | Salomon | fictional | | | | 118605100 | 4 | S |
Kronos | Cronos | fictional | | | | 118911953 | 1 | K |
Lucifer | Satan | fictional | | | | | 1 | L |
Aktäon | Actäon | fictional | | | | 118647504 | 1 | A |
Diana | | fictional | | | | 118678132 | 3 | D |
Phaethon | Phaëton | fictional | | | | 119243113 | 1 | P |
Kleeberg, Clothilde | Kleeberg, Clotilde | non fictional | 1866-1909 | | | 116210419 | 4 | K |
Mirjam | | fictional | | | | 129232726 | 1 | M |
Saint-Saëns, Camille | | non fictional | 1835-1921 | | | 11875081X | 16 | S |
Pohloudek-Fabini, Klara Klementine | | non fictional | 1875-1928 | | | 139219293 | 1 | P |
Dämon | | fictional | | | | | 1 | D |
Engel | | fictional | | | | | 1 | E |
Tamara | | fictional | | | | | 1 | T |
Fürst Gudal | | fictional | | | | | 1 | F |
Prinz von Sinodal | | fictional | | | | | 1 | P |
Jahwe | Jehovah | fictional | | | | 118556703 | 2 | J |
Lucifer | | fictional | | | | | 1 | L |
Radziwiłł, Antoni Henryk | Radziwill | non fictional | 1775-1833 | | | 115548149 | 1 | R |
Lindpaintner, Peter Joseph von | | non fictional | 1791-1856 | | | 119133911 | 3 | L |
Bülow, Marie von | Schanzer | non fictional | 1857-1941 | | | 117067083 | 4 | B |
Bronsart von Schellendorf, Hans | | non fictional | 1830-1913 | | | 117735728 | 1 | B |
Wagner, Cosima | Liszt / Bülow | non fictional | 1837-1930 | | | 118628232 | 4 | W |
Raff, Joseph Joachim | | non fictional | 1822-1882 | - Komponist
- Musikkritiker
- Musiklehrer
| | 118597779 | 9 | R |
Moszkowski, Alexander | Moskowski | non fictional | 1851-1943 | - Schriftsteller
- Journalist
- Musikkritiker
| | 116941359 | 3 | M |
Barak | | fictional | | | | 1147227519 | 1 | B |
Sisera | | fictional | | | | 1128100452 | 1 | S |
Wirth, Moritz | | non fictional | 1849-1917 | | | 117412279 | 1 | W |
Busch, Moritz | | non fictional | 1821-1899 | - Journalist
- Schriftsteller
- Übersetzer
| | 118665421 | 2 | B |
Wotan | Wanderer | fictional | | | - Das Rheingold, WWV86A;
- Der Ring des Nibelungen, WWV86;
- Die Walküre, WWV86B;
- Siegfried, WWV86C
| | 7 | W |
Fricka | | fictional | | | - Das Rheingold, WWV86A;
- Der Ring des Nibelungen, WWV86
| | 3 | F |
Erda | | fictional | | | - Das Rheingold, WWV86A;
- Der Ring des Nibelungen, WWV86;
- Siegfried, WWV86C
| | 1 | E |
Brünnhilde | | fictional | | | - Der Ring des Nibelungen, WWV86;
- Die Walküre, WWV86B;
- Siegfried, WWV86C;
- Götterdämmerung, WWV86D
| | 2 | B |
Siegfried | Bursche | fictional | | | - Der Ring des Nibelungen, WWV86;
- Siegfried, WWV86C;
- Götterdämmerung, WWV86D
| | 6 | S |
Jael | Jaël | fictional | | | | 105871158X | 1 | J |
Alberich | | fictional | | | - Das Rheingold, WWV86A;
- Der Ring des Nibelungen, WWV86;
- Siegfried, WWV86C;
- Götterdämmerung, WWV86D
| | 3 | A |
Mime | | fictional | | | - Das Rheingold, WWV86A;
- Der Ring des Nibelungen, WWV86;
- Siegfried, WWV86C
| | 2 | M |
Hagen | | fictional | | | - Der Ring des Nibelungen, WWV86;
- Götterdämmerung, WWV86D
| | 1 | H |
Gunther | | fictional | | | - Der Ring des Nibelungen, WWV86;
- Götterdämmerung, WWV86D
| | 1 | G |
Siegmund | Sigmund | fictional | | | - Der Ring des Nibelungen, WWV86;
- Die Walküre, WWV86B
| | 3 | S |
Sieglinde | | fictional | | | - Der Ring des Nibelungen, WWV86;
- Die Walküre, WWV86B
| | 2 | S |
Jókai, Mór | Jokai | non fictional | 1825-1904 | | | 118985418 | 1 | J |
Schnitzer, Ignaz | | non fictional | 1839-1921 | - Schriftsteller
- Journalist
- Librettist
| | 121068218 | 1 | S |
Kienzl, Wilhelm | | non fictional | 1857-1941 | - Komponist
- Dirigent
- Musikautor
| | 118777149 | 2 | K |
Wüllner, Franz | | non fictional | 1832-1902 | | | 11877137X | 3 | W |
Humphreys, Samuel | Humphrey | non fictional | 1698-1738 | - Schriftsteller
- Librettist
- Übersetzer
| | 1055219749 | 1 | H |
Brodskij, Adolʹf Davidovič | Brodski / Brodsky | non fictional | 1851-1929 | | | 129292230 | 3 | B |
Ziloti, Aleksandr Ilʹič | Seloti | non fictional | 1863-1945 | - Pianist
- Dirigent
- Musiklehrer
| | 117386979 | 1 | Z |
Friedheim, Arthur | | non fictional | 1859-1932 | | | 116796170 | 1 | F |
Nikisch, Arthur | | non fictional | 1855-1922 | | | 118786253 | 3 | N |
Busoni, Ferruccio | | non fictional | 1866-1924 | | | 118518011 | 5 | B |
Sgambati, Giovanni | | non fictional | 1841-1914 | | | 11890745X | 1 | S |
Wolff, Hermann | | non fictional | 1845-1902 | | | 117441090 | 3 | W |
Nilsson, Christine | Nielson | non fictional | 1843-1921 | | | 117021156 | 4 | N |
Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevič | Tugenjew | non fictional | 1818-1883 | - Schriftsteller
- Librettist
- Kritiker
| | 118643010 | 1 | T |
Abinoam | | fictional | | | | | 1 | A |
Dostoevskij, Fëdor Mihajlovič | Dostojewsky | non fictional | 1821-1881 | | | 118527053 | 2 | D |
Franz, Robert | Knauth, Robert Franz | non fictional | 1815-1892 | | | 118702955 | 5 | F |
Engel, Gustav | | non fictional | 1823-1895 | - Musikkritiker
- Musikautor
- Sänger (Tenor)
| | 116487178 | 2 | E |
Isolde | | fictional | | | - Tristan und Isolde, WWV90
| | 7 | I |
Abinoam | | fictional | | | | | 1 | A |
Deborah | Debora | fictional | | | | | 1 | D |
Barak | | fictional | | | | | 1 | B |
Jael | Jaël | fictional | | | | | 1 | J |
Osborne, Adrienne | | non fictional | 1873-1951 | - Sängerin (Sopran)
- Gesangslehrerin
| | 117150681 | 1 | O |
Kraus, Felix von | | non fictional | 1870-1937 | - Sänger (Bassist)
- Musikautor
| | 116387718 | 2 | K |
Sisera | | fictional | | | | | 1 | S |
Herald | Bote | fictional | | | | | 1 | H |
Rosalewicz, Alexander | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | R |
Prohaska, Carl | Prochaska, Karl | non fictional | 1869-1927 | - Komponist
- Musiklehrer
- Dirigent
| | 116304634 | 4 | P |
Mosè | Moses | fictional | | | - Moïse et Pharaon, ou Le passage de la Mer Rouge
| | 2 | M |
Rossi, Napoleone | | non fictional | 1810-? | | | | 1 | R |
Fischer, Georg | | non fictional | 1836-1921 | - Mediziner
- Schriftsteller
- Musikautor
| | 119034549 | 4 | F |
Agamemnon | | fictional | | | | 119059738 | 3 | A |
Sarastro | | fictional | | | | | 7 | S |
Hüon von Bordeaux | | fictional | | | - Oberon or The Elf King's Oath, J306
| | 2 | H |
Bungert, August | | non fictional | 1845-1915 | | | 118667998 | 4 | B |
Chabrier, Emmanuel | | non fictional | 1841-1894 | | | 11866901X | 2 | C |
Formey, Alfred | Schlicht, Emil | non fictional | 1844-1901 | | | 144033372 | 1 | F |
Achilles | Achill | fictional | | | | | 1 | A |
Briseïs | | fictional | | | | | 1 | B |
Homerus | Homer | non fictional | | | | 11855333X | 5 | H |
Patroklos | Patroklus | fictional | | | | 118803271 | 1 | P |
Thetis | | fictional | | | | | 1 | T |
Hermes | | fictional | | | | 118639560 | 1 | H |
Priamus | | fictional | | | | | 1 | P |
Automedon | Automedos | fictional | | | | | 1 | A |
Idäus | | fictional | | | | | 1 | I |
Briseis | | fictional | | | | 124566685 | 1 | B |
Brises | | fictional | | | | | 1 | B |
Walker, Edyth | | non fictional | 1870-1950 | | | 117121142 | 11 | W |
Amneris | | fictional | | | | | 1 | A |
Agamemnon | | fictional | | | | | 1 | A |
Brendel, Franz | | non fictional | 1811-1868 | | | 119020742 | 4 | B |
Rigaud, ? | | non fictional | 18. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | R |
Hennequin, Alfred | | non fictional | 1842-1887 | | | 1050485718 | 2 | H |
Millaud, Albert | | non fictional | 1844-1892 | - Schriftsteller
- Journalist
- Librettist
| | 116271476X | 1 | M |
Müller junior, Adolf | Müller, Adolph | non fictional | 1839-1901 | | | 117572918 | 6 | M |
Rabaud, Henri | | non fictional | 1873-1949 | | | 129958816 | 3 | R |
Ollone, Max d' | | non fictional | 1875-1959 | - Komponist
- Dirigent
- Musikkritiker
| | 128643099 | 4 | O |
Indy, Vincent d' | Indy, Victor d' | non fictional | 1851-1931 | - Komponist
- Musiklehrer
- Dirigent
| | 118775480 | 2 | I |
Bruneau, Alfred | | non fictional | 1857-1934 | | | 118660292 | 3 | B |
Dubois, Théodore | Debois, Theodor | non fictional | 1837-1924 | - Komponist
- Dirigent
- Organist
| | 104270500 | 3 | D |
Lalo, Edouard | Lalò | non fictional | 1823-1892 | | | 101379420 | 4 | L |
Dukas, Paul | | non fictional | 1865-1935 | | | 119174049 | 1 | D |
Rheinberger, Joseph | | non fictional | 1839-1901 | - Komponist
- Organist
- Dirigent
| | 118744828 | 3 | R |
Gwendoline | | fictional | | | | | 1 | G |
Harald | | fictional | | | | | 1 | H |
Mendès, Catulle | | non fictional | 1841-1909 | | | 118783203 | 1 | M |
Pougin, Arthur | | non fictional | 1834-1921 | - Musikautor
- Violinist
- Dirigent
| | 116277882 | 4 | P |
Fouqué, Octave | | non fictional | 1844-1883 | | | 116677554 | 1 | F |
Fauré, Gabriel | | non fictional | 1845-1924 | | | 118920626 | 2 | F |
Godard, Benjamin | | non fictional | 1849-1895 | | | 116695110 | 1 | G |
Nicolai, Philipp | | non fictional | 1556-1608 | | | 11873475X | 1 | N |
Bach, Leonore | | non fictional | 1869-1939 | | | 117008172X | 4 | B |
Metternich-Sándor, Pauline | | non fictional | 1836-1921 | | | 118581481 | 4 | M |
Sempronio | | fictional | | | - Lo speziale, Hob. XXVIII:3
| | 2 | S |
Grilletta | Griletta | fictional | | | - Lo speziale, Hob. XXVIII:3
| | 2 | G |
Volpino | | fictional | | | - Lo speziale, Hob. XXVIII:3
| | 2 | V |
Mengone | | fictional | | | - Lo speziale, Hob. XXVIII:3
| | 2 | M |
Jünger, Johann Friedrich | | non fictional | 1759-1797 | | | 117221414 | 1 | J |
Adolph von Reinthal | | fictional | | | - Die vornehmen Dilettanten oder Die Opernprobe, LoWV91
| | 1 | A |
Baron von Reinthal | | fictional | | | - Die vornehmen Dilettanten oder Die Opernprobe, LoWV91
| | 1 | B |
Johann | | fictional | | | - Die vornehmen Dilettanten oder Die Opernprobe, LoWV91
| | 1 | J |
Louise | | fictional | | | - Die vornehmen Dilettanten oder Die Opernprobe, LoWV91
| | 1 | L |
Hannchen | | fictional | | | - Die vornehmen Dilettanten oder Die Opernprobe, LoWV91
| | 1 | H |
Graf | | fictional | | | - Die vornehmen Dilettanten oder Die Opernprobe, LoWV91
| | 1 | G |
Baier-Liebhardt, Ida | Bayer, Ida | non fictional | 1856-1933 | | | 11604022X | 5 | B |
Frei, Hans | Frey | non fictional | | | | | 5 | F |
Chaminade, Cécile | | non fictional | 1857-1944 | | | 118870912 | 1 | C |
Fischer, Adolphe | | non fictional | 1847-1891 | | | 116533358 | 1 | F |
Zola, Émile | | non fictional | 1840-1902 | | | 118637223 | 3 | Z |
Sonzogno, Edoardo | | non fictional | 1836-1920 | | | 117476331 | 4 | S |
Martini, Giovanni Battista | Padre Martini | non fictional | 1706-1784 | - Musikautor
- Musiklehrer
- Komponist
| | 118731386 | 3 | M |
Mattei, Stanislao | Padre Mattei | non fictional | 1750-1825 | - Komponist
- Musikautor
- Musiklehrer
| | 134636716 | 3 | M |
Stadler, Maximilian | | non fictional | 1748-1833 | - Geistlicher
- Komponist
- Musikautor
| | 11875243X | 3 | S |
Gelinek, Josef | Gelinek | non fictional | 1758-1825 | - Komponist
- Pianist
- Musiklehrer
| | 11900853X | 1 | G |
Carissimi, Giacomo | | non fictional | 1605-1674 | | | 118668404 | 2 | C |
Chamberlain, Houston Stewart | | non fictional | 1855-1927 | | | 118675508 | 5 | C |
Hans Kraft | | fictional | | | | | 1 | H |
Luise Fröhlich | | fictional | | | | | 1 | L |
Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann | | non fictional | 1710-1784 | | | 118505548 | 2 | B |
Mozart, Franz Xaver Wolfgang | | non fictional | 1791-1844 | | | 119176653 | 2 | M |
Goethe, Wolfgang Maximilian von | | non fictional | 1820-1883 | | | 118717928 | 1 | G |
Goethe, Walther Wolfgang von | | non fictional | 1818-1885 | | | 118695959 | 3 | G |
Nathan | | fictional | | | | | 1 | N |
Saladin | | fictional | | | | | 1 | S |
Halévy, Élie | Halevy / Lévy | non fictional | 1760-1826 | | | 1015979459 | 1 | H |
Sacy, Antoine Isaac Silvestre de | Sacy, Sylvestre de | non fictional | 1758-1838 | - Philologe
- Orientalist
- Hochschullehrer
| | 118750631 | 1 | S |
Halévy, Léon | Halevy / Lévy | non fictional | 1802-1883 | | | 100833330 | 1 | H |
Rachel | Recha | fictional | | | | | 3 | R |
Éléazar | Eleazar | fictional | | | | | 4 | É |
Levasseur, Nicolas Prosper | | non fictional | 1791-1871 | | | 116980834 | 2 | L |
Tichatschek, Josef Aloys | | non fictional | 1807-1886 | | | 117375098 | 4 | T |
Sontheim, Heinrich | | non fictional | 1820-1912 | | | 117476277 | 6 | S |
Guido | | fictional | | | - Guido et Ginevra, ou la Peste a Florence
| | 1 | G |
Saint-Georges, Henri de | St. Georges | non fictional | 1799-1875 | | | 117390046 | 2 | S |
Gerard de Coucy | | fictional | | | | | 1 | G |
Catarina Cornaro | | fictional | | | | | 1 | C |
Lionel | Lyonel | fictional | | | | | 1 | L |
Olivier d'Entragues | | fictional | | | - Les mousquetaires de la reine
| | 1 | O |
Beulé, Charles-Ernest | | non fictional | 1826-1874 | | | 117590037 | 1 | B |
Bazin, François | | non fictional | 1816-1877 | | | 135497965 | 2 | B |
Potier, Henri-Hippolyte | | non fictional | 1816-1878 | | | 138093288 | 1 | P |
Dreyfus, Alfred | | non fictional | 1859-1935 | | | 118527460 | 1 | D |
Zemlinsky, Alexander von | | non fictional | 1871-1942 | | | 11863643X | 2 | Z |
Becker, Reinhold | | non fictional | 1842-1924 | - Komponist
- Violinist
- Dirigent
| | 116105054 | 1 | B |
Andersen, Hans Christian | | non fictional | 1805-1875 | | | 118502794 | 2 | A |
Drachmann, Holger | | non fictional | 1846-1908 | | | 119018934 | 1 | D |
Lange-Müller, Peter Erasmus | | non fictional | 1850-1926 | | | 102213488 | 1 | L |
Czerny, Carl | Czerny, Karl | non fictional | 1791-1857 | - Pianist
- Musiklehrer
- Komponist
| | 118677667 | 6 | C |
Rückert, Friedrich | | non fictional | 1788-1866 | - Schriftsteller
- Sprachforscher
| | 118603817 | 5 | R |
Ulrica | Ulrike | fictional | | | - Un ballo in maschera, H59
| | 2 | U |
Kretzschmar, Hermann | | non fictional | 1848-1924 | | | 118715941 | 2 | K |
Schütz, Heinrich | | non fictional | 1585-1672 | | | 11861116X | 5 | S |
Doles, Johann Friedrich | | non fictional | 1715-1797 | | | 123906970 | 2 | D |
Simrock, Nikolaus | | non fictional | 1751-1832 | | | 117398810 | 1 | S |
Hofmeister, Friedrich | Hoffmeister | non fictional | 1782-1864 | | | 116952431 | 1 | H |
Neukomm, Sigismund von | | non fictional | 1778-1858 | | | 118587234 | 1 | N |
Hauser, Franz | | non fictional | 1794-1870 | - Sänger (Bassist)
- Gesangslehrer
| | 11928930X | 5 | H |
Stegmayer, Ferdinand | | non fictional | 1801-1863 | | | 117743674 | 1 | S |
Rungenhagen, Carl Friedrich | | non fictional | 1778-1851 | | | 116707801 | 2 | R |
Schelble, Johann Nepomuk | | non fictional | 1789-1837 | | | 117194891 | 1 | S |
Mosewius, Johann Theodor | | non fictional | 1788-1858 | - Sänger (Bariton)
- Dirigent
- Musikautor
| | 104264454 | 2 | M |
Becker, Carl Ferdinand | | non fictional | 1804-1877 | | | 118012215 | 2 | B |
Fasch, Johann Friedrich | | non fictional | 1688-1758 | | | 11872262X | 1 | F |
Rust, Wilhelm | | non fictional | 1822-1892 | | | 116711728 | 1 | R |
Dörffel, Alfred | | non fictional | 1821-1905 | - Herausgeber
- Verleger
- Musikkritiker
| | 116159421 | 1 | D |
Schede, C. H. | | non fictional | 19. Jahrhundert | | | | 1 | S |
Friedrich Wilhelm IV., König von Preußen | | non fictional | 1795-1861 | | | 118535994 | 2 | F |
Herzogenberg, Heinrich von | | non fictional | 1843-1900 | - Komponist
- Dirigent
- Musiklehrer
| | 119523876 | 1 | H |
Ehlert, Louis | | non fictional | 1825-1884 | | | 116379987 | 6 | E |
Iolanta | Jolanthe | fictional | | | | | 1 | I |
Hertz, Henrik | | non fictional | 1798-1870 | | | 119361116 | 1 | H |
Jolanthe | | fictional | | | | | 1 | J |
Martha | | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
René | | fictional | | | | | 1 | R |
Jebn-Hakia | Ebn-Jahia | fictional | | | | | 1 | J |
Vodemon | Tristan | fictional | | | | | 1 | V |
Robert | | fictional | | | | | 1 | R |
Schmidt, Hans | | non fictional | 1854-1923 | - Komponist
- Pianist
- Schriftsteller
| | 117506338 | 1 | S |
Rellé, Leonore | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | R |
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm | Leibnitz | non fictional | 1646-1716 | | | 118571249 | 1 | L |
Jansa, Leopold | | non fictional | 1795-1875 | - Violinist
- Musiklehrer
- Komponist
| | 117081523 | 4 | J |
Böhm, Joseph | | non fictional | 1795-1876 | | | 102375119 | 4 | B |
Assad | | fictional | | | - Die Königin von Saba, op. 27
| | 1 | A |
Wrbna-Freudenthal, Rudolf Eugen | | non fictional | 1813-1883 | | | 1243978708 | 1 | W |
Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst, Konstantin zu | | non fictional | 1828-1896 | | | 124650791 | 1 | H |
Königin von Saba | | fictional | | | - Die Königin von Saba, op. 27
| | 1 | K |
Sulamith | | fictional | | | - Die Königin von Saba, op. 27
| | 1 | S |
König Salomon | Salamo | fictional | | | - Die Königin von Saba, op. 27
| | 2 | K |
Sélika | Selica | fictional | | | | | 12 | S |
Gomperz, Julius von | | non fictional | 1823-1909 | | | 136049842 | 1 | G |
Pouget, A. | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | P |
Fouque, O. | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | F |
Joncières, Victorin | | non fictional | 1839-1903 | | | 102410992 | 1 | J |
Esterházy de Galantha, Nikolaus | Eszterhazy | non fictional | 1765-1833 | - Adeliger
- Politiker
- Diplomat
| | 130146870 | 4 | E |
Hieronymus, Erzbischof von Salzburg | | non fictional | 1732-1812 | | | 119265737 | 2 | H |
Esterházy de Galántha, Pál Antal | Eszterhazy | non fictional | 1786-1866 | | | 119526743 | 1 | E |
Ludwig, Herzog von Württemberg | Würtemberg | non fictional | 1756-1817 | | | 132356716 | 1 | L |
Hoffmann, ? | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | H |
Augier, Emile | | non fictional | 1820-1889 | | | 119493020 | 2 | A |
Lesneur, Jean François | | non fictional | 18./19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | L |
Delavigne, Germain | | non fictional | 1790-1868 | | | 119106698 | 1 | D |
Lautenschläger, Carl | | non fictional | 1843-1906 | - Bühnentechniker
- Theatermaschinist
| | 116769319 | 1 | L |
Despina | | fictional | | | - Così fan tutte, ossia La scuola degli amanti, KV588
| | 2 | D |
Carmen | | fictional | | | | | 4 | C |
Nedda | | fictional | | | | | 3 | N |
Fiordiligi | | fictional | | | - Così fan tutte, ossia La scuola degli amanti, KV588
| | 1 | F |
Ferrando | Fernando | fictional | | | - Così fan tutte, ossia La scuola degli amanti, KV588
| | 2 | F |
Guglielmo | | fictional | | | - Così fan tutte, ossia La scuola degli amanti, KV588
| | 1 | G |
Don Alfonso | | fictional | | | - Così fan tutte, ossia La scuola degli amanti, KV588
| | 2 | D |
Ponte, Lorenzo Da | | non fictional | 1749-1838 | - Librettist
- Schriftsteller
- Romanist
| | 118678841 | 5 | P |
Schneider, Louis | | non fictional | 1805-1878 | - Schauspieler
- Sänger (Tenor)
- Schriftsteller
| | 116836709 | 1 | S |
Reiter, Josef | Reiter, Joseph | non fictional | 1862-1939 | - Komponist
- Dirigent
- Musiklehrer
| | 116432128 | 1 | R |
Millenkovich-Morold, Max von | | non fictional | 1866-1945 | | | 117042242 | 1 | M |
Mozart, Leopold | | non fictional | 1719-1787 | - Komponist
- Dirigent
- Violinist
| | 118584588 | 5 | M |
Giordano, Umberto | | non fictional | 1867-1948 | | | 119264935 | 2 | G |
Esterházy de Galántha, Franz | Eszterhazy | non fictional | | | | | 1 | E |
Pereira-Arnstein, Heinrich von | | non fictional | 1773-1835 | | | 138742243 | 1 | P |
Arnstein, Nathan Adam von | | non fictional | 1748-1838 | | | 117764086 | 1 | A |
Henikstein, Josef von | | non fictional | 1768-1838 | | | 135933420 | 1 | H |
Cilèa, Francesco | | non fictional | 1866-1950 | | | 122783239 | 2 | C |
Spinelli, Nicola | | non fictional | 1865-1909 | | | 1021278300 | 1 | S |
Tasca, Pierantonio | | non fictional | 1864-1934 | | | 1012348253 | 1 | T |
Henning Hofmeyer | | fictional | | | | | 1 | H |
Veit Weber | | fictional | | | | | 1 | V |
Ehrengard | | fictional | | | | | 1 | E |
Hans Fuchs | | fictional | | | | | 1 | H |
Ulrike Fuchs | | fictional | | | | | 1 | U |
Hartmann | | fictional | | | | | 1 | H |
Sixtus Beckmesser | | fictional | | | - Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, WWV96
| | 4 | S |
David | | fictional | | | - Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, WWV96
| | 3 | D |
Libuše | Libussa | fictional | | | | | 1 | L |
Přemysl | Premysl | fictional | | | | | 1 | P |
Friedberg, Carl | Friedberg, Karl | non fictional | 1872-1955 | | | 116791748 | 1 | F |
Bösendorfer, Ludwig | | non fictional | 1835-1919 | | | 116225556 | 5 | B |
Delavigne, Casimir | | non fictional | 1793-1843 | | | 118878921 | 1 | D |
Lasso, Orlando di | Lassus | non fictional | ca. 1530-1594 | | | 118569945 | 3 | L |
Lotto, Izydor | | non fictional | 1840-1927 | | | 1020610581 | 1 | L |
Kleinecke, Wilhelm | | non fictional | | | | 1245870734 | 3 | K |
Lewy, Richard | | non fictional | 1827-1883 | - Hornist
- Regisseur
- Gesangslehrer
| | 116978090 | 1 | L |
Nélusko | Nelusco | fictional | | | | | 6 | N |
Vasco de Gama | | fictional | | | | | 5 | V |
Don Diégo | Diego | fictional | | | | | 2 | D |
Diaz, Bartolomeu | Diaz, Bartolomeo | non fictional | ca. 1450-1500 | | | 118678159 | 1 | D |
Emanuel I., König von Portugal | | non fictional | 1469-1521 | | | 118954830 | 1 | E |
Inès | Ines | fictional | | | | | 6 | I |
Gama, Vasco da | Gama, Vasco de | non fictional | ca. 1469-1524 | | | 118537431 | 1 | G |
Don Pédro | Don Pedro | fictional | | | | | 2 | D |
Grand Inquisiteur | Groß-Inquisitor | fictional | | | | | 1 | G |
Bock, Emil | | non fictional | 1816-1871 | | | 1055107894 | 1 | B |
Grand Prêtre de Brahma | Oberpriester | fictional | | | | | 2 | G |
Dreilich, Gottlieb | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | D |
Fortuna | | fictional | | | | 118534467 | 1 | F |
Sulzer, Salomon | | non fictional | 1804-1890 | - Sänger (Bariton)
- Kantor
- Komponist
| | 118809571 | 1 | S |
Worms, Franziska de | Todesco, Fanny | non fictional | 1846-1922 | | | 1175446076 | 1 | W |
Mannheimer, Isak Noa | | non fictional | 1793-1865 | | | 126905142 | 1 | M |
Seyfried, Ignaz Xaver von | | non fictional | 1776-1841 | | | 118938533 | 4 | S |
Würfel, Wenzel Wilhelm | | non fictional | 1790-1832 | | | 11737492X | 1 | W |
Drechsler, Joseph | Drexler | non fictional | 1782-1852 | - Komponist
- Organist
- Dirigent
| | 127916148 | 1 | D |
Volkert, Franz Joseph | | non fictional | 1778-1845 | - Organist
- Dirigent
- Komponist
| | 138496943 | 1 | V |
David, König von Israel | | non fictional | 1. Jtsd. v.u.Z. | | | 118523929 | 1 | D |
Christianowitsch, Alexandre | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | C |
Zajc, Ivan | Zaytz | non fictional | 1832-1914 | - Komponist
- Dirigent
- Musiklehrer
| | 119351455 | 1 | Z |
Knaack, Wilhelm | | non fictional | 1829-1894 | | | 116243252 | 3 | K |
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de | | non fictional | 1547-1616 | | | 11851993X | 2 | C |
Haizinger, Amalie | | non fictional | 1800-1884 | | | 116393610 | 5 | H |
Beckmann, Friedrich | | non fictional | 1803-1866 | | | 116106409 | 1 | B |
Meixner, Karl Wilhelm | | non fictional | 1815-1888 | | | 11687239X | 2 | M |
Gabillon, Ludwig | | non fictional | 1825-1896 | | | 116326557 | 3 | G |
Sonnenthal, Adolf von | | non fictional | 1832-1909 | | | 119343207 | 4 | S |
Baumeister, Bernhard | | non fictional | 1827-1917 | | | 118869272 | 1 | B |
Wilbrandt-Baudius, Auguste | | non fictional | 1843-1937 | | | 117378186 | 2 | W |
Röckel, Louisabeth | | non fictional | 1841-1913 | | | 116579935 | 1 | R |
Reutter der Jüngere, Georg | | non fictional | 1708-1772 | | | 102338469 | 2 | R |
Preciosa | Präziosa | fictional | | | | | 3 | P |
Hulda | Donau | fictional | | | - Das Donauweibchen und der Ritter vom Kahlenberg
| | 1 | H |
Theiß | | fictional | | | - Das Donauweibchen und der Ritter vom Kahlenberg
| | 1 | T |
Heinrich vom Kahlenberg | | fictional | | | - Das Donauweibchen und der Ritter vom Kahlenberg
| | 1 | H |
Müller, Wenzel | | non fictional | 1759-1835 | | | 118785230 | 4 | M |
Kasper Larifari | Kasperle | fictional | | | | | 1 | K |
Rose Friquet | | fictional | | | | | 4 | R |
Strampfer, Friedrich | | non fictional | 1823-1890 | - Schauspieler
- Theaterdirektor
| | 1200564383 | 2 | S |
Kleydorff, Camilla von | Stefanska | non fictional | 1838-1902 | | | 1183139268 | 1 | K |
Pochini, Carolina | Pocchini | non fictional | 1835-1901 | | | | 1 | P |
Borri, Pasquale | | non fictional | 1820-1884 | - Tänzer
- Choreograph
- Librettist
| | 120358131 | 2 | B |
Goßmann, Friederike | | non fictional | 1838-1906 | | | 116304723 | 1 | G |
Adelina | Gazella | fictional | | | - La Giocoliera e Un'avventura di Carnevale
| | 1 | A |
Collin, Heinrich Joseph von | | non fictional | 1771-1811 | | | 11852156X | 2 | C |
Baratti, Filippo | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | B |
Strahlendorf, Joseph Edler von | Strohlendorf | non fictional | 18./19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | S |
Dahn, Felix | | non fictional | 1834-1912 | - Jurist
- Schriftsteller
- Historiker
| | 118523392 | 1 | D |
Schikaneder, Emanuel | | non fictional | 1751-1812 | - Schriftsteller
- Schauspieler
- Theaterdirektor
| | 11860757X | 1 | S |
Reznicek, Emil Nikolaus von | | non fictional | 1860-1945 | - Komponist
- Dirigent
- Musiklehrer
| | 118744798 | 1 | R |
Moreto, Agustín | | non fictional | 1618-1669 | | | 118784846 | 1 | M |
Jean Paul | Jean Paul Richter | non fictional | 1763-1825 | | | 118557211 | 7 | J |
Floretta | | fictional | | | | | 1 | F |
Perin | | fictional | | | | | 1 | P |
Don Louis | | fictional | | | | | 1 | D |
Don Gaston | | fictional | | | | | 1 | D |
Don Cesar | Don Cäsar | fictional | | | | | 1 | D |
Beeth, Lola | | non fictional | 1860-1940 | | | 116108886 | 9 | B |
Naumann, Ernst | | non fictional | 1832-1910 | - Musikautor
- Herausgeber
- Komponist
| | 116899344 | 1 | N |
Treitschke, Georg Friedrich | | non fictional | 1776-1842 | - Schauspieler
- Regisseur
- Schriftsteller
| | 117409030 | 3 | T |
Gallet, Louis | Gallait | non fictional | 1835-1889 | | | 116367806 | 3 | G |
Colomb, Joséphine | | non fictional | 1833-1892 | - Schriftstellerin
- Übersetzerin
| | 126320128 | 1 | C |
Willner, Alfred Maria | | non fictional | 1859-1929 | - Librettist
- Journalist
- Komponist
| | 11739517X | 3 | W |
Verga, Giovanni | | non fictional | 1840-1922 | | | 118626558 | 1 | V |
Waldberg, Heinrich von | | non fictional | 1862-1929 | | | 126259739 | 1 | W |
Léon, Victor | Leon, Viktor | non fictional | 1858-1940 | - Schriftsteller
- Librettist
- Dramaturg
| | 115460608 | 2 | L |
Wallenstein | | fictional | | | | | 2 | W |
Ingomar | | fictional | | | | | 2 | I |
Parthenia | | fictional | | | | | 1 | P |
Halm, Friedrich | Münch-Bellinghausen, Eligius Franz Joseph von | non fictional | 1806-1871 | | | 118720074 | 2 | H |
Franck, Salomo | Franck, Salomon | non fictional | 1659-1725 | | | 121199398 | 1 | F |
Davis, Gustav | | non fictional | 1856-1951 | - Librettist
- Journalist
- Herausgeber
| | 116040718 | 2 | D |
Dóczi, Ludwig von | Doczi | non fictional | 1845-1919 | | | 116151846 | 2 | D |
Gebler, Tobias Philip von | | non fictional | ca. 1720-1786 | - Schriftsteller
- Politiker
- Beamter
| | 130096563 | 1 | G |
Romani, Felice | | non fictional | 1788-1865 | | | 119309912 | 4 | R |
Niemeyer, August Hermann | | non fictional | 1754-1828 | - Theologe
- Schriftsteller
- Librettist
| | 118786199 | 1 | N |
Lisa | | fictional | | | | | 2 | L |
Rodolfo | Rudolf / Rudolph | fictional | | | | | 1 | R |
Konstanze | Constanze | fictional | | | - Die Entführung aus dem Serail, KV384
| | 1 | K |
Belmonte | | fictional | | | - Die Entführung aus dem Serail, KV384
| | 1 | B |
Osmin | | fictional | | | - Die Entführung aus dem Serail, KV384
| | 2 | O |
Pappenheim-Arens, Jenny | | non fictional | 1849-1924 | - Sängerin (Sopran)
- Gesangslehrerin
| | 1293399795 | 1 | P |
Pedrillo | | fictional | | | - Die Entführung aus dem Serail, KV384
| | 1 | P |
Willmers, Rudolf | | non fictional | 1821-1878 | - Pianist
- Komponist
- Musiklehrer
| | 104318724 | 2 | W |
Evers, Carl | | non fictional | 1819-1875 | - Pianist
- Komponist
- Musikhändler
| | 116612037 | 2 | E |
Rudorff, Ernst | | non fictional | 1840-1916 | | | 118750178 | 1 | R |
Rubinstein, Joseph | | non fictional | 1847-1884 | | | 116669314 | 4 | R |
Lützow, Carl von | Lützow, Karl von | non fictional | 1832-1897 | - Kunsthistoriker
- Archäologe
| | 100804691 | 1 | L |
Brahma | | fictional | | | | 119056119 | 2 | B |
Vishnu | | fictional | | | | 118769529 | 1 | V |
Shiva | Siva | fictional | | | | 118755218 | 1 | S |
Inconnu | Unbekannter | fictional | | | - Le dieu et la bayadère, ou La courtisane amoureuse
| | 1 | I |
Conti, Rachele | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | C |
Cerrito, Fanny | | non fictional | 1817-1909 | | | 118668978 | 2 | C |
Taglioni, Marie | | non fictional | 1804-1884 | - Tänzerin
- Choreographin
- Tanzlehrerin
| | 117197408 | 3 | T |
Ludwig XV., König von Frankreich | Louis XV. | non fictional | 1710-1774 | | | 118729438 | 3 | L |
Éros | Eros | fictional | | | | | 1 | É |
Daphné | Daphne | fictional | | | | | 1 | D |
Pollak, Johann | | non fictional | 1814-nach 1848 | | | 1041732287 | 1 | P |
Jósika, Káláman | Josika, Koloman | non fictional | 1837-1910 | | | 122312147X | 1 | J |
Winter, Berardo | | non fictional | 1796-1865 | | | 103330266X | 1 | W |
Halévy, Ludovic | Halevy | non fictional | 1834-1908 | | | 118919660 | 2 | H |
Meilhac, Henri | | non fictional | 1831-1897 | | | 118919652 | 3 | M |
Jouy, Étienne de | | non fictional | 1764-1846 | - Schriftsteller
- Librettist
- Journalist
| | 100794548 | 1 | J |
Planché, James R. | | non fictional | 1796-1880 | - Librettist
- Schriftsteller
- Übersetzer
| | 12115873X | 1 | P |
Leuven, Adolphe de | | non fictional | 1800-1884 | - Librettist
- Theaterdirektor
| | 10876799X | 1 | L |
Duveyrier, Anne-Honoré Joseph | Mélesville / Melesville | non fictional | 1787-1865 | | | 100855296 | 1 | D |
Pepoli, Carlo | | non fictional | 1796-1881 | - Schriftsteller
- Librettist
- Politiker
| | 134482409 | 1 | P |
Théaulon de Lambert, Marie-Emmanuel Guillaume Marguerite | | non fictional | 1787-1841 | | | 104275618 | 1 | T |
Hölderlin, Friedrich | | non fictional | 1770-1843 | | | 118551981 | 1 | H |
Claudius, Matthias | | non fictional | 1740-1815 | | | 118521098 | 1 | C |
Sonnleithner, Joseph | | non fictional | 1766-1835 | - Beamter
- Bibliothekar
- Schriftsteller
| | 104332042 | 2 | S |
Street-Klindworth, Agnes | | non fictional | 1825-1906 | | | 117346667 | 1 | S |
Prechtler, Otto | | non fictional | 1813-1881 | - Beamter
- Schriftsteller
- Librettist
| | 116281375 | 2 | P |
Baumann, Alexander | | non fictional | 1814-1857 | - Schriftsteller
- Librettist
- Komponist
| | 118507451 | 2 | B |
Metastasio, Pietro | | non fictional | 1698-1782 | | | 118733141 | 1 | M |
Royer, Alphonse | | non fictional | 1803-1875 | - Schriftsteller
- Librettist
- Theaterdirektor
| | 116668733 | 2 | R |
Cammarano, Salvatore | Cammerano | non fictional | 1801-1852 | | | 115458085 | 1 | C |
Viskovatov, Pavel Aleksandrovič | | non fictional | 1842-1905 | | | 135103177 | 1 | V |
Riese, Friedrich Wilhelm | Friedrich, Wilhelm | non fictional | 1807-1879 | | | 105607231 | 1 | R |
Calzabigi, Ranieri de | Calsabigi | non fictional | 1714-1795 | | | 118937790 | 1 | C |
Geijer, Erik Gustaf | | non fictional | 1783-1847 | - Historiker
- Schriftsteller
- Komponist
| | 118716662 | 1 | G |
Aken, Hermann van | | non fictional | 1797-1834 | | | 104503357X | 1 | A |
Ibsen, Henrik | | non fictional | 1828-1906 | - Schriftsteller
- Theaterdirektor
| | 118555286 | 8 | I |
Wenzig, Josef | | non fictional | 1807-1876 | - Politiker
- Schriftsteller
- Übersetzer
| | 117295329 | 1 | W |
Claretie, Jules | | non fictional | 1840-1913 | - Schriftsteller
- Journalist
- Theaterdirektor
| | 119069830 | 1 | C |
Gille, Philippe | | non fictional | 1831-1901 | - Schriftsteller
- Librettist
- Journalist
| | 116624841 | 1 | G |
Klingemann, Karl | | non fictional | 1798-1862 | - Beamter
- Diplomat
- Schriftsteller
| | 116236450 | 2 | K |
Gye, Frederick | Hye | non fictional | 1810-1878 | | | 116937904 | 1 | G |
Giornovichi, Giovanni Mane | Tarnovich / Jarnovich | non fictional | 1747-1804 | | | 101364415 | 1 | G |
Reinick, Robert | | non fictional | 1805-1852 | - Maler
- Schriftsteller
- Übersetzer
| | 116427620 | 1 | R |
Hoffmann von Fallersleben, August Heinrich | | non fictional | 1798-1874 | - Schriftsteller
- Germanist
- Kunstsammler
| | 118552589 | 1 | H |
Marie, Königin von Hannover | | non fictional | 1818-1907 | | | 102164711 | 1 | M |
Adam | | fictional | | | | 118646877 | 3 | A |
Wichard Gruwelholt | | fictional | | | - Der Rattenfänger von Hameln
| | 1 | W |
Rellstab, Ludwig | | non fictional | 1799-1860 | - Musikkritiker
- Schriftsteller
| | 118744453 | 5 | R |
Varesco, Giambattista | | non fictional | 1735-1805 | - Librettist
- Musiker
- Komponist
| | 100652565 | 1 | V |
Winter, Peter von | | non fictional | 1754-1825 | | | 119055716 | 7 | W |
Weinmüller, Carl Friedrich Clemens | | non fictional | 1763-1828 | - Sänger (Bassist)
- Schauspieler
- Regisseur
| | 130841196 | 2 | W |
Wache, Joseph | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | 117076384 | 1 | W |
Schwarzenberg, Maria Karoline zu | Lobkowitz, Caroline | non fictional | 1775-1816 | | | 103347875X | 1 | S |
Odescalchi, Henriette Fürstin von | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | O |
Maria Ludovika, Kaiserin von Österreich | Ludovica | non fictional | 1787-1816 | | | 119446715 | 1 | M |
Troyes, Vincenz | | non fictional | | | | | 1 | T |
Körner, Theodor | | non fictional | 1791-1813 | | | 118713507 | 6 | K |
Hendel-Schütz, Henriette | | non fictional | 1772-1849 | - Schauspielerin
- Sängerin (Sopran)
- Tänzerin
| | 116700785 | 1 | H |
Schröder, Sophie | | non fictional | 1781-1868 | | | 118761889 | 3 | S |
Illica, Luigi | | non fictional | 1857-1919 | - Librettist
- Journalist
- Schriftsteller
| | 119533219 | 2 | I |
Giacosa, Giuseppe | | non fictional | 1847-1906 | | | 118717251 | 1 | G |
Pyrker, János László | | non fictional | 1772-1847 | | | 11874304X | 1 | P |
Mörike, Eduard | | non fictional | 1804-1875 | | | 118583107 | 2 | M |
Bernard, Joseph Carl | | non fictional | 1781-1850 | - Schriftsteller
- Redakteur
- Librettist
| | 116136812 | 1 | B |
Maffei, Andrea | | non fictional | 1798-1885 | | | 119062526 | 1 | M |
Pixis, Friedrich W. | | non fictional | 1785-1842 | - Violinist
- Pianist
- Komponist
| | 11620320X | 1 | P |
Saphir, Moritz Gottlieb | | non fictional | 1795-1858 | - Kritiker
- Journalist
- Schriftsteller
| | 118794558 | 1 | S |
Rettich, Julie | | non fictional | 1809-1866 | | | 116449926 | 1 | R |
Neumann, Luise | Neumann, Louise | non fictional | 1818-1905 | | | 11696345X | 3 | N |
Sydow, Theodor von | | non fictional | 1770-1855 | | | 117391018 | 2 | S |
Holtei, Karl von | | non fictional | 1798-1880 | - Schriftsteller
- Schauspieler
| | 118706640 | 7 | H |
Médée | Medea | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
Agrippina, die Jüngere | | non fictional | 15-59 | | | 11864405X | 1 | A |
Niobe | | fictional | | | | 11878630X | 1 | N |
Humboldt, Alexander von | | non fictional | 1769-1859 | - Wissenschaftler
- Schriftsteller
- Geograph
| | 118554700 | 3 | H |
Varnhagen von Ense, Karl August | | non fictional | 1785-1858 | - Schriftsteller
- Pädagoge
- Diplomat
| | 118626167 | 1 | V |
Paula, Franz von | Paula, Franz de | non fictional | 1416-1507 | | | 119481758 | 1 | P |
Dawison, Bogumil | | non fictional | 1818-1872 | | | 118524097 | 4 | D |
Hlasiwetz, Heinrich | | non fictional | 1825-1875 | | | 116917784 | 3 | H |
Schrötter, Anton von | | non fictional | 1802-1875 | | | 117098981 | 1 | S |
Redtenbacher, Joseph | | non fictional | 1810-1870 | | | 116389613 | 1 | R |
Szika, Jani | | non fictional | 1844-1916 | - Schauspieler
- Sänger (Tenor)
| | 117391883 | 1 | S |
Jean de Paris | Johann von Paris | fictional | | | | | 1 | J |
Hunold Singuf | | fictional | | | - Der Rattenfänger von Hameln
| | 1 | H |
Martin, Jean Blaise | | non fictional | 1767-1837 | - Sänger (Bariton)
- Sänger (Tenor)
| | 116804297 | 2 | M |
Georges Brown | George Brown | fictional | | | | | 2 | G |
Ponchard, Charles Marie Auguste | | non fictional | 1824-1891 | | | 1147141630 | 2 | P |
Olivier | | fictional | | | | | 1 | O |
Görlich, Anton | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | - Schauspieler
- Sänger (Bassist)
| | 1013721985 | 1 | G |
Grand Sénéchal | Seneschall | fictional | | | | | 1 | G |
Rethwisch, Ernst | | non fictional | 1824-1879 | - Schauspieler
- Sänger (Bassist)
| | 143885634 | 1 | R |
Calzolari, Enrico | | non fictional | 1823-1888 | | | 142456667 | 6 | C |
Berta | Bertha | fictional | | | | | 2 | B |
Burg, Anton | | non fictional | 1767-1849 | | | 143594168 | 1 | B |
Reine Clémentine | | fictional | | | | | 1 | R |
Unger, Caroline | Ungher | non fictional | 1803-1877 | - Sängerin (Sopran)
- Sängerin (Mezzo-Sopran)
| | 11729392X | 4 | U |
David, Giovanni | | non fictional | 1790-1864 | | | 1036370518 | 2 | D |
Donzelli, Domenico | | non fictional | 1790-1873 | | | 11617949X | 3 | D |
Rubini, Giacomo | | non fictional | 1791–1876 | | | 115639290X | 6 | R |
Chorley, Henry Fothergill | | non fictional | 1808-1872 | - Kritiker
- Schriftsteller
- Journalist
| | 11773618X | 3 | C |
Adina | Adine | fictional | | | | | 3 | A |
Nemorino | | fictional | | | | | 2 | N |
Dottor Dulcamara | Doktor Dulcamara | fictional | | | | | 2 | D |
Belcore | | fictional | | | | | 2 | B |
Gianetta | | fictional | | | | | 1 | G |
Zellner, Julius | | non fictional | 1832-1900 | | | 104350628 | 5 | Z |
Lorenz, ? | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | L |
Lirnberger, ? | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | L |
Leeder, ? | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 2 | L |
Colbrán, Isabella | Colbrand | non fictional | 1785-1845 | - Komponistin
- Sängerin (Mezzo-Sopran)
| | 116636602 | 3 | C |
Grünbaum, Therese | | non fictional | 1791-1876 | | | 122844343 | 2 | G |
Samaras, Spyros | Samara | non fictional | 1861-1917 | | | 124252990 | 1 | S |
Kainz-Prause, Emilie | | non fictional | 1843-1914 | | | 116026340 | 4 | K |
Rabatinsky, Maria von | | non fictional | ca. 1842-nach 1872 | | | 116319127 | 8 | R |
Wolff, Pius Alexander | | non fictional | 1782-1828 | - Schauspieler
- Schriftsteller
| | 117443018 | 1 | W |
Barbe-Bleue | Blaubart | fictional | | | | | 1 | B |
Gaul, Franz | | non fictional | 1837-1906 | | | 116467231 | 6 | G |
Popolani | | fictional | | | | | 1 | P |
Roi Bobêche | Bobèche | fictional | | | | | 1 | R |
Alvarez | | fictional | | | | | 1 | A |
Jäger, Ferdinand | | non fictional | 1838-1902 | | | 117052477 | 1 | J |
Boulotte | | fictional | | | | | 1 | B |
Comte Oscar | Oskar | fictional | | | | | 1 | C |
Prince Saphir | | fictional | | | | | 1 | P |
Princesse Hermia | | fictional | | | | | 1 | P |
Véron, Louis Désiré | | non fictional | 1798-1867 | - Pharmazeut
- Theaterdirektor
- Unternehmer
| | 124929559 | 2 | V |
Gustav III., König von Schweden | | non fictional | 1746-1792 | | | 118543725 | 2 | G |
Riccardo | Richard | fictional | | | - Un ballo in maschera, H59
| | 2 | R |
Amelia | Amalia | fictional | | | - Un ballo in maschera, H59
| | 3 | A |
Oscar | | fictional | | | - Un ballo in maschera, H59
| | 1 | O |
Hofmann, Friedrich | | non fictional | 1813-1888 | | | 101134541 | 1 | H |
Regina | | fictional | | | - Der Rattenfänger von Hameln
| | 1 | R |
Dorothea | | fictional | | | - Der Rattenfänger von Hameln
| | 1 | D |
Bertholdus de Sunneborne | | fictional | | | - Der Rattenfänger von Hameln
| | 1 | B |
Heribert de Sunneborne | | fictional | | | - Der Rattenfänger von Hameln
| | 1 | H |
Ethelerus | | fictional | | | - Der Rattenfänger von Hameln
| | 1 | E |
Gertrud | | fictional | | | - Der Rattenfänger von Hameln
| | 1 | G |
Wulf | Wulff | fictional | | | - Der Rattenfänger von Hameln
| | 1 | W |
Brackenburg | | fictional | | | | | 1 | B |
Isfried Rhynperg | | fictional | | | - Der Rattenfänger von Hameln
| | 1 | I |
Zarathustra | Zoroaster | non fictional | ca. 1. od. 2. Jtsd. v.u.Z. | | | 118636227 | 2 | Z |
Francoeur, François | | non fictional | 1698-1787 | | | 132619261 | 1 | F |
Rebel, François | | non fictional | 1701-1755 | - Violinist
- Theorbist
- Komponist
| | 121248321 | 1 | R |
Choron, Alexandre | | non fictional | 1771-1834 | - Musiklehrer
- Musikautor
- Komponist
| | 116507004 | 1 | C |
Persuis, Louis-Luc Loiseau de | | non fictional | 1769-1819 | | | 10422813X | 1 | P |
Viotti, Giovanni Battista | | non fictional | 1755-1824 | - Violinist
- Komponist
- Theaterdirektor
| | 119322366 | 2 | V |
Habeneck, François Antoine | | non fictional | 1781-1849 | - Violinist
- Dirigent
- Komponist
| | 116349158 | 1 | H |
Lubbert, Émile Timothée | | non fictional | 1794-1859 | | | | 1 | L |
Duplantys, Raphaël | Dupantys | non fictional | 18./19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | D |
Argout, Antoine Maurice Apollinaire d' | | non fictional | 1782-1858 | | | 116340177 | 1 | A |
Fould, Achilles | Fould, Achille | non fictional | 1800-1867 | | | 116677228 | 1 | F |
Duponchel, Henri | | non fictional | 1794-1868 | - Architekt
- Regisseur
- Theaterdirektor
| | 116252464 | 1 | D |
Roqueplan, Nestor Louis-Victor | | non fictional | 1804-1870 | - Schriftsteller
- Journalist
- Theaterdirektor
| | 116608412 | 1 | R |
Pillet, Léon | | non fictional | 1803-1868 | - Journalist
- Librettist
- Theaterdirektor
| | 1018150730 | 1 | P |
Crosnier, François-Louis | | non fictional | 1792-1867 | - Schriftsteller
- Politiker
- Theaterdirektor
| | | 2 | C |
Perrin, Émile | | non fictional | 1814-1885 | | | 116082313 | 1 | P |
Koháry, Johann von | Kohary | non fictional | 1733-1800 | | | 123795427 | 1 | K |
Palffy von Erdöd, Ferdinand | | non fictional | 1774-1840 | | | 11601847X | 1 | P |
Zichy-Vásonykeő, István | | non fictional | 1757-1841 | | | 1047603748 | 1 | Z |
Lodron, Hieronymus Maria von | | non fictional | 1766-1823 | | | | 1 | L |
Cornet, Cornelius | | non fictional | 1793-1860 | - Sänger (Tenor)
- Theaterdirektor
| | 116680520 | 1 | C |
Gallenberg, Wenzel Robert von | | non fictional | 1783-1839 | | | 129351105 | 1 | G |
Eckert, Karl Florian Anton | | non fictional | 1820-1879 | | | 116347015 | 3 | E |
Reiza | Rezia | fictional | | | - Oberon or The Elf King's Oath, J306
| | 2 | R |
Leonore | | fictional | | | | | 1 | L |
Immermann, Karl Leberecht | | non fictional | 1796-1840 | - Schriftsteller
- Theaterdirektor
| | 118555553 | 3 | I |
Berggeist | | fictional | | | | | 1 | B |
Troll | Droll | fictional | | | | | 1 | T |
Reuling, Wilhelm | | non fictional | 1802-1877 | | | 116450908 | 2 | R |
Lang, Franz Innocenz von | | non fictional | 1752-1835 | | | 1037414845 | 1 | L |
Spaun, Josef von | Spaun, Joseph von | non fictional | 1788-1865 | | | 1019704578 | 1 | S |
Sonnleithner, Ignaz von | | non fictional | 1770-1831 | | | 118615637 | 1 | S |
Sonnleithner, Christoph | | non fictional | 1734-1786 | | | 103949828 | 1 | S |
Bocklet, Karl Maria von | | non fictional | 1801-1881 | | | 143906437 | 2 | B |
Voříšek, Jan Hugo | Worzischek | non fictional | 1791-1825 | | | 117425214 | 1 | V |
Haizinger, Anton | | non fictional | 1796-1869 | | | 116393661 | 3 | H |
Hellmesberger, Georg | Hellmesberger senior | non fictional | 1800-1873 | | | 104311665 | 3 | H |
Frischling, Franz | | non fictional | | | | | 1 | F |
Hatwig, Otto | | non fictional | 1766-1834 | - Fagottist
- Kontrabassist
- Musiklehrer
| | 1050899881 | 1 | H |
Danhauser, Josef | | non fictional | 1805-1845 | - Maler
- Zeichner
- Möbelfabrikant
| | 118678744 | 1 | D |
Kayser, Philipp Christoph | Keyser | non fictional | 1755-1823 | - Pianist
- Komponist
- Musiklehrer
| | 116090235 | 1 | K |
Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb | | non fictional | 1724-1803 | | | 118563386 | 6 | K |
Hölty, Ludwig Christoph Heinrich | | non fictional | 1748-1776 | | | 118552023 | 1 | H |
Klein, Bernhard | | non fictional | 1793-1832 | | | 116210974 | 2 | K |
Berger, Ludwig | | non fictional | 1777-1839 | - Komponist
- Pianist
- Musiklehrer
| | 116131810 | 2 | B |
Zumsteeg, Johann Rudolf | Zumsteg | non fictional | 1760-1802 | | | 118773267 | 3 | Z |
Grove, George | Grove, Georges | non fictional | 1820-1900 | - Ingenieur
- Herausgeber
- Musikautor
| | 118719025 | 2 | G |
Reißmann, August | | non fictional | 1825-1903 | | | 116431814 | 2 | R |
Friedländer, Max | | non fictional | 1829-1872 | | | 116797630 | 2 | F |
Schönstein, Carl von | | non fictional | 1796-1876 | - Beamter
- Sänger (Tenor)
- Sänger (Bariton)
| | 142462276 | 1 | S |
Magnus, Helene | | non fictional | 1840-1914 | | | 137908792 | 11 | M |
Mandyczewski, Eusebius | Mandyczewsky | non fictional | 1857-1929 | | | 116728698 | 7 | M |
Kundmann, Carl | | non fictional | 1838-1919 | | | 116610301 | 1 | K |
Glossy, Karl | | non fictional | 1848-1937 | | | 116667478 | 1 | G |
Truhn, Hieronymus | | non fictional | 1811-1886 | - Komponist
- Dirigent
- Musikautor
| | 117426784 | 1 | T |
Schmölzer, Jakob Eduard | Schmölzer, Jacob | non fictional | 1812-1886 | | | 11860936X | 1 | S |
Ludmilla | | fictional | | | | | 1 | L |
Helene | Helena | fictional | | | | | 1 | H |
Astolf von Reisenberg | | fictional | | | | | 1 | A |
Udolin | | fictional | | | | | 1 | U |
Heribert von Lüdenstein | Herbert | fictional | | | | | 1 | H |
Isella | | fictional | | | | | 1 | I |
Fischer-Swoboda, Friederike | | non fictional | 1844-1898 | - Sängerin (Sopran)
- Schauspielerin
| | 1018869174 | 2 | F |
Wilder, Victor van | | non fictional | 1835-1892 | - Musikkritiker
- Übersetzer
- Schriftsteller
| | 117380334 | 2 | W |
Jaquino | Jacquino | fictional | | | | | 2 | J |
Fuchs, Johann Nepomuk | | non fictional | 1842-1899 | | | 116843985 | 9 | F |
Dippel, Andreas | | non fictional | 1866-1932 | | | 130141062 | 9 | D |
Speidel, Ludwig | | non fictional | 1830-1906 | | | 117482684 | 2 | S |
Duval | | fictional | | | - Der vierjährige Posten, D190
| | 1 | D |
Käthchen | | fictional | | | - Der vierjährige Posten, D190
| | 1 | K |
Walther | | fictional | | | - Der vierjährige Posten, D190
| | 1 | W |
Hauptmann | Capitän | fictional | | | - Der vierjährige Posten, D190
| | 1 | H |
General | | fictional | | | - Der vierjährige Posten, D190
| | 1 | G |
Olivia | Oliva | fictional | | | - Die Freunde von Salamanka, D326
| | 1 | O |
Dalayrac, Nicolas | | non fictional | 1753-1809 | | | 11627509X | 3 | D |
Abendroth, Irene | | non fictional | 1872-1932 | | | 116002506 | 5 | A |
Albert, Eugen d' | | non fictional | 1864-1932 | | | 118501437 | 8 | A |
Schenker, Heinrich | | non fictional | 1868-1935 | - Musikautor
- Herausgeber
- Komponist
| | 118607154 | 1 | S |
Prutz, Robert Eduard | | non fictional | 1816-1872 | - Schriftsteller
- Historiker
- Journalist
| | 11859687X | 1 | P |
Banting, William | | non fictional | 1797-1878 | | | 117562882 | 1 | B |
Niggli, Arnold | | non fictional | 1843-1927 | | | 117018805 | 1 | N |
Geisler-Schubert, Caroline | Geißler-Schubert | non fictional | 1856-1951 | | | | 1 | G |
Werner, Friedrich Ludwig Zacharias | | non fictional | 1768-1823 | | | 118767208 | 1 | W |
Kirchl, Adolf | Kirchl, Adolph | non fictional | 1858-1936 | | | 130209325 | 4 | K |
Türk-Rohn, Olga von | | non fictional | 1867-1940 | - Sängerin (Sopran)
- Gesangslehrerin
| | 117438138 | 2 | T |
Weiglein, Ludwig | | non fictional | 1847-1900 | | | 130175226 | 2 | W |
Time | Zeit | fictional | | | - The Triumph of Time and Truth, HWV71
| | 2 | T |
Counsel | Weisheit | fictional | | | - The Triumph of Time and Truth, HWV71
| | 2 | C |
Beauty | Schönheit | fictional | | | - The Triumph of Time and Truth, HWV71
| | 2 | B |
Pleasure | Vergnügen | fictional | | | - The Triumph of Time and Truth, HWV71
| | 2 | P |
Deceit | Betrug | fictional | | | - The Triumph of Time and Truth, HWV71
| | 2 | D |
Milton, John | | non fictional | 1608-1674 | | | 118582607 | 2 | M |
Allegro | Fröhlicher / Frohsinn / Frohsinniger | fictional | | | - L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV55
| | 1 | A |
Penseroso | Pensieroso / Schwermüthiger / Schwermuth / Melancholiker | fictional | | | - L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV55
| | 1 | P |
Moderato | Gemäßigter | fictional | | | - L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV55
| | 1 | M |
Kelly, Michael | | non fictional | 1762-1826 | - Komponist
- Theaterdirektor
- Musikverleger
| | 133729702 | 1 | K |
Harrison, Samuel | | non fictional | 1760-1812 | | | 124157459 | 1 | H |
Pluton | Pluto | fictional | | | | | 1 | P |
Uzielli, Julia | Uzielli, Julie | non fictional | ca. 1859-1924 | | | 117324574 | 1 | U |
Ritter, Georg | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 2 | R |
Drapal, Ludwig | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | D |
Vockner, Josef | | non fictional | 1842-1906 | | | 137695098 | 1 | V |
Zajíc, Florian | Zajic | non fictional | 1853-1926 | | | 116949805 | 1 | Z |
Bennewitz, Anton | Bonawitz | non fictional | 1833-1926 | | | 1068938250 | 1 | B |
Hřímalý, Jan | Hrimaly | non fictional | 1844-1915 | | | 134568591 | 1 | H |
Ondříček, František | Ondriček, Franz | non fictional | 1857-1922 | - Violinist
- Musiklehrer
- Komponist
| | 117134236 | 5 | O |
Paderewski, Ignacy Jan | | non fictional | 1860-1941 | - Pianist
- Komponist
- Musiklehrer
| | 118986724 | 1 | P |
Koczalski, Raoul | | non fictional | 1885-1948 | | | 121585204 | 4 | K |
Vogel, Bernhard | | non fictional | 1847-1898 | | | 1024780767 | 1 | V |
Petri, Henri | Petri, Henry | non fictional | 1856-1914 | | | 116133872 | 2 | P |
Schopenhauer, Arthur | | non fictional | 1788-1860 | | | 118610465 | 9 | S |
Ahura Masda | Ormuzd | fictional | | | | 118898426 | 1 | A |
Harden, Maximilian | | non fictional | 1861-1927 | | | 118545892 | 1 | H |
Stein, Ludwig | | non fictional | 1859-1930 | - Philosoph
- Rabbiner
- Journalist
| | 117243426 | 1 | S |
Simrock, Fritz | | non fictional | 1837-1901 | | | 117398845 | 8 | S |
Seling, Emil | | non fictional | 1868-1939 | - Organist
- Dirigent
- Komponist
| | 117474177 | 2 | S |
Miller zu Aichholz, Viktor von | Miller / Miller-Aichholz, Victor von | non fictional | 1845-1910 | - Unternehmer
- Numismatiker
- Mäzen
| | 138385491 | 2 | M |
Grünberger, ? | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | G |
Anzengruber, Ludwig | | non fictional | 1839-1889 | | | 11850357X | 1 | A |
Buchbinder, Bernhard | | non fictional | 1852-1922 | - Schriftsteller
- Schauspieler
| | 104000856 | 1 | B |
Strauss, Adele | Strauß | non fictional | 1856-1930 | | | 117311707 | 1 | S |
Wohlmuth, Theodor | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | W |
Faber, Arthur | | non fictional | 1839-1907 | | | 1243856408 | 2 | F |
Fellinger, Richard Albert | | non fictional | 1848-1903 | | | 116459905 | 3 | F |
Karl I., Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reichs | | non fictional | 747-814 | | | 118560034 | 1 | K |
Werner Kirchhofer | | fictional | | | - Der Trompeter von Säkkingen
| | 1 | W |
Bulß, Paul | Bulss | non fictional | 1847-1902 | | | 117154636 | 5 | B |
Zampa | | fictional | | | - Zampa ou La fiancée de marbre
| | 6 | Z |
Stein, Bertha | | non fictional | 1864-1943 | - Sängerin (Sopran)
- Schauspielerin
| | 117237892 | 2 | S |
Ottmann, Marie | | non fictional | 1876-nach 1913 | | | 1019312572 | 2 | O |
Breitenfeld, Richard | | non fictional | 1869-1942 | - Sänger (Bariton)
- Musiklehrer
| | 116481161 | 1 | B |
Rix, Theodor | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | R |
Streitmann, Carl | | non fictional | 1853-1937 | - Sänger (Tenor)
- Schauspieler
| | 117317659 | 5 | S |
Pohl, Jacques | | non fictional | 1850-1926 | | | 1226237193 | 2 | P |
Alexy, Alexander | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 2 | A |
Schönerer, Alexandrine von | | non fictional | 1850-1919 | - Theaterdirektorin
- Schauspielerin
- Regisseurin
| | 116867752 | 2 | S |
Brahms, Johann Jacob | | non fictional | 1806-1872 | | | 119539640 | 3 | B |
Fellinger, Marie | | non fictional | 1849-1925 | | | 116459743 | 3 | F |
Friedmann, Armin | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | F |
Neuda-Bernstein, Rosa | | non fictional | 1856-? | | | | 2 | N |
Reinhold, Hugo | | non fictional | 1854-1935 | | | 116423064 | 7 | R |
Lackner, Ludwig | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | L |
Förster, August | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | F |
Novák, Vítězslav | Novak | non fictional | 1870-1949 | | | 119095165 | 1 | N |
Tjuka, Emanuel | Tjuken | non fictional | 1860-1921 | | | 1299951910 | 2 | T |
Gautsch von Frankenthurn, Paul | | non fictional | 1851-1918 | | | 137078080 | 3 | G |
Petersen, Karl | | non fictional | 1809-1892 | | | 116122994 | 2 | P |
Flatz, Franz | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | 116589558 | 1 | F |
Zilken, ? | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | Z |
Hanslick, Sofie | Hanslick, Sophie | non fictional | 1852-1940 | | | 1252837771 | 7 | H |
Lienau, Robert | | non fictional | 1837/38-1920 | | | 117003689 | 1 | L |
Verhulst, Johannes | | non fictional | 1816-1891 | | | 117388483 | 3 | V |
Sillem, Jerome Alexander | | non fictional | 1840-1912 | - Jurist
- Historiker
- Politiker
| | 11774347X | 1 | S |
Röntgen, Julius | | non fictional | 1855-1932 | | | 119300435 | 3 | R |
Lange, Samuel de | | non fictional | 1840-1911 | | | 103819843 | 1 | L |
Nicolaï, Willem Frederik | Nicolai | non fictional | 1829-1896 | - Dirigent
- Organist
- Musiklehrer
| | 117584312 | 1 | N |
Hol, Richard | | non fictional | 1825-1904 | | | 116959827 | 1 | H |
Engelmann, Wilhelm | | non fictional | 1843-1909c | | | 118684795 | 3 | E |
Riemsdijk, Johann Cornelis Marius van | Riemsdyk | non fictional | 1841-1895 | - Jurist
- Komponist
- Musikautor
| | 121583325 | 1 | R |
Lang, Josephine | Lang-Köstlin | non fictional | 1815-1880 | | | 120888807 | 1 | L |
Schmidt, Leopold | | non fictional | 1860-1927 | - Musikautor
- Kritiker
- Dirigent
| | 104162392 | 1 | S |
Dürer, Albrecht | | non fictional | 1471-1528 | | | 11852786X | 1 | D |
Spinoza, Benedictus de | | non fictional | 1632-1677 | | | 118616242 | 1 | S |
Swift, Jonathan | | non fictional | 1667-1745 | | | 118620193 | 1 | S |
Fielding, Henry | | non fictional | 1707-1754 | - Schriftsteller
- Journalist
- Jurist
| | 118532960 | 1 | F |
Keller, Gottfried | | non fictional | 1819-1890 | | | 11856109X | 4 | K |
Maaßen, Friedrich | | non fictional | 1823-1900 | | | 116620056 | 1 | M |
Lamezan-Salins, Eduard von | | non fictional | 1835-1903 | | | 129092851 | 1 | L |
Sybel, Heinrich von | | non fictional | 1817-1895 | - Historiker
- Bibliothekar
- Politiker
| | 118620223 | 1 | S |
Oncken, Hermann | | non fictional | 1869-1945 | - Historiker
- Politiker
- Hochschullehrer
| | 118589997 | 1 | O |
Wilhelm I., Kaiser des Deutschen Reichs | | non fictional | 1797-1888 | | | 118632884 | 2 | W |
Menzel, Adolph von | | non fictional | 1815-1905 | | | 118580914 | 1 | M |
Eitelberger von Edelberg, Rudolf | | non fictional | 1817-1885 | | | 116437456 | 2 | E |
Sistermans, Anton | | non fictional | 1865-1926 | | | 117417912 | 7 | S |
Beckerath, Alwin von | | non fictional | 1849-1930 | | | | 1 | B |
Weyermann, Walther | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | 127984755 | 1 | W |
Barth, Richard | | non fictional | 1850-1923 | - Violinist
- Dirigent
- Komponist
| | 118506811 | 1 | B |
Rabl, Walter | Rabl, Wilhelm | non fictional | 1873-1940 | | | 130126594 | 2 | R |
Lotto, Lorenzo | | non fictional | 1480-1556/57 | | | 118780530 | 1 | L |
Donizetti, Andrea | | non fictional | 18./19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | D |
Mayr, Johann Simon | | non fictional | 1763-1845 | | | 118732374 | 2 | M |
Dingelstedt, Jenny | Lutzer | non fictional | 1816-1877 | | | 116137452 | 1 | D |
Stoltz, Rosine | | non fictional | 1815-1903 | | | 119477831 | 1 | S |
Camoëns | | fictional | | | - Dom Sébastien, roi de Portugal
| | 1 | C |
Giraud, Giovanni | | non fictional | 1776-1834 | | | 121727483 | 1 | G |
Moreau de Tours, Jacques Joseph | | non fictional | 1804-1884 | | | 117601438 | 1 | M |
Metternich, Klemens Wenzel Nepomuk Lothar von | | non fictional | 1773-1859 | | | 118581465 | 3 | M |
Crémieux, Adolphe | | non fictional | 1796-1880 | - Jurist
- Politiker
- Journalist
| | 118902873 | 1 | C |
Donizetti, Andrea | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | D |
Antonio | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | A |
Berryer, Pierre-Antoine | | non fictional | 1790-1868 | | | 121124797 | 1 | B |
Marié, ? | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | M |
Donizetti, Francesco | | non fictional | 1792-1848 | | | | 1 | D |
Medori, Josepha | | non fictional | 1827-1906 | | | 1037850777 | 1 | M |
Moriani, Napoleone | | non fictional | 1808-1878 | | | 116882964 | 2 | M |
De Bassini, Achille | Debassini | non fictional | 1819-1881 | | | 1036371840 | 4 | D |
Norina | | fictional | | | | | 3 | N |
Marie | | fictional | | | | | 2 | M |
Essex, Robert Devereux Earl of | | non fictional | 1565-1601 | - Adeliger
- Politiker
- Offizier
| | 118722603 | 1 | E |
Elisabetta | Elisabeth | fictional | | | | | 1 | E |
Sara | | fictional | | | | | 1 | S |
Roberto Devereux | | fictional | | | | | 1 | R |
Eduardo III. | Eduard | fictional | | | | | 1 | E |
Fausta | | fictional | | | | | 1 | F |
Konstantin I., Kaiser des Römischen Reichs | | non fictional | ca. 280-337 | | | 118565184 | 1 | K |
Crispo | | fictional | | | | | 1 | C |
Cardenio | | fictional | | | - Il furioso all'isola di San Domingo
| | 1 | C |
Karl VII., König von Frankreich | | non fictional | 1403-1461 | | | 100736416 | 1 | K |
Parisina | | fictional | | | | | 1 | P |
Settimio | Septimius | fictional | | | | | 1 | S |
Tamburini, Antonio | | non fictional | 1800-1876 | | | 117199044 | 4 | T |
Maria | | fictional | | | - Maria di Rohan o Il Conte di Chalais
| | 1 | M |
Enrico | | fictional | | | - Maria di Rohan o Il Conte di Chalais
| | 1 | E |
Antonio | | fictional | | | | | 1 | A |
Balthazar | | fictional | | | | | 2 | B |
Alphonse XI. | | fictional | | | | | 1 | A |
Lèonor de Guzmán | Leonore | fictional | | | | | 2 | L |
Thomas, August | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | T |
Dalibor | | non fictional | 15. Jhdt. | | | 119228920 | 1 | D |
Milada | | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
Dalibor | | fictional | | | | | 1 | D |
Zdenék | Zdenko | fictional | | | | | 1 | Z |
Ploskovský, Adam von | Drahenitz, Wenzel Adam von | non fictional | 15./16. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | P |
Vladislav II., König von Böhmen | Wladislav | non fictional | 1456-1516 | | | 118634453 | 1 | V |
Vladislav | Wladislav | fictional | | | | | 1 | V |
Jitka | Jutta | fictional | | | | | 1 | J |
Beneš | Benesch | fictional | | | | | 1 | B |
Krásnohorská, Eliška | Krasnohorska | non fictional | 1847-1926 | | | 118989405 | 1 | K |
Vítek | Veit | fictional | | | | | 1 | V |
Budivoj | | fictional | | | | | 1 | B |
Peter I. | | fictional | | | - Czaar und Zimmermann, LoWV38
| | 1 | P |
Hartmann, Ludwig | | non fictional | 1836-1910 | | | 116498889 | 6 | H |
Ricordi, Giulio | Riccordi | non fictional | 1840-1912 | | | 119444623 | 3 | R |
Barrière, Théodore | | non fictional | 1823-1877 | | | 101494866 | 1 | B |
Medea | | fictional | | | | 118579878 | 3 | M |
Umlauf, Michael | | non fictional | 1781-1842 | - Violinist
- Dirigent
- Komponist
| | 139625143 | 2 | U |
Iphigenie | | fictional | | | | 118555723 | 1 | I |
Ariadne | | fictional | | | | 118645676 | 2 | A |
Dingelstedt, Franz von | | non fictional | 1814-1881 | - Schriftsteller
- Dramaturg
- Theaterdirektor
| | 118525751 | 11 | D |
Prevosti, Franceschina | | non fictional | 1866-1939 | - Sängerin (Sopran)
- Gesangslehrerin
| | 116289406 | 1 | P |
Violetta Valery | | fictional | | | | | 4 | V |
Rovetta, Gerolamo | | non fictional | 1851-1910 | | | 116666161 | 1 | R |
Hartleben, Otto Erich | | non fictional | 1864-1905 | | | 118546198 | 1 | H |
Fischer-Frey, Johanna | | non fictional | 1867-1907 | | | 130956112 | 3 | F |
Josephi, Josef | | non fictional | 1852-1920 | - Sänger (Tenor)
- Sänger (Bariton)
- Schauspieler
| | 117198889 | 5 | J |
Wallner, Franz | | non fictional | 1854-1940 | - Schauspieler
- Theaterdirektor
- Schriftsteller
| | 117127221 | 1 | W |
Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Paul | | non fictional | 1812-1874 | | | 116881151 | 1 | M |
Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Cécile | | non fictional | 1817-1853 | | | 116881054 | 1 | M |
Aigner, Anna | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | A |
Mayer, Karoline | | non fictional | ca. 1815-1889 | | | 142850926 | 1 | M |
Bury, Betty | | non fictional | 1827-1898 | | | 1021279196 | 1 | B |
Schwarz, Eleonore | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 2 | S |
Lutz, Mathäus | | non fictional | 1807-1853 | | | 1037709802 | 1 | L |
Ausim, Anton | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | A |
Salomon, Heinrich | Salamon | non fictional | 1823-1903 | | | 133648222 | 1 | S |
Schmiedel, Johann Baptist | | non fictional | 1790-1849 | | | 1031209727 | 2 | S |
Weißbach, Amalie | | non fictional | ca. 1830-1885 | | | 117299049 | 1 | W |
Klemm, Friedrich | | non fictional | 1795-1854 | | | 1013591364 | 1 | K |
Fuchs, Aloys | Fuchs, Alois | non fictional | 1799-1853 | | | 118693948 | 1 | F |
Wittgenstein, Hermann | | non fictional | 1802-1878 | | | 1070229598 | 1 | W |
Wittgenstein, Fanny | | non fictional | 1814-1890 | | | 117422606 | 1 | W |
Meinardus, Ludwig | | non fictional | 1827-1896 | - Dirigent
- Musikautor
- Komponist
| | 118511084 | 3 | M |
Bulthaupt, Heinrich | | non fictional | 1849-1905 | - Jurist
- Bibliothekar
- Schriftsteller
| | 11866798X | 1 | B |
Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell | | non fictional | 1847-1935 | - Komponist
- Dirigent
- Musiklehrer
| | 116644729 | 1 | M |
Stewart, Robert Prescott | Stuart | non fictional | 1825-1894 | - Organist
- Dirigent
- Komponist
| | 11774378X | 1 | S |
Macfarren, George A. | | non fictional | 1813-1887 | | | 102834741 | 1 | M |
Sullivan, Arthur | | non fictional | 1842-1900 | - Komponist
- Dirigent
- Musikautor
| | 118799371 | 5 | S |
Stanford, Charles Villiers | Villers-Stanford | non fictional | 1852-1924 | - Komponist
- Musiklehrer
- Dirigent
| | 119032406 | 1 | S |
Cowen, Frederic Hymen | | non fictional | 1852-1935 | | | 116706066 | 1 | C |
Ludmila | Ludmilla | fictional | | | | | 1 | L |
Baba Jaga | | fictional | | | | 118988115 | 1 | B |
Ivan | | fictional | | | | | 1 | I |
Svatava | | fictional | | | | | 1 | S |
Bořivoj | | fictional | | | | | 1 | B |
Svantovit | | fictional | | | | | 1 | S |
Svarožić | Radgost | fictional | | | | | 1 | S |
Ludmilla, Herzogin von Böhmen | | non fictional | ca. 860-921 | | | 119163950 | 1 | L |
Václav, Svatý | Wenzel | non fictional | 10. Jhdt. | | | 118806696 | 1 | V |
Vratislav I. | Wratislav | non fictional | 888-921 | | | 1021325287 | 1 | V |
Drahomíra | Drahomira | non fictional | 9./10. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | D |
Lefaucheux, Casimir | | non fictional | 1802-1852 | | | 122489896 | 1 | L |
Elsa von Brabant | | fictional | | | | | 2 | E |
Wilhelmj, Maria | | non fictional | 1856-1930 | - Sängerin (Sopran)
- Komponistin
| | 1056110082 | 1 | W |
Schemmel, Helene | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | S |
Buff-Gießen, Hans | | non fictional | 1862-1907 | | | 1145773575 | 1 | B |
Ludwig XVI., König von Frankreich | Louis XVI. | non fictional | 1754-1793 | | | 118574949 | 3 | L |
Ratschky, Joseph Franz | | non fictional | 1757-1810 | | | 119101343 | 1 | R |
Seyfried, Joseph von | | non fictional | 1780-1849 | | | 117460087 | 1 | S |
Marie Louise, Kaiserin von Frankreich | | non fictional | 1791-1847 | | | 118577891 | 2 | M |
Mälzel, Johann Nepomuk | | non fictional | 1772-1838 | | | 118939874 | 1 | M |
Weber, Bernhard Anselm | | non fictional | 1764-1821 | | | 119515903 | 1 | W |
Duncker, Johann Friedrich Leopold | | non fictional | 1770-1842 | | | 1036889661 | 1 | D |
Weißenbach, Aloys | | non fictional | 1766-1821 | - Mediziner
- Schriftsteller
- Hochschullehrer
| | 117300608 | 1 | W |
Mašek, Pavel Lambert | Maschek | non fictional | 1761-1826 | | | 103922296 | 1 | M |
Starke, Friedrich | | non fictional | 1774-1835 | | | 139684026 | 1 | S |
Pichler, Caroline | | non fictional | 1769-1843 | - Schriftstellerin
- Pianistin
| | 118742361 | 1 | P |
Veith, Johann Emanuel | | non fictional | 1787-1876 | - Mediziner
- Tierarzt
- Geistlicher
| | 119034964 | 1 | V |
Gläser, Karl Gotthelf | | non fictional | 1784-1829 | | | 128997206 | 1 | G |
Pustkuchen, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm | | non fictional | 1793-1834 | | | 118793713 | 1 | P |
Heidenreich, Joseph | Heydenreich | non fictional | 1743-1821 | | | 134401484 | 1 | H |
Kanne, Friedrich August | | non fictional | 1778-1833 | | | 116044578 | 2 | K |
Berner, Friedrich Wilhelm | | non fictional | 1780-1827 | - Organist
- Musiklehrer
- Komponist
| | 119127601 | 1 | B |
Zabel, Eugen | | non fictional | 1851-1924 | - Schriftsteller
- Journalist
- Übersetzer
| | 116946733 | 1 | Z |
Aleksandr III., Zar von Russland | | non fictional | 1845-1894 | | | 118647997 | 1 | A |
Brandes, Georg | | non fictional | 1842-1927 | - Philosoph
- Kritiker
- Historiker
| | 118514326 | 2 | B |
Evgenij Onegin | Eugen Onegin | fictional | | | | | 1 | E |
Don Juan | | fictional | | | | 118526685 | 4 | D |
Lenskij | Lenski | fictional | | | | | 1 | L |
Larina | | fictional | | | | | 1 | L |
Olga | | fictional | | | | | 1 | O |
Tatjana | | fictional | | | | | 2 | T |
Gremin | | fictional | | | | | 1 | G |
Filippevna | Filipjewna | fictional | | | | | 1 | F |
Trike | Triquet | fictional | | | | | 1 | T |
Zareckij | Saretzky | fictional | | | | | 1 | Z |
Mommsen, Theodor | | non fictional | 1817-1903 | - Historiker
- Philologe
- Politiker
| | 118583425 | 2 | M |
Caesar, Gaius Iulius | Cäsar | non fictional | 100-44 v.u.Z. | - Politiker
- Offizier
- Schriftsteller
| | 118518275 | 2 | C |
Kleopatra VII., Königin von Ägypten | | non fictional | 69-30 v.u.Z. | | | 11856322X | 1 | K |
Senff, Bartholf | | non fictional | 1815-1900 | | | 104258810 | 5 | S |
Henschel, Lillian | | non fictional | 1860-1901 | | | 116719826 | 3 | H |
Paladilhe, Emile | | non fictional | 1844-1926 | | | 116018259 | 1 | P |
Widor, Charles-Marie | | non fictional | 1844-1937 | - Komponist
- Organist
- Musiklehrer
| | 119009706 | 1 | W |
Bennett, William Sterndale | Sterndale-Benett, William | non fictional | 1816-1875 | | | 119404532 | 5 | B |
Reimann, Heinrich | | non fictional | 1850-1906 | - Musikautor
- Organist
- Komponist
| | 116414138 | 2 | R |
Faber, Bertha | | non fictional | 1841-1910 | | | 1243821744 | 1 | F |
Marxsen, Eduard | Marxen | non fictional | 1806-1887 | | | 103922253 | 1 | M |
Förster-Nietzsche, Elisabeth | | non fictional | 1846-1935 | | | 11853419X | 1 | F |
Armbrust, Carl | | non fictional | 1849-1896 | | | 116340886 | 1 | A |
Bechhold, Hirsch | | non fictional | 1829-1909 | | | 1066499667 | 2 | B |
Knorr, Iwan | | non fictional | 1853-1916 | | | 116260696 | 1 | K |
Riemann, Hugo | | non fictional | 1849-1919 | | | 118600877 | 2 | R |
Beyer, Carl | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | 12851244X | 1 | B |
Sittard, Josef | | non fictional | 1846-1903 | | | 118614819 | 1 | S |
Söhle, Karl | | non fictional | 1861-1947 | | | 117451169 | 1 | S |
Witte, Georg Hendrik | | non fictional | 1843-1929 | | | 117420492 | 1 | W |
Morin, August | | non fictional | 1849-1929 | | | 116929030 | 1 | M |
Brahms, Christiane | | non fictional | 1789-1865 | | | 116395273 | 1 | B |
Brahms, Fritz | | non fictional | 1835-1886 | | | 11639532X | 1 | B |
Brahms, Elise | | non fictional | 1831-1892 | | | 11639529X | 1 | B |
Grund, Johann Christian Georg | | non fictional | 1817-1888 | | | | 1 | G |
Ophüls, Gustav | | non fictional | 1866-1926 | | | 11888865X | 1 | O |
Minerva | | fictional | | | | 118986155 | 2 | M |
Giorza, Paolo | | non fictional | 1832-1914 | | | 11562077X | 1 | G |
Huber, Jacques | | non fictional | 1828-1909 | | | 133816893 | 1 | H |
Siegfried | | fictional | | | | | 1 | S |
Staegemann, Max | Stägemann | non fictional | 1843-1905 | - Sänger (Bariton)
- Theaterdirektor
| | 117201952 | 1 | S |
Lamond, Frederic | Lamond, Friedrich | non fictional | 1868-1948 | | | 116662166 | 2 | L |
Salzer, Franz | Salzer, Friedrich | non fictional | 1827-1890 | | | 1016962568 | 3 | S |
Eiselsberg, Anton von | | non fictional | 1860-1939 | | | 116426357 | 2 | E |
Glax, Julius | | non fictional | 1846-1922 | | | 1011358298 | 1 | G |
Gersuny, Robert | | non fictional | 1844-1924 | | | 116594926 | 3 | G |
Delacour, Alfred Charlemagne Lartigue | | non fictional | 1817-1883 | | | 104361999 | 1 | D |
Labiche, Eugène | | non fictional | 1815-1888 | | | 11877834X | 2 | L |
Hortense | | fictional | | | | | 1 | H |
Henri | | fictional | | | | | 1 | H |
Angèle | | fictional | | | | | 1 | A |
Reichsberg, Hansi | | non fictional | | | | | 1 | R |
Singer, Therese von | Biedermann | non fictional | 1864-1942 | - Sängerin (Sopran)
- Sängerin (Mezzo-Sopran)
- Schauspielerin
| | 1017969949 | 4 | S |
Struwwelpeter | | fictional | | | | | 1 | S |
Suppenkaspar | | fictional | | | | | 1 | S |
Hans Guck in die Luft | Hans Guck-in-die-Luft | fictional | | | | | 1 | H |
Paulinchen | Feuerpaulinchen | fictional | | | | | 1 | P |
Zappel-Philipp | Zappelphilipp | fictional | | | | | 1 | Z |
Böser Friedrich | | fictional | | | | | 1 | B |
Konrad der Daumenlutscher | | fictional | | | | | 1 | K |
Teufels Großmutter | | fictional | | | | | 1 | T |
Satan | Teufel | fictional | | | | | 1 | S |
Diavoletta | | fictional | | | | | 1 | D |
Léon, Felicitas | Lizzi / Miezi | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | L |
Bessoni, Amalie | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | B |
Rathner, Wilhelmine | | non fictional | 1863-1933 | | | 1019375299 | 5 | R |
Erich, Hermine Antonie | | non fictional | | | | | 1 | E |
Pagliero, Camilla | | non fictional | 1859-1925 | | | 1038496276 | 4 | P |
Schleinzer, Marie | | non fictional | 1874-1949 | | | 1025313399 | 1 | S |
Nowak, Amalie | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | N |
Djamileh | | fictional | | | | | 2 | D |
Haroun | Harun | fictional | | | | | 1 | H |
Splendiano | | fictional | | | | | 1 | S |
Musset, Alfred de | | non fictional | 1810-1857 | | | 118585940 | 3 | M |
Suzel | Susel / Suschen | fictional | | | | | 4 | S |
Fritz Kobus | | fictional | | | | | 4 | F |
Daudet, Alphonse | | non fictional | 1840-1897 | | | 118523872 | 2 | D |
Wittmann, Hugo | | non fictional | 1839-1923 | - Schriftsteller
- Librettist
- Journalist
| | 117427179 | 1 | W |
Nurredin | | fictional | | | | | 1 | N |
Rimskij-Korsakov, Nikolaj | Rimsky-Korsakow | non fictional | 1844-1908 | | | 118601067 | 2 | R |
Weingartner, Felix | | non fictional | 1863-1942 | - Dirigent
- Komponist
- Musikautor
| | 11863027X | 4 | W |
Sadko | | fictional | | | | 12346854X | 1 | S |
Antar | | fictional | | | | | 1 | A |
Gul-Nazar | Gül-Nazar | fictional | | | | | 1 | G |
Boutarel, Amédée | | non fictional | 1855-1924 | - Musikautor
- Kritiker
- Übersetzer
| | 115779582X | 1 | B |
Sindbad | | fictional | | | | | 1 | S |
Kalender | | fictional | | | | | 1 | K |
Balakirev, Milij A. | Balakirew | non fictional | 1837-1910 | | | 118652036 | 2 | B |
Wolzogen, Hans von | Wolzogen, Hanns von | non fictional | 1848-1938 | | | 119498235 | 4 | W |
Bracco, Roberto | | non fictional | 1861-1943 | | | 119345544 | 1 | B |
Schmitt, Viktor Christian | Schmidt, Victor Christian | non fictional | 1844-1900 | | | | 3 | S |
Schaunard | | fictional | | | | | 1 | S |
Gaudenzio | | fictional | | | | | 1 | G |
Musette | | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
Marcello | Marcell | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
Mimì | Mimi | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
Goldschmidt, Adalbert von | Goldschmied / Goldschmiedt | non fictional | 1848-1906 | | | 116755741 | 3 | G |
Annunzio, Gabriele d' | | non fictional | 1863-1938 | | | 118503243 | 1 | A |
Rodolfo | Rudolf / Rudolph | fictional | | | | | 1 | R |
Garrison, Max | | non fictional | 1867-1927 | - Sänger (Bariton)
- Theaterdirektor
| | 116441089 | 1 | G |
Cavaillé-Coll, Aristide | Cavaillé-Col | non fictional | 1811-1899 | | | 118947745 | 1 | C |
Bjørnson, Bjørnstjerne | Björnson | non fictional | 1832-1910 | - Schriftsteller
- Journalist
- Politiker
| | 118511459 | 3 | B |
Völva | Wölwa | fictional | | | | | 1 | V |
Kolischer, Jenny | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | K |
Chotek, Sophie | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 5 | C |
Barbi, Alice | | non fictional | 1858-1948 | - Sängerin (Mezzo-Sopran)
- Violinistin
- Komponistin
| | 130241075 | 15 | B |
Hegar, Friedrich | | non fictional | 1841-1927 | - Komponist
- Dirigent
- Violinist
| | 11889112X | 2 | H |
Heinrich, von Meißen | Frauenlob | non fictional | ?-1318 | - Schriftsteller
- Minnesänger
| | 118535102 | 1 | H |
Landi, Camilla | | non fictional | 1866- | | | 11667749X | 1 | L |
Prasch, Anna | Prasch-Passy | non fictional | 1857-1939 | - Sängerin (Sopran)
- Gesangslehrerin
| | 1298464870 | 1 | P |
Eibenschütz, Ilona | Eibenschitz | non fictional | 1873-1967 | | | 116409789 | 3 | E |
Hemala, Henriette | | non fictional | 1873-1959 | | | | 1 | H |
Friedrich August I., König von Sachsen | | non fictional | 1750-1827 | | | 119165198 | 1 | F |
Deiters, Hermann | | non fictional | 1833-1907 | | | 18944181X | 2 | D |
Brahms, Johann | | non fictional | 1769-1839 | | | | 1 | B |
Groth, Claus Reimer | | non fictional | 18. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | G |
Groth, Doris | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | G |
Allmers, Hermann | | non fictional | 1821-1902 | | | 118502107 | 1 | A |
Schumann, Felix | | non fictional | 1854-1879 | | | 117294489 | 3 | S |
Bezécny, Josef von | Bezecny | non fictional | 1829-1904 | | | 116160756 | 1 | B |
Travecchia, Luigi | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | T |
Arimondi, Vittorio | | non fictional | 1861-1928 | | | 134316436 | 1 | A |
Figaro | | fictional | | | | | 6 | F |
Magini-Coletti, Antonio | | non fictional | 1855-1912 | | | 134854152 | 1 | M |
Giannini, Ferruccio | | non fictional | 1868-1948 | | | 141469773 | 1 | G |
Comettant, Oscar | Commettart, Oskar | non fictional | 1819-1898 | | | 116645946 | 2 | C |
Ernesto | | fictional | | | | | 1 | E |
Conte d'Almaviva | | fictional | | | | | 5 | C |
Don Pasquale | | fictional | | | | | 1 | D |
Malatesta | | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
Unger, Joseph | | non fictional | 1828-1913 | | | 118763725 | 2 | U |
Thun und Hohenstein, Leo von | | non fictional | 1811-1888 | | | 118757393 | 1 | T |
Hye-Glunek, Anton von | | non fictional | 1807-1894 | | | 117546941 | 2 | H |
Josef | Joseph | fictional | | | | 118639986 | 2 | J |
Glaser, Julius | | non fictional | 1831-1885 | | | 119360667 | 2 | G |
Herbst, Eduard | | non fictional | 1820-1892 | | | 116729074 | 1 | H |
Brestel, Rudolf | | non fictional | 1816-1881 | | | 135583969 | 1 | B |
Berger, Johann Nepomuk | | non fictional | 1816-1870 | | | 116131640 | 2 | B |
Savigny, Friedrich Carl von | | non fictional | 1779-1861 | | | 118605909 | 1 | S |
Köster, Louise | | non fictional | 1823-1905 | | | 116301317 | 1 | K |
Döring, Theodor | | non fictional | 1803-1878 | | | 116168773 | 2 | D |
Polonius | | fictional | | | | | 2 | P |
Stahr, Adolf | Stahr, Adolph | non fictional | 1805-1876 | - Schriftsteller
- Historiker
- Philologe
| | 11875257X | 2 | S |
Lewald, Fanny | | non fictional | 1811-1889 | - Schriftstellerin
- Feministin
- Journalistin
| | 118572393 | 1 | L |
Todesco, Eduard von | | non fictional | 1814-1887 | | | 1025871731 | 1 | T |
Ranke, Leopold von | | non fictional | 1795-1886 | - Historiker
- Hochschullehrer
| | 118598279 | 1 | R |
Gneisenau, August Neidhardt von | | non fictional | 1760-1831 | | | 118539957 | 1 | G |
Yorck von Wartenburg, Hans David Ludwig | York | non fictional | 1759-1830 | | | 120310805 | 1 | Y |
Wertheimstein, Leopold von | | non fictional | 1801-1883 | | | 1026093805 | 1 | W |
Ladenburg, Ludwig | | non fictional | 1817-1877 | | | 136233147 | 1 | L |
Brinz, Alois von | | non fictional | 1820-1887 | | | 118515497 | 1 | B |
Exner, Adolf | Exner, Adolph | non fictional | 1841-1894 | | | 11896061X | 1 | E |
Engerth, Eduard von | | non fictional | 1818-1897 | | | 119198797 | 1 | E |
Schey, Emma Augusta von | Unger | non fictional | 1840-1913 | | | | 1 | S |
Baedeker, Karl | Bädeker | non fictional | 1801-1859 | | | 116033290 | 1 | B |
Hirschbach, Herrmann | | non fictional | 1812-1888 | | | 116906294 | 1 | H |
Mayer, Charles | | non fictional | 1799-1862 | | | 117542601 | 1 | M |
Léonard, Hubert | | non fictional | 1819-1890 | - Komponist
- Violinist
- Musiklehrer
| | 118825682 | 1 | L |
Servais, Adrien-François | | non fictional | 1807-1866 | | | 119144980 | 1 | S |
Lipiński, Karol Jósef | Lipinski | non fictional | 1790-1861 | - Violinist
- Dirigent
- Komponist
| | 119160048 | 2 | L |
Milanollo, Teresa | Milanolla, Therese | non fictional | 1827-1904 | | | 11704122X | 4 | M |
Milanollo, Marie | Milanolla | non fictional | 1832-1848 | | | 117041203 | 2 | M |
Mortier de Fontaine, Henri Louis Stanislaus | | non fictional | 1816-1883 | | | 116935243 | 1 | M |
Romberg, Bernhard | | non fictional | 1767-1841 | | | 118749595 | 1 | R |
Parish-Alvars, Elias | | non fictional | 1808-1849 | | | 121948277 | 1 | P |
Herrmann, Gottfried | | non fictional | 1808-1878 | | | 118549944 | 1 | H |
Bruyck, Karl Debrois van | | non fictional | 1828-1902 | | | 116815256 | 1 | B |
Schmuttermayer, Moritz von | Schmuttermeyer | non fictional | ?-1866 | | | | 1 | S |
Glasenapp, Carl Friedrich | | non fictional | 1847-1915 | - Philologe
- Pädagoge
- Musikautor
| | 116652993 | 3 | G |
Mazepa, Ivan Stepanovyč | Mazeppa | non fictional | 1639-1709 | | | 118579738 | 1 | M |
Wyzewa, Teodor de | Wizewa, Téodor de | non fictional | 1862-1917 | - Schriftsteller
- Kritiker
- Übersetzer
| | 129582174 | 2 | W |
Hutten, Ulrich von | | non fictional | 1488-1523 | | | 118555049 | 1 | H |
Thayer, Alexander Wheelock | | non fictional | 1817-1897 | | | 117300403 | 1 | T |
Reuss, Eduard | Reuß | non fictional | 1851-1911 | - Komponist
- Dirigent
- Musikautor
| | 122345312 | 1 | R |
Agoult, Marie de Flavigny d' | | non fictional | 1805-1876 | | | 118644033 | 3 | A |
Lenbach, Franz von | Lembach | non fictional | 1836-1904 | | | 118571516 | 2 | L |
Lazarus | | fictional | | | | 118570420 | 2 | L |
Weißheimer, Wendelin | | non fictional | 1838-1910 | | | 11730235X | 1 | W |
Perfall, Karl von | | non fictional | 1824-1907 | | | 11879034X | 2 | P |
Draeseke, Felix | Dräsecke | non fictional | 1835-1913 | | | 118907735 | 1 | D |
Praeger, Ferdinand | Präger | non fictional | 1815-1891 | - Komponist
- Pianist
- Schriftsteller
| | 116278633 | 2 | P |
Schindelmeisser, Louis | | non fictional | 1811-1864 | - Klarinettist
- Dirigent
- Komponist
| | 117271799 | 1 | S |
Wagner, Minna | Planer | non fictional | 1809-1866 | | | 117103454 | 5 | W |
Friedrich I., Großherzog von Baden | | non fictional | 1826-1907 | | | 118535633 | 1 | F |
Schott, Franz | | non fictional | 1811-1874 | | | 104242523 | 1 | S |
Weißheimer, Johann | | non fictional | 1797-1883 | | | 1124854266 | 1 | W |
Bamberger, Ludwig | | non fictional | 1823-1899 | | | 118656961 | 1 | B |
Wilhelmy, ? | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | W |
Rosenträger, ? | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | R |
Kurwenal | Kurvenal | fictional | | | - Tristan und Isolde, WWV90
| | 2 | K |
König Marke | | fictional | | | - Tristan und Isolde, WWV90
| | 2 | K |
Standhartner, Josef | | non fictional | 1818-1892 | | | 117208914 | 3 | S |
Rochow, ? | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | R |
Wille, Eliza | | non fictional | 1809-1893 | | | 118807420 | 2 | W |
Pfistermeister, Franz | | non fictional | 1820-1912 | | | 116167149 | 1 | P |
Kroll, Joseph | | non fictional | 1797-1848 | | | 130027952 | 1 | K |
Samiel | | fictional | | | | | 4 | S |
Max | | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
Agathe | | fictional | | | | | 5 | A |
Ännchen | Aennchen | fictional | | | | | 2 | Ä |
Eremit | | fictional | | | | | 2 | E |
Kuno | | fictional | | | | | 1 | K |
Ottokar | | fictional | | | | | 1 | O |
Spielmann, Julius | | non fictional | 1856-1920 | | | 117484431 | 1 | S |
Kilian | | fictional | | | | | 1 | K |
Elizza, Elisa | | non fictional | 1868-1926 | | | 116448016 | 4 | E |
Brautjungfer | | fictional | | | | | 1 | B |
Tilly, Jean Tserclaes de | | non fictional | 1559-1632 | | | 117384224 | 1 | T |
Gropius, Carl Wilhelm | | non fictional | 1793-1870 | | | 11686625X | 2 | G |
Schlesinger, Maurice | | non fictional | 1798-1871 | | | 11732633X | 1 | S |
Jullien, Adolphe | | non fictional | 1845-1932 | - Musikautor
- Kritiker
- Historiker
| | 11723155X | 2 | J |
Braham, John | | non fictional | 1777-1856 | - Sänger (Tenor)
- Komponist
- Theaterdirektor
| | 116395001 | 1 | B |
Stephens, Catherine | | non fictional | 1794-1882 | | | 1212223640 | 1 | S |
Bishop, Henry Rowley | | non fictional | 1786-1855 | | | 116195398 | 1 | B |
Karolina Augusta, Kaiserin von Österreich | Carolina Augusta | non fictional | 1792-1873 | | | 119189747 | 2 | K |
Maria von Nazaret | Madonna | fictional | | | | 118640909 | 5 | M |
Ludwig, August | Ludovicus, Augustus | non fictional | 1865-1946 | | | 116649429 | 2 | L |
Holthof, Ludwig | | non fictional | 1840-1911 | | | 116969628 | 1 | H |
Bernard, Clairvaux von | | non fictional | ca. 1090-1153 | | | 118509810 | 1 | B |
Ashton, Algernon | | non fictional | 1859-1937 | | | 11636128X | 1 | A |
Krall, Johann Baptist | | non fictional | 1803-1883 | - Komponist
- Dirigent
- Herausgeber
| | 143936468 | 1 | K |
Soubies, Albert | | non fictional | 1846-1918 | | | 117484318 | 1 | S |
Krösus, König von Lydien | | non fictional | 6. Jhdt. v.u.Z. | | | 119505266 | 3 | K |
Schreyvogel, Joseph | Carl August West | non fictional | 1768-1832 | - Schriftsteller
- Kritiker
- Journalist
| | 119368579 | 1 | S |
Donna Diana | | fictional | | | - Donna Diana oder Stolz und Liebe
| | 1 | D |
Don Cesar | Don Cäsar | fictional | | | - Donna Diana oder Stolz und Liebe
| | 1 | D |
Perin | | fictional | | | - Donna Diana oder Stolz und Liebe
| | 1 | P |
Hofmann, Heinrich | | non fictional | 1842-1902 | | | 116951346 | 3 | H |
Donna Diana | | fictional | | | | | 1 | D |
Donna Diana | | fictional | | | | | 1 | D |
Plener, Ignaz von | | non fictional | 1810-1908 | | | 118595016 | 1 | P |
Fellwock, Ottilie | | non fictional | 1877-? | | | 132390116 | 1 | F |
Scaria, Emil | | non fictional | 1838-1886 | | | 117088218 | 2 | S |
Boschetti, Therese | | non fictional | 1846-1919 | | | 1050421698 | 1 | B |
Stern, Julius | | non fictional | 1865-1939 | | | 1012743764 | 1 | S |
Lothar, Rudolf | | non fictional | 1865-1943 | | | 119545063 | 1 | L |
Lanckoronski-Brzezie, Karl von | | non fictional | 1799-1863 | | | 130216569 | 1 | L |
Martini, Anton Stephan von | | non fictional | 1792-1861 | | | 1284215512 | 1 | M |
Ferraris, Amalia | | non fictional | ca. 1830-1904 | | | 1240344848 | 1 | F |
Esterházy, Georg Alexander von | Eszterhazy | non fictional | 1811-1856 | | | 117513067 | 1 | E |
Hügel, Carl von | | non fictional | 1796-1870 | | | 11894343X | 1 | H |
Zerr, Anna | | non fictional | 1822-1881 | | | 116983442 | 3 | Z |
Formes, Karl | | non fictional | 1810-1889 | | | 116662727 | 3 | F |
Wolf, Carl Maria | Wolf, Karl Maria | non fictional | 1820-1907 | - Sänger (Tenor)
- Gesangslehrer
| | 1047478048 | 2 | W |
Bayern, Maximilian in | | non fictional | 1808-1888 | - Adeliger
- Schriftsteller
- Komponist
| | 118967592 | 1 | B |
Crispinus | | non fictional | 3. Jhdt. | | | 1075059364 | 1 | C |
Kempen von Fichtenstamm, Johann Franz | | non fictional | 1793-1863 | | | 126717397 | 1 | K |
Cleopatra | Kleopatra | fictional | | | - Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV17
| | 1 | C |
Dumas der Ältere, Alexandre | Dumas, Alexander | non fictional | 1802-1870 | | | 118528068 | 3 | D |
Anna Bolena | | fictional | | | | | 1 | A |
Tonio | | fictional | | | | | 1 | T |
Walter, ? | | non fictional | | | | | 3 | W |
Joseph | | fictional | | | | | 1 | J |
Jacob | | fictional | | | | | 1 | J |
Orgéni, Aglaja | Orgeni | non fictional | 1841-1926 | | | 117144819 | 2 | O |
Nachbaur, Franz | | non fictional | 1830-1902 | | | 117208302 | 2 | N |
Perotti, Giulio | Prott | non fictional | 1841-1901 | | | 1118751620 | 10 | P |
Zottmayr, Max | | non fictional | 1833-1905 | | | 11774672X | 5 | Z |
Manrico | | fictional | | | | | 2 | M |
Destinn, Marie | | non fictional | 1834-1921 | - Sängerin (Mezzo-Sopran)
- Gesangslehrerin
| | 1037698975 | 1 | D |
Benza, Ida | | non fictional | 1846-1880 | | | | 11 | B |
Neumann, Angelo | | non fictional | 1838-1910 | - Sänger (Bariton)
- Theaterdirektor
| | 116956739 | 4 | N |
Ferrando | Fernando | fictional | | | | | 1 | F |
Bassi | | fictional | | | | | 1 | B |
Pauli, (Leonore?) | | non fictional | | | | | 1 | P |
Lamartine, Alphonse de | | non fictional | 1790-1869 | | | 118726056 | 5 | L |
Sand, George | Amantine Aurore Lucile Dupin de Francueil | non fictional | 1804-1876 | | | 118605348 | 3 | S |
Ritta | | fictional | | | - Zampa ou La fiancée de marbre
| | 1 | R |
Dandolo | | fictional | | | - Zampa ou La fiancée de marbre
| | 1 | D |
Daniel Capuzzi | | fictional | | | - Zampa ou La fiancée de marbre
| | 1 | D |
Chollet, Jean Baptiste | | non fictional | 1798-1892 | - Sänger (Bariton)
- Sänger (Tenor)
| | 116506814 | 3 | C |
Alphonse de Monza | Alfonso di Monza | fictional | | | - Zampa ou La fiancée de marbre
| | 2 | A |
Camille | Camilla | fictional | | | - Zampa ou La fiancée de marbre
| | 1 | C |
Tito Vespasiano | Titus | fictional | | | - La clemenza di Tito, KV621
| | 2 | T |
Schütt, Eduard | | non fictional | 1856-1933 | | | 116564091 | 2 | S |
Siméon | Simeon | fictional | | | | | 1 | S |
Till Eulenspiegel | | fictional | | | | 118531360 | 1 | T |
Müller senior, Adolf | Müller, Adolph | non fictional | 1801-1886 | - Komponist
- Schauspieler
- Sänger
| | 103789928 | 1 | M |
Schmidt, Johann Philipp Samuel | | non fictional | 1779-1853 | - Jurist
- Komponist
- Musikautor
| | 103118187 | 1 | S |
Abu Seid von Serug | | fictional | | | | | 1 | A |
Hausegger, Friedrich von | | non fictional | 1837-1899 | - Musikautor
- Musikkritiker
- Komponist
| | 118546996 | 1 | H |
Hébert, Marcel | | non fictional | 1851-1916 | | | 1055124896 | 1 | H |
Brunnemann, Anna | Brunemann | non fictional | 1865-1926 | - Schriftstellerin
- Übersetzerin
- Philologin
| | 116777575 | 1 | B |
Schupp, August | | non fictional | 1863-? | | | 117310867 | 1 | S |
Kufferath, Maurice | | non fictional | 1852-1919 | - Musikkritiker
- Schriftsteller
| | 116599030 | 1 | K |
Schuré, Édouard | | non fictional | 1841-1929 | - Schriftsteller
- Philosoph
- Theosoph
| | 118762699 | 1 | S |
Dinger, Hugo | | non fictional | 1865-1941 | - Theaterdirektor
- Hochschullehrer
- Theaterwissenschaftler
| | 116137517 | 2 | D |
Noufflard, Georges | | non fictional | 1846-1897 | | | | 1 | N |
Stoecker, Adolf | Stöcker | non fictional | 1835-1909 | | | 118618393 | 1 | S |
Krebs, Marie | Krebs-Brenning, Mary | non fictional | 1851-1900 | | | 116404078 | 4 | K |
Anfossi, Pasquale | | non fictional | 1727-1797 | | | 118846922 | 2 | A |
Adamberger, Valentin | | non fictional | 1740-1804 | | | 122709020 | 1 | A |
Meissner, Leopold Florian | Meißner | non fictional | 1835-1895 | - Beamter
- Jurist
- Schriftsteller
| | 118938673 | 1 | M |
Johannes Freudhofer | | fictional | | | | | 1 | J |
Mathias Freudhofer | | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
Martha | | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
Friedrich Engel | | fictional | | | | | 1 | F |
Iffland, August Wilhelm | | non fictional | 1759-1814 | - Schauspieler
- Schriftsteller
- Theaterdirektor
| | 118555324 | 2 | I |
Schröder, Friedrich Ludwig | | non fictional | 1744-1816 | - Schauspieler
- Theaterdirektor
- Schriftsteller
| | 118610813 | 4 | S |
Magdalena | | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
Xaver Zitterbart | | fictional | | | | | 1 | X |
Dyck, Ernest Van | | non fictional | 1861-1923 | | | 116262028 | 13 | D |
Neusser-Mark, Paula | | non fictional | 1869-1956 | | | 116985194 | 10 | N |
Ruttersheim, Gisela von | | non fictional | 1869-1944 | | | | 1 | R |
Weitzmann, Carl Friedrich | | non fictional | 1808-1880 | - Musikautor
- Violinist
- Komponist
| | 119189275 | 1 | W |
Seebach, Marie | | non fictional | 1829-1897 | | | 118760394 | 1 | S |
Bürger, Gottfried August | | non fictional | 1747-1794 | - Schriftsteller
- Philologe
- Hochschullehrer
| | 118517104 | 3 | B |
Krebs, Karl August | Krebs, Carl | non fictional | 1804-1880 | | | 116403942 | 1 | K |
Beethoven, Karl van | | non fictional | 1806-1858 | | | 119096153 | 1 | B |
Beethoven, Johanna van | | non fictional | 1786-1868 | | | | 1 | B |
Pius IX. | | non fictional | 1792-1878 | | | 118594729 | 3 | P |
Hartmann, Moritz | | non fictional | 1821-1873 | | | 118773348 | 2 | H |
Reményi, Eduard | | non fictional | 1828-1898 | | | 116436085 | 2 | R |
Napoleon III., Kaiser von Frankreich | Louis Napoleon | non fictional | 1808-1873 | | | 118586416 | 8 | N |
Barbès, Armand | | non fictional | 1809-1870 | | | 118657127 | 1 | B |
Grimm, Wilhelm | | non fictional | 1786-1859 | - Philologe
- Linguist
- Philosoph
| | 118542265 | 3 | G |
Priamos | Priamus | fictional | | | | 143961764 | 1 | P |
Clauss-Szarvady, Wilhelmine | Clauß | non fictional | 1834-1907 | | | 11654127X | 3 | C |
Andrássy, Gyula | Andrassy, Julius | non fictional | 1823-1890 | | | 118502875 | 1 | A |
Ábrányi, Kornél | Abranyi | non fictional | 1822-1903 | - Pianist
- Komponist
- Musikautor
| | 133643514 | 1 | Á |
Hase, Karl August von | | non fictional | 1800-1890 | - Theologe
- Historiker
- Hochschullehrer
| | 118927507 | 1 | H |
Mihalovich, Ödön | | non fictional | 1842-1929 | | | 130234052 | 1 | M |
Hans Christoph Nitsche | Scholze | fictional | | | - Das rothe Käppchen, Kr. 298
| | 1 | H |
Hedwig | | fictional | | | - Das rothe Käppchen, Kr. 298
| | 1 | H |
Sander | | fictional | | | - Das rothe Käppchen, Kr. 298
| | 1 | S |
Mariane | | fictional | | | - Das rothe Käppchen, Kr. 298
| | 1 | M |
Emmrich von Landau | Emerich | fictional | | | - Das rothe Käppchen, Kr. 298
| | 1 | E |
Lieutenant von Felsenberg | | fictional | | | - Das rothe Käppchen, Kr. 298
| | 1 | L |
Rose d'amour | Rothkäppchen / Röschen | fictional | | | | | 2 | R |
Samuel, Adolphe | Samuel, Adolph | non fictional | 1824-1898 | | | 11677939X | 1 | S |
Mérimée, Prosper | | non fictional | 1803-1870 | | | 118581104 | 1 | M |
Adam | | fictional | | | - Adam und Eva oder Der Erschaffene, Gefallene und Aufgerichtete Mensch
| | 1 | A |
Schlange | | fictional | | | | | 1 | S |
Récitant | Sprecher | fictional | | | | | 1 | R |
Cavalieri, Catharina | | non fictional | 1755-1801 | | | 135719429 | 2 | C |
Roméo | Romeo | fictional | | | | | 5 | R |
Juliette | Julie / Julia | fictional | | | | | 7 | J |
Zur Mühlen, Raimund von | | non fictional | 1854-1931 | - Sänger (Tenor)
- Gesangslehrer
| | 117027065 | 1 | Z |
Mora, Fanny | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 2 | M |
Panfili, Benedetto | | non fictional | 1653-1730 | | | 109142063 | 1 | P |
Heermann, Hugo | Heerman | non fictional | 1844-1935 | | | 119193701 | 3 | H |
Atreus | | fictional | | | | 118650858 | 1 | A |
Nelson, Horatio | | non fictional | 1758-1805 | | | 118586939 | 1 | N |
Gassmann, Johann Heinrich | Gaßmann | non fictional | 17./18. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | G |
Veneri, Leonardo | Veneri, Leonardi | non fictional | 18. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | V |
Peter I., Zar von Russland | Peter der Große | non fictional | 1672-1725 | | | 118592955 | 2 | P |
Gassmann, Therese | Gaßmann | non fictional | 1774-1837 | | | 138600236 | 1 | G |
Finger-Bailetti, Elly | | non fictional | 18./19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | F |
Finger, Alfred | | non fictional | 1855-1936 | | | 116518227 | 2 | F |
Payne, Albert Henry | | non fictional | 1812-1902 | | | 116070803 | 1 | P |
Wietrowetz, Gabriele | | non fictional | 1866-1937 | | | 117370320 | 2 | W |
Winkler, Julius | | non fictional | 1855-1938 | - Violinist
- Musiklehrer
- Komponist
| | 119164965 | 8 | W |
Kauders, Albert | | non fictional | 1854-1912 | | | 103909125 | 1 | K |
Kuenring | | fictional | | | - Walther von der Vogelweide
| | 1 | K |
Walther von der Vogelweide | | fictional | | | - Walther von der Vogelweide
| | 1 | W |
Ulrich von Lichtenstein | | non fictional | ca. 1200-1275 | | | 118625306 | 1 | U |
Don Quijote | Don Quixote | fictional | | | - El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha
| 4113209-9 | 1 | D |
Reinmar | | fictional | | | - Walther von der Vogelweide
| | 1 | R |
Hilgunde | | fictional | | | - Walther von der Vogelweide
| | 1 | H |
Walther von der Vogelweide | | fictional | | | - Tannhäuser und der Sängerkrieg auf Wartburg, WWV70
| | 1 | W |
Herzog von Mödling | | fictional | | | - Walther von der Vogelweide
| | 1 | H |
Schläger, Antonie | | non fictional | 1859-1910 | - Sängerin (Sopran)
- Sängerin (Mezzo-Sopran)
| | 116859113 | 7 | S |
Horwitz, Willibald | | non fictional | 1843-1903 | - Sänger (Bariton)
- Komponist
| | 1012128008 | 5 | H |
Leopold V., Herzog von Österreich | | non fictional | 1157-1194 | | | 137082118 | 1 | L |
Ikarus | | fictional | | | | 11863979X | 1 | I |
Brentano, Clemens | | non fictional | 1778-1842 | | | 118515055 | 2 | B |
Doctor Marianus | | fictional | | | - Szenen aus Goethes Faust, WoO3
| | 2 | D |
Dickens, Charles | | non fictional | 1812-1870 | | | 118525239 | 2 | D |
Forster, John | | non fictional | 1812-1876 | | | 119372916 | 1 | F |
Cricket | Heimchen | fictional | | | - The Cricket on the Hearth
| | 1 | C |
Thackeray, William Makepeace | | non fictional | 1811-1863 | | | 118621483 | 1 | T |
John Peerybingle | | fictional | | | - The Cricket on the Hearth
| | 1 | J |
Marie Peerybingle | Dot | fictional | | | - The Cricket on the Hearth
| | 1 | M |
Edward Plummer | | fictional | | | - The Cricket on the Hearth
| | 1 | E |
May Fielding | | fictional | | | - The Cricket on the Hearth
| | 1 | M |
Tackleton | | fictional | | | - The Cricket on the Hearth
| | 1 | T |
Barnaby Rudge | | fictional | | | - Barnaby Rudge. A Tale of the Riots of 'Eighty
| | 1 | B |
Jip | | fictional | | | - The Personal History of David Copperfield
| | 1 | J |
Caleb Plummer | | fictional | | | - The Cricket on the Hearth
| | 1 | C |
Bertha Plummer | | fictional | | | - The Cricket on the Hearth
| | 1 | B |
Heimchen, eine Grillenelfe | | fictional | | | | | 1 | H |
Edward Plummer | | fictional | | | | | 1 | E |
John | | fictional | | | | | 1 | J |
Dot | | fictional | | | | | 1 | D |
Merlin | | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
May | | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
Tackleton | | fictional | | | | | 1 | T |
Horn, Kamillo | Horn, Camillo | non fictional | 1860-1941 | | | 116992468 | 1 | H |
Gernsheim, Friedrich | | non fictional | 1839-1916 | | | 116589930 | 6 | G |
Grosse, Julius | | non fictional | 1828-1902 | | | 118718983 | 1 | G |
Messchaert, Johannes M. | | non fictional | 1857-1922 | - Sänger (Bariton)
- Gesangslehrer
| | 116913967 | 2 | M |
Agnimitra | Aquimitra | fictional | | | | | 1 | A |
Kain | | fictional | | | | 118714724 | 1 | K |
Ewiger Jude | Ahasver | fictional | | | | 4140424-5 | 1 | E |
Verhunk, Fanchette | Verhunc, Fanny | non fictional | 1874-1944 | | | 117388513 | 1 | V |
Lašek, Hanuš | | non fictional | 1860-1937 | | | 1156345936 | 1 | L |
Kliment, Václav | | non fictional | 1863-1918 | | | 1013572882 | 1 | K |
Epstein, Richard | | non fictional | 1869-1919 | | | 130243019 | 2 | E |
Mikulicz-Radecki, Johann von | | non fictional | 1850-1905 | | | 118733893 | 1 | M |
Gruber, Franz von | | non fictional | 1837-1918 | | | 132789132 | 2 | G |
Baum, Wilhelm | | non fictional | 1799-1883 | | | 116087994 | 4 | B |
Arlt, Ferdinand von | | non fictional | 1812-1887 | | | 102427593 | 2 | A |
Dittel, Leopold von | | non fictional | 1815-1898 | | | 117645567 | 1 | D |
Breisky, August | | non fictional | 1830-1889 | | | 117630500 | 1 | B |
Asklepios | Aeskulap | fictional | | | | 118500864 | 1 | A |
Isis | Saïs | fictional | | | | 118932640 | 1 | I |
Nothnagel, Hermann | | non fictional | 1841-1905 | | | 11903462X | 2 | N |
Seegen, Joseph | | non fictional | 1822-1904 | | | 117443379 | 3 | S |
Baum, Wilhelm Georg | | non fictional | 1836-1896 | | | 131415476 | 1 | B |
Czerny, Vincenz | | non fictional | 1842-1916 | | | 119371421 | 2 | C |
Wölfler, Anton | | non fictional | 1850-1917 | | | 117614033 | 3 | W |
Gussenbauer, Carl | | non fictional | 1842-1903 | | | 117591351 | 1 | G |
Menzel, Arthur | | non fictional | 1844-1878 | | | 133988902 | 1 | M |
Frisch, Anton von | | non fictional | 1849-1917 | | | 117538116 | 1 | F |
Winiwarter, Alexander von | | non fictional | 1848-1917 | | | 139885048 | 2 | W |
Rosthorn, Alfons von | | non fictional | 1857-1909 | | | 116633905 | 1 | R |
His, Wilhelm | | non fictional | 1831-1904 | | | 118705253 | 3 | H |
Billroth, Christine | | non fictional | 1808–1851 | | | 1075325714 | 1 | B |
Wehner, Arnold | | non fictional | 1820-1880 | | | 117231657 | 1 | W |
Schuh, Franz | | non fictional | 1804-1865 | | | 11764708X | 1 | S |
Janus | | fictional | | | | 118775979 | 1 | J |
Zeller, Eduard | | non fictional | 1814-1908 | - Philosoph
- Theologe
- Hochschullehrer
| | 118636383 | 1 | Z |
Lübke, Wilhelm | | non fictional | 1826-1893 | - Kunsthistoriker
- Hochschullehrer
| | 117291013 | 4 | L |
Makart, Hans | Makart, Hanns | non fictional | 1840-1884 | | | 118730347 | 4 | M |
Müller, Johannes | | non fictional | 1801-1858 | - Mediziner
- Physiologe
- Hochschullehrer
| | 118585053 | 1 | M |
Gauß, Carl Friedrich | | non fictional | 1777-1855 | - Mathematiker
- Physiker
- Astronom
| | 104234644 | 1 | G |
Billroth, Else | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 2 | B |
Herwegh, Georg | Georg Herweg | non fictional | 1817-1875 | | | 118550128 | 3 | H |
Langenbeck, Bernhard von | | non fictional | 1810-1887 | | | 11887490X | 1 | L |
Billroth, Christel | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 2 | B |
Herz, Henri | | non fictional | 1806-1888 | | | 116759194 | 1 | H |
Esmarch, Friedrich von | | non fictional | 1823-1908 | | | 118531131 | 1 | E |
Dumreicher, Johann von | | non fictional | 1815-1880 | | | 116251107 | 1 | D |
Brücke, Ernst Wilhelm von | | non fictional | 1819-1892 | | | 118796704 | 2 | B |
Lindau, Paul | | non fictional | 1839-1919 | - Schriftsteller
- Journalist
- Theaterdirektor
| | 118780034 | 3 | L |
Pitha, Franz von | | non fictional | 1810-1875 | | | 117689580 | 1 | P |
Velázquez, Diego Rodríguez de Silva y | Velasquez | non fictional | 1599-1660 | | | 118626426 | 4 | V |
Freund Hein / Hain | Personifikation des Todes | fictional | | | | | 2 | F |
Bârsescu, Agatha | Barsescu | non fictional | 1861-1939 | | | 116062207 | 1 | B |
Rossi, Ernesto | | non fictional | 1827-1896 | - Schauspieler
- Schriftsteller
| | 118836412 | 2 | R |
Bülow, Eduard von | | non fictional | 1803-1853 | | | 100798772 | 1 | B |
Bülow, Franziska von | | non fictional | 1800-1888 | | | 117066435 | 1 | B |
Bülow, Isidore von | Bojanowski, Isa von | non fictional | 1833-1903 | | | | 1 | B |
Uhlig, Theodor | | non fictional | 1822-1853 | - Violinist
- Komponist
- Musikautor
| | 117279757 | 1 | U |
Bülow, Luise von | Bülow, Louise von | non fictional | 1813-1903 | | | 117067024 | 1 | B |
Rauch-Wernau, Rosa | | non fictional | | | | | 1 | R |
Kramer, Philipp Walburg | | non fictional | 1815-1899 | - Theaterdirektor
- Schauspieler
- Schriftsteller
| | 120711885 | 1 | K |
Smareglia, Antonio | | non fictional | 1854-1929 | | | 124449905 | 1 | S |
Kecal | Kezal | fictional | | | | | 4 | K |
Vašek | Wenzel | fictional | | | | | 3 | V |
Mícha | Michna | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
Krušina | Kruschina | fictional | | | | | 1 | K |
Ludmila | | fictional | | | | | 1 | L |
Háta | | fictional | | | | | 1 | H |
Principál | Springer | fictional | | | | | 1 | P |
Esmeralda | | fictional | | | | | 1 | E |
Indian | Kannibale | fictional | | | | | 1 | I |
Marian, Ferdinand | | non fictional | 1859-1942 | - Sänger (Bassist)
- Schauspieler
| | 1037790200 | 1 | M |
Mařenka | Marie | fictional | | | | | 2 | M |
Fafner | | fictional | | | - Das Rheingold, WWV86A;
- Der Ring des Nibelungen, WWV86;
- Siegfried, WWV86C
| | 2 | F |
Loge | | fictional | | | - Das Rheingold, WWV86A;
- Der Ring des Nibelungen, WWV86
| | 2 | L |
Jeník | Hanns | fictional | | | | | 1 | J |
Méphistophélès | Mephistopheles / Mephisto | fictional | | | | | 3 | M |
Beer, Michael | | non fictional | 1800-1833 | | | 118657887 | 1 | B |
Bognàr, Friedericke | Balasz-Bognár | non fictional | 1840-1914 | | | 116230150 | 2 | B |
Schweigert, Christine | | non fictional | 1836-1894 | | | 11739758X | 1 | S |
Eyrich, Franz Heinrich | | non fictional | 1839-1873 | | | | 3 | E |
Pichler, Michael | | non fictional | 1831-1903 | | | 1041601980 | 1 | P |
Wrany, Josef | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | W |
Richarz, Franz | | non fictional | 1812-1887 | | | 123353602 | 1 | R |
Peters, Eberhard | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | 1018269010 | 1 | P |
Reuter, Fritz | | non fictional | 1810-1874 | | | 118599976 | 1 | R |
Lindhult, Oskar | | non fictional | 1831-1907 | | | 117741159 | 1 | L |
Becker, Ernst Adolph | | non fictional | 1798-1874 | | | 139744355 | 1 | B |
Klems, Johann Bernhard | Klemms | non fictional | 1812-1872 | | | 1208889834 | 1 | K |
Scherenberg, Christian Friedrich | | non fictional | 1798-1881 | - Schriftsteller
- Schauspieler
| | 117218154 | 1 | S |
Härtel, Hermann | | non fictional | 1803-1875 | | | 119512726 | 3 | H |
Rietschel, Ernst | | non fictional | 1804-1861 | | | 11874528X | 1 | R |
Laurens, Jean-Joseph-Bonaventure | | non fictional | 1801-1890 | - Maler
- Schriftsteller
- Wissenschaftler
| | 11760691X | 1 | L |
Amor | | fictional | | | | 11850262X | 2 | A |
Arnim, Achim von | | non fictional | 1781-1831 | | | 118504177 | 1 | A |
Golo | | fictional | | | | | 1 | G |
Leser, Rosalie | | non fictional | 1812-1896 | | | 116948620 | 1 | L |
Becker, Julius | | non fictional | 1811-1859 | | | 117735345 | 1 | B |
Gläser, Franz | | non fictional | 1798-1869 | | | 116649666 | 1 | G |
Eyken, Jan Albert van | Eycken | non fictional | 1823-1868 | | | 116325925 | 1 | E |
Kulmann, Elisabeth | | non fictional | 1808-1825 | | | 101244371 | 1 | K |
Grossheinrich, Karl Friedrich von | Großheinrich | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | 116870168 | 1 | G |
Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste | | non fictional | 1780-1850 | | | 123585465 | 1 | F |
Blangini, Felice | Blangini, Felix | non fictional | 1781-1841 | - Komponist
- Gesangslehrer
- Sänger (Tenor)
| | 116199679 | 1 | B |
Vielka | | fictional | | | - Ein Feldlager in Schlesien
| | 3 | V |
Catherine | Katharina | fictional | | | | | 2 | C |
Katharina I., Zarin von Russland | | non fictional | 1684-1727 | | | 11872116X | 1 | K |
Prascovia | | fictional | | | | | 1 | P |
Gritzenko | | fictional | | | | | 1 | G |
Danilowitz | Danielowitz | fictional | | | | | 1 | D |
Georges Skavronski | Georg | fictional | | | | | 1 | G |
Konrad | Conrad | fictional | | | | | 1 | K |
Marie-Thérèse | Maria Theresia | fictional | | | - Marie-Thérèse à Presbourg ou La Naissance du Duc de Bordeaux
| | 1 | M |
Branchu, Alexandrine Caroline | | non fictional | 1780-1850 | | | 1012604063 | 1 | B |
Garat, Pierre | | non fictional | 1762-1823 | - Sänger (Bariton)
- Komponist
| | 1029449112 | 2 | G |
Schuberth, Julius | | non fictional | 1804-1875 | | | 11711684X | 1 | S |
Kreutzer, Rudolphe | Kreuzer, Rodolphe | non fictional | 1766-1831 | | | 116533676 | 4 | K |
Berard, Cyprien | | non fictional | 18./19. Jhdt. | - Theaterdirektor
- Schriftsteller
- Journalist
| | 115745917X | 1 | B |
Maria Theresia, Erzherzogin von Österreich | | non fictional | 1717-1780 | | | 118577867 | 7 | M |
Schneider, Friedrich | | non fictional | 1786-1853 | - Komponist
- Organist
- Dirigent
| | 11940818X | 1 | S |
Soumet, Alexandre | | non fictional | 1786-1845 | | | 117484881 | 1 | S |
Dryden, John | | non fictional | 1631-1700 | - Schriftsteller
- Publizist
- Übersetzer
| | 118680897 | 1 | D |
Schenkendorf, Max von | | non fictional | 1783-1817 | | | 118754599 | 2 | S |
Rodolphe | Rudolph | fictional | | | | | 3 | R |
Roger | Hugo | fictional | | | | | 2 | R |
Siebert, August | | non fictional | 1856-1938 | | | 104378134X | 3 | S |
Nanette | | fictional | | | | | 2 | N |
Job | | fictional | | | | | 1 | J |
Raupach, Ernst Benjamin Salomo | | non fictional | 1784-1852 | - Schriftsteller
- Historiker
- Librettist
| | 100823548 | 2 | R |
Roquette, Otto | | non fictional | 1824-1896 | - Lehrer
- Kritiker
- Schriftsteller
| | 119034883 | 1 | R |
Hummer, Reinhold | | non fictional | 1855-1912 | | | 130187135 | 6 | H |
Gilbert, William S. | | non fictional | 1836-1911 | - Schriftsteller
- Regisseur
- Librettist
| | 118717448 | 1 | G |
Fuchs, Peter | | non fictional | 1823-? | | | | 1 | F |
Büry, Agnes | Bury | non fictional | 1831-1902 | - Sängerin (Sopran)
- Gesangslehrerin
| | 115630136X | 1 | B |
Bürde-Ney, Jenny | | non fictional | 1824-1886 | | | 116995351 | 1 | B |
Wieniawski, Henri | | non fictional | 1835-1880 | | | 119351641 | 5 | W |
Riemer, Friedrich Wilhelm | | non fictional | 1774-1845 | - Lehrer
- Schriftsteller
- Bibliothekar
| | 116543671 | 1 | R |
Sirach | Jesus Sirach | non fictional | 2. Jhdt. v.u.Z. | | | 118614746 | 1 | S |
Paulus von Tarsus | | non fictional | 1. Jhdt. | | | 118641549 | 1 | P |
Raoul d'Harmental | | fictional | | | | | 1 | R |
Steiner, Hugo von | | non fictional | 1862-1942 | | | 12434500X | 1 | S |
Hansen, Theophil Edvard von | | non fictional | 1813-1891 | | | 118545760 | 3 | H |
Messager, André | | non fictional | 1853-1929 | - Komponist
- Dirigent
- Organist
| | 119430002 | 1 | M |
Ferrier, Paul | | non fictional | 1843-1920 | | | 116472812 | 1 | F |
Bathilde | | fictional | | | | | 1 | B |
Roquefinette | Rocquefine | fictional | | | | | 1 | R |
Abbé Brigaud | | fictional | | | | | 1 | A |
Buvat | | fictional | | | | | 1 | B |
Clärchen | | fictional | | | | | 1 | C |
Udel, Karl | Udl | non fictional | 1844-1927 | - Cellist
- Sänger (Tenor)
- Komponist
| | 117249947 | 2 | U |
Risegari, Alois | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | R |
Rilius, Henriette | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | R |
Krastel, Fritz | | non fictional | 1839-1908 | - Schauspieler
- Schriftsteller
| | 116383011 | 2 | K |
Kletzer, Fery | | non fictional | 1830-1878 | | | 138953716 | 1 | K |
Goltermann, Georg | | non fictional | 1824-1898 | | | 102411034 | 2 | G |
Benedix, Roderich | | non fictional | 1811-1873 | - Schriftsteller
- Schauspieler
- Theaterdirektor
| | 118658166 | 2 | B |
Görner, Karl August | | non fictional | 1806-1884 | - Schauspieler
- Regisseur
- Schriftsteller
| | 116724722 | 1 | G |
Cellamare, Antonio DelGiudice de | | non fictional | 1657-1733 | - Offizier
- Politiker
- Diplomat
| | 12016261X | 1 | C |
Philipp, Regent von Frankreich | | non fictional | 1674-1723 | | | 118820214 | 2 | P |
Alberoni, Giulio | | non fictional | 1664-1752 | | | 118644262 | 1 | A |
Philipp V., König von Spanien | | non fictional | 1683-1746 | | | 119186640 | 1 | P |
Raoul d'Harmental | | non fictional | | | | | 1 | R |
Duchesse du Maine | | fictional | | | | | 1 | D |
Königin der Nacht | | fictional | | | | 122196295 | 4 | K |
Régent | Regent | fictional | | | | | 1 | R |
Madame Denis | | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
Dubois, Guillaume | | non fictional | 1656-1723 | - Kardinal
- Politiker
- Minister
| | 120955059 | 1 | D |
Don César | | fictional | | | | | 1 | D |
Philine | | fictional | | | | | 5 | P |
Titania | | fictional | | | - A Midsummer Night's Dream
| | 4 | T |
Ravanne | | fictional | | | | | 1 | R |
Bitter, Carl Hermann | | non fictional | 1813-1885 | | | 118511394 | 1 | B |
Giesebrecht, Ludwig | | non fictional | 1792-1873 | - Schriftsteller
- Historiker
- Politiker
| | 100286062 | 1 | G |
Gura, Eugen | | non fictional | 1842-1906 | | | 116930454 | 6 | G |
Runze, Max | | non fictional | 1849-1931 | - Pfarrer
- Politiker
- Musikautor
| | 116707941 | 1 | R |
Henschel, George | Henschel, Georg | non fictional | 1850-1934 | - Sänger (Bariton)
- Dirigent
- Pianist
| | 116719710 | 5 | H |
Bach, Albert | | non fictional | 1844-1912 | - Sänger (Bariton)
- Musikautor
| | | 1 | B |
Bothwell, Julie von | Loewe | non fictional | 1826-1920 | | | 116267666 | 1 | B |
Loewe, Johann Andreas | | non fictional | 1747-1826 | | | 1073326551 | 1 | L |
Loewe, Marie | | non fictional | 1752-1826 | | | | 1 | L |
Türk, Daniel Gottlob | | non fictional | 1750-1813 | | | 119127709 | 1 | T |
Loewe, Julie | Jacob | non fictional | 1796-1823 | | | | 1 | L |
Plappart von Leenheer, Anton | | non fictional | 1780-1860 | | | 1026198658 | 1 | P |
Keferstein, Gustav Adolph | | non fictional | 1799-1861 | - Pfarrer
- Kritiker
- Musikautor
| | 10408040X | 1 | K |
Loewe, Auguste | Lange | non fictional | 1806-1895 | | | | 1 | L |
Goethe, Ottilie von | | non fictional | 1796-1872 | | | 118540254 | 2 | G |
Pereira-Arnstein, Henriette von | | non fictional | 1780-1859 | | | 136224032 | 1 | P |
Streicher, Johann Baptist | | non fictional | 1796-1871 | | | 117317179 | 3 | S |
Loewe, Helene | | non fictional | 1833-? | | | 1028475829 | 1 | L |
Borodin, Aleksandr Porfirʹevič | | non fictional | 1833-1887 | | | 118661914 | 3 | B |
Rivarde, Achille | | non fictional | 1865-1940 | - Violinist
- Musiklehrer
- Musikautor
| | | 1 | R |
Ohe, Adele aus der | | non fictional | 1864-1937 | | | 11711099X | 3 | O |
Wihan, Hanuš | | non fictional | 1855-1920 | | | 117371041 | 1 | W |
Carreño, Teresa | d'Albert / Careño, Therese | non fictional | 1853-1917 | | | 118953915 | 6 | C |
Hoffmann, Karl | Hoffmann, Joseph | non fictional | 1872-1936 | | | 116974060 | 5 | H |
Suk, Josef | Suk, Joseph | non fictional | 1874-1935 | - Komponist
- Violinist
- Pianist
| | 119559978 | 3 | S |
Hedda Gabler | | fictional | | | | | 1 | H |
Sivori, Camillo | | non fictional | 1815-1894 | | | 119181002 | 2 | S |
Gulbranson, Ellen | | non fictional | 1863-1947 | | | 11692442X | 1 | G |
Stepanoff, Varette | | non fictional | 1855-1927 | | | | 1 | S |
Walle-Hansen, Dagmar | | non fictional | 1871-1954 | | | | 2 | W |
Vandero, Olga | | non fictional | | | | | 1 | V |
Geyer, Marianne | | non fictional | 1874-nach 1942 | | | 1247119831 | 1 | G |
Wergeland, Henrik Arnold | | non fictional | 1808-1845 | - Schriftsteller
- Historiker
- Linguist
| | 11880670X | 1 | W |
Gabrilowitsch, Ossip | | non fictional | 1878-1936 | | | 116327642 | 1 | G |
Kaulich, Josef | Kaullich | non fictional | 1827-1901 | | | 116077875 | 1 | K |
Kątski, Apolinary | Kontsky, Apollinar von | non fictional | 1826-1879 | | | 116341971 | 1 | K |
Prume, François Hubert | | non fictional | 1816-1849 | | | 11630586X | 1 | P |
Bull, Ole | | non fictional | 1810-1880 | | | 118664883 | 2 | B |
Bochkoltz-Falconi, Anna | Bochkolz-Falconi | non fictional | 1815-1879 | - Sängerin (Sopran)
- Komponistin
| | 116212918 | 1 | B |
Trousil, Marie | | non fictional | 1853-nach 1907 | - Sängerin (Sopran)
- Sängerin (Mezzo-Sopran)
| | | 1 | T |
Pixis, Johann Peter | | non fictional | 1788-1874 | | | 11917099X | 2 | P |
Geneviève | | fictional | | | | | 1 | G |
Blonde | Blondchen | fictional | | | - Die Entführung aus dem Serail, KV384
| | 1 | B |
Perrault, Charles | | non fictional | 1628-1703 | | | 118740008 | 1 | P |
Ermite | Einsiedler / Klausner / Eremit | fictional | | | | | 2 | E |
Scheller, Jacob | | non fictional | 1759-1800 | | | 136428681 | 1 | S |
Rudolff, Josefine | Rudolff, Josette | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | 116671041 | 1 | R |
Leclair, Marietta von | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | 1016390378 | 1 | L |
Frankl-Joel, Gabriele | Joël / Frankl-Joël | non fictional | 1853-1894 | | | 116718250 | 8 | F |
Bernstein, Eugenie | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | B |
Sardou, Victorien | | non fictional | 1831-1908 | | | 118794566 | 1 | S |
Wurmbrand-Stuppach, Stephanie | Vrabély | non fictional | 1849-1919 | | | 1227397569 | 1 | W |
Charles, Marie | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 2 | C |
Leonora | Leonore | fictional | | | | | 1 | L |
Dohm, Ernst | Mießnick, Carlchen | non fictional | 1819-1883 | - Journalist
- Schriftsteller
- Übersetzer
| | 116170867 | 1 | D |
Stowasser, Ignaz | | non fictional | 1811-1892 | | | 1033472670 | 1 | S |
Bock, Franz | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 3 | B |
Field, John | | non fictional | 1782-1837 | | | 118683578 | 3 | F |
Bagier, Prosper | | non fictional | 1811-1881 | | | | 2 | B |
Thal, Chretien de | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | T |
Doré, Gustave | | non fictional | 1832-1883 | - Maler
- Illustrator
- Bildhauer
| | 118526839 | 1 | D |
Vivier, Eugène | | non fictional | 1821-1900 | | | 117448133 | 1 | V |
Cahuzac, Louis-Henri de Roger de | Marquis de Caux | non fictional | 1825-1889 | | | | 1 | C |
Rouher, Eugène | | non fictional | 1814-1884 | | | 116664029 | 1 | R |
Vaillant, Jean Baptiste Philibert | | non fictional | 1790-1872 | | | 104241640 | 1 | V |
Forcade La Roquette, Adolphe de | | non fictional | 1820-1874 | | | 1202049044 | 1 | F |
Gevaert, François-Auguste | Gevart | non fictional | 1828-1908 | - Komponist
- Musikautor
- Musiklehrer
| | 119016206 | 2 | G |
Barras, Paul de | | non fictional | 1755-1829 | | | 118652648 | 1 | B |
Carafa, Michele | Caraffa | non fictional | 1787-1872 | | | 116451793 | 3 | C |
Radetzky von Radetz, Johann Joseph Wenzel | | non fictional | 1766-1858 | | | 118597647 | 3 | R |
Windischgraetz, Alfred zu | | non fictional | 1787-1862 | | | 118633651 | 1 | W |
Fiammella | | fictional | | | - Fiammella oder: die Macht der Hölle
| | 1 | F |
Myriame | Myriamne | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
Hulda | Donau | fictional | | | | | 1 | H |
Wieniawski, Józef | | non fictional | 1837-1912 | - Pianist
- Komponist
- Musiklehrer
| | 117363855 | 1 | W |
Sporck, Johann Wenzel von | | non fictional | 1724-1804 | - Politiker
- Mäzen
- Theaterdirektor
| | 121623157 | 1 | S |
Ferdinand August Friedrich, Herzog von Württemberg | Würtemberg | non fictional | 1763-1834 | | | 117505498 | 1 | F |
Mellinet, Emile | | non fictional | 1798-1894 | | | 1254513493 | 2 | M |
Kastner, Georges | Kastner, George | non fictional | 1810-1867 | - Komponist
- Musiklehrer
- Musikautor
| | 116066164 | 3 | K |
Schiedmayer, Julius | | non fictional | 1822-1878 | | | 132181304 | 1 | S |
Fitzgerald, Gerald | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | F |
Wolff, Auguste | Wolf, August | non fictional | 1821-1887 | - Pianist
- Komponist
- Instrumentenbauer
| | 1031120866 | 2 | W |
Cornelius, Peter | | non fictional | 1824-1874 | | | 118522213 | 10 | C |
Farkas, Miska | | non fictional | 1829-1890 | | | | 1 | F |
Mars, Mademoiselle | | non fictional | 1779-1847 | | | 119062887 | 3 | M |
Bacchus | Dionysos | fictional | | | | 118651439 | 4 | B |
Ehrenstein, Gisela von | | non fictional | 1857-1932 | | | 130144584 | 1 | E |
Burg, Adam von | | non fictional | 1797-1882 | | | 117163988 | 1 | B |
Lemböck, Gabriel | | non fictional | 1814-1892 | | | 1019259620 | 2 | L |
Červený, Václav | Cerveny | non fictional | 1819-1896 | | | 117649953 | 2 | Č |
Ziegler junior, Johan Baptist | | non fictional | 1823-1878 | | | 104760518X | 2 | Z |
Schweighofer, Johann Michel | | non fictional | 1840-1889 | | | 1033492744 | 2 | S |
Promberger, Joseph | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | 1041902123 | 1 | P |
Blümel, Franz | | non fictional | ?-1875 | | | | 1 | B |
Beregszászy, Lajos | Beregshazy | non fictional | 1817-1891 | | | 103398969X | 1 | B |
Bittner, David | | non fictional | ca. 1820-1886 | | | 1034109332 | 1 | B |
Kiendl, Anton | | non fictional | 1816-1871 | | | 138682143 | 1 | K |
Tomschik, Franz | | non fictional | 1854-1897 | | | 1239078730 | 1 | T |
Lausmann, Josef Wenzel | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | 103666810X | 1 | L |
Bohland, Gustav | | non fictional | 1825–1886 | | | | 1 | B |
Cramer, Gottfried | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | C |
Simon, Julius | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | S |
Farsky, Joseph | | non fictional | 1828-1897 | | | | 1 | F |
Hesse, Carl | | non fictional | 1808-1882 | | | 1023866919 | 1 | H |
Weigel, Nikolaus | | non fictional | 1811-1887 | - Zitherspieler
- Instrumentenbauer
| | 103960228 | 1 | W |
Broadwood, Henry Fowler | | non fictional | 1811-1893 | | | 1208538071 | 1 | B |
Steinway, Henry E. | | non fictional | 1797-1871 | | | 117657972 | 2 | S |
Merklin, Joseph | | non fictional | 1819-1905 | | | 119095319 | 1 | M |
Schütze, Friedrich | | non fictional | 1808-? | | | | 1 | S |
Buffet, Louis August | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | 1038177421 | 1 | B |
Soufleto, François | Souffleto | non fictional | ca. 1800-1872 | | | | 1 | S |
Franche, Charles Louis | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | F |
Willmanns, Albert Gustav | Leiter der Westermann Klavierfabrik | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | W |
Montal, Claude | | non fictional | 1800-1865 | | | 1052718337 | 1 | M |
Martin, Casimir | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | M |
Sincère | | fictional | | | | | 1 | S |
Frontin | | fictional | | | | | 1 | F |
Duport, Louis Antoine | | non fictional | 1781-1853 | | | 116253657 | 3 | D |
Swoboda, Karl | | non fictional | ca. 1830-1905 | - Sänger (Tenor)
- Schauspieler
| | 133674126 | 1 | S |
Rudolf von Harras | | fictional | | | | | 1 | R |
Blaubart | | fictional | | | | 118812432 | 2 | B |
Scholz, Wenzel | | non fictional | 1787-1857 | | | 128642866 | 1 | S |
Haussmann, Georges Eugène | Haußmann | non fictional | 1809-1891 | - Adeliger
- Politiker
- Stadtplaner
| | 118773453 | 1 | H |
Wilhem, Guillaume Louis Bocquillon | | non fictional | 1781-1842 | - Dirigent
- Musiklehrer
- Komponist
| | 117382817 | 1 | W |
Chevé, Emile | | non fictional | 1804-1864 | | | 117659576 | 1 | C |
Samuel | | fictional | | | - Un ballo in maschera, H59
| | 1 | S |
Tom | | fictional | | | - Un ballo in maschera, H59
| | 1 | T |
Undine | | fictional | | | | 11862542X | 1 | U |
Rotkäppchen | | fictional | | | | 124113788 | 1 | R |
Hanssens, Charles Louis | | non fictional | 1802-1871 | | | 131965719 | 1 | H |
Rillé, Laurent de | | non fictional | 1828-1915 | - Komponist
- Schriftsteller
- Musikautor
| | 1066662258 | 1 | R |
Kücken, Friedrich Wilhelm | | non fictional | 1810-1882 | | | 116581530 | 2 | K |
Becker, Valentin Eduard | | non fictional | 1814-1890 | | | 11949096X | 1 | B |
Carpani, Giuseppe | | non fictional | 1752-1825 | - Schriftsteller
- Librettist
- Kritiker
| | 118841009 | 1 | C |
Isabella | | fictional | | | | | 1 | I |
Selim | | fictional | | | | | 1 | S |
Pélissier, Olympe | Rossini | non fictional | 1799-1878 | | | | 1 | P |
Battu, Marie | | non fictional | 1837-1919 | | | | 1 | B |
Jensen, Adolf | | non fictional | 1837-1879 | | | 117102946 | 1 | J |
Kerner, Justinus | | non fictional | 1786-1862 | | | 118561545 | 1 | K |
Frühling, Carl | | non fictional | 1868-1937 | - Komponist
- Pianist
- Musiklehrer
| | 135153670 | 1 | F |
Zandt, Marie von | Zandt, Marie van | non fictional | 1858-1919 | | | | 1 | Z |
Combi, Elisabeth | Frandin | non fictional | 1859-1911 | | | 1222994569 | 1 | C |
Ehrenstein, Louise von | | non fictional | 1866-1944 | | | 116383984 | 5 | E |
Hochmann, Rosa | | non fictional | 1875-1955 | | | | 5 | H |
Mader, Raoul | | non fictional | 1856-1940 | | | 130237531 | 6 | M |
Sharpe, Ethel | | non fictional | 1872-1947 | | | 1069086444 | 1 | S |
Petersen, Margarethe | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | 1143870824 | 1 | P |
Kjerulf, Halfdan | | non fictional | 1815-1868 | | | 119313960 | 1 | K |
Timoni, Marie von | | non fictional | 1871-1946 | | | | 4 | T |
Bürger, Sigmund | | non fictional | 1856-1908 | | | 117142697 | 1 | B |
Slavjanskaja, Nadina D. | Slaviansky / Slaviansky-Klebnikow | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | 1056145587 | 2 | S |
Sacchini, Antonio | | non fictional | 1730-1786 | | | 118793985 | 2 | S |
Gérardy, Jean | | non fictional | 1877-1929 | | | 116564318 | 1 | G |
Svendsen, Johan Severin | | non fictional | 1840-1911 | - Violinist
- Komponist
- Dirigent
| | 119013754 | 3 | S |
Nicklass-Kemper, Selma | Nicklaß-Kemper / Nicklaß-Kempner | non fictional | 1850-1928 | - Sängerin (Sopran)
- Gesangslehrerin
| | | 2 | N |
Beer, Albertine | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 2 | B |
Gärtner, Eduard | | non fictional | 1862-1918 | - Sänger (Bariton)
- Komponist
| | 1023759764 | 1 | G |
Foll, Ferdinand | | non fictional | 1867-1929 | | | 137694970 | 1 | F |
Pacini, Regina | | non fictional | 1871-1965 | | | 134478800 | 1 | P |
Simonetti, Achille | | non fictional | 1857-1928 | | | | 1 | S |
Sarasate, Pablo de | | non fictional | 1844-1908 | | | 116805455 | 10 | S |
Ganghofer, Ludwig | | non fictional | 1855-1920 | | | 118537490 | 1 | G |
Zschokke, Heinrich | | non fictional | 1771-1848 | - Schriftsteller
- Politiker
- Historiker
| | 118637266 | 1 | Z |
Oswald von Brannenburg | | fictional | | | | | 1 | O |
Severin | | fictional | | | | | 1 | S |
Mirjam | | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
Asser Benaja | | fictional | | | | | 1 | A |
Josepha | | fictional | | | | | 1 | J |
Micha Merari | | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
Shylock | | fictional | | | | | 1 | S |
Masaniello | | fictional | | | | | 5 | M |
Gericke, Wilhelm | | non fictional | 1845-1925 | | | 122445643 | 24 | G |
Blauwaert, Emil | | non fictional | 1845-1891 | | | 117735523 | 2 | B |
Juliet Capulet | Julie | fictional | | | | | 4 | J |
Gasparin, Adrien Etienne Pierre de | | non fictional | 1783-1862 | - Politiker
- Minister
- Offizier
| | 116448350 | 1 | G |
Vigny, Alfred de | | non fictional | 1797-1863 | | | 118768441 | 2 | V |
Balzac, Honoré de | | non fictional | 1799-1850 | | | 118506358 | 2 | B |
Delacroix, Eugène | | non fictional | 1798-1863 | | | 118524461 | 1 | D |
Scheffer, Ary | Schefer | non fictional | 1795-1858 | | | 118975072 | 2 | S |
Vaňhal, Jan Křtitel | Wanhal | non fictional | 1739-1813 | | | 118855034 | 1 | V |
Plutarchus | Plutarch | non fictional | ca. 50-ca. 120 | | | 118595237 | 1 | P |
Sax, Adolphe | | non fictional | 1814-1894 | | | 117023531 | 1 | S |
Damcke, Berthold | | non fictional | 1812-1875 | | | 132625814 | 1 | D |
Světlá, Karolína | Svetla, Caroline | non fictional | 1830-1899 | | | 118799509 | 1 | S |
Damcke, Louise | | non fictional | 1827-1897 | | | 1159714932 | 1 | D |
Kreutzer, Léon | | non fictional | 1817-1868 | | | 116533579 | 1 | K |
Lucullus, Lucius Licinius | | non fictional | 117-56 v.u.Z. | | | 118780697 | 1 | L |
Corelli, Arcangelo | | non fictional | 1653-1713 | | | 11901176X | 1 | C |
Cohen, Jules | | non fictional | 1830-1901 | | | 116628693 | 1 | C |
Romero, ? | unklarer Bezug | non fictional | | | | | 1 | R |
Fuertes, ? de | unklarer Bezug | non fictional | | | | | 1 | F |
Rose, ? | unklarer Bezug | non fictional | | | | | 1 | R |
Hubay, Jenő | Hubay, Eugen | non fictional | 1858-1937 | | | 117029637 | 2 | H |
Zichy, Edmund | | non fictional | 1811-1894 | | | 116986050 | 1 | Z |
Herms, Adelina | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | 1170605354 | 3 | H |
Violin, Moriz | | non fictional | 1879-1956 | | | 119233606 | 1 | V |
Schäfer, ? | unklarer Bezug | non fictional | | | | | 1 | S |
Rocco | | fictional | | | | | 4 | R |
Lederer, Maria | Lederer, Mary | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | 1024110702 | 4 | L |
Schönberger, Johanna | | non fictional | 1872-1952 | | | | 1 | S |
Dirnhofer, Alfred | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | D |
Donauer, Josef | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | D |
Popper, David | | non fictional | 1843-1913 | | | 116268409 | 4 | P |
Zimmermann, Michael | | non fictional | 1833-1907 | | | | 1 | Z |
Vendulka | Marinka | fictional | | | | | 1 | V |
Lukáš | Hanno | fictional | | | | | 1 | L |
Otec Paloucký | Zarkow | fictional | | | | | 1 | O |
Martinka | Brigitta | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
Matouš | Matusch, Steffan | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
Strážník | Grenzwächter / Grenzaufseher | fictional | | | | | 1 | S |
Tomeš | Janusch | fictional | | | | | 1 | T |
Manon Lescaut | | fictional | | | | | 2 | M |
Charlotte | Lotte | fictional | | | | | 2 | C |
Barče | Clara | fictional | | | | | 1 | B |
Rennes, Catharina van | Rennes, Katharina van | non fictional | 1858-1940 | - Komponistin
- Musiklehrerin
- Dirigentin
| | 1089768745 | 2 | R |
Martín y Soler, Vicente | Martin / Martini / Martin y Solar, Vincente | non fictional | 1754-1806 | | | 119174561 | 2 | M |
Mahlmann, Siegfried August | | non fictional | 1771-1826 | | | 11941077X | 1 | M |
Thomson, César | | non fictional | 1857-1931 | - Violinist
- Musiklehrer
- Komponist
| | 117351202 | 4 | T |
Goetze, Emil | | non fictional | 1856-1901 | | | 116740450 | 1 | G |
Nawiasky, Eduard | Nawiawsky | non fictional | 1854-1925 | | | 116901314 | 1 | N |
Grumbacher-de Jong, Jeanette | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | - Sängerin (Sopran)
- Gesangslehrerin
| | 13561452X | 1 | G |
Carver, Anna | Corver | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | 114354336X | 1 | C |
Snyders, Marie | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | 1143542460 | 1 | S |
Oberhauser, Rudolf | Oberhauser, Rudolph | non fictional | 1852-1929 | | | 117076147 | 1 | O |
Wolska, Bronisława | Wolska, Bronislawa | non fictional | 1840-1926 | | | 1198959266 | 1 | W |
Basch-Mahler, Fanny | | non fictional | 1854-1942 | | | 116076151 | 1 | B |
Reimers, Georg | | non fictional | 1860-1936 | | | 11641488X | 1 | R |
Muffat, Georg | | non fictional | 1653-1704 | | | 118735144 | 1 | M |
Ferdinand III., Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reichs | | non fictional | 1608-1657 | | | 118532529 | 3 | F |
Joseph I., Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reichs | | non fictional | 1678-1711 | | | 118558390 | 3 | J |
Ebner, Wolfgang | | non fictional | 1611-1665 | | | 131368311 | 1 | E |
Wundt, Wilhelm | | non fictional | 1832-1920 | - Physiologe
- Psychologe
- Philosoph
| | 11863562X | 2 | W |
Artaria, Karl August | | non fictional | 1853-1919 | | | 1021274488 | 1 | A |
Hartel, Wilhelm von | | non fictional | 1839-1907 | - Philologe
- Politiker
- Minister
| | 119035030 | 1 | H |
Hermann, Albert von | | non fictional | 1864-1895 | | | 132875047 | 1 | H |
Weckbecker, Wilhelm von | | non fictional | 1859-1936 | - Politiker
- Journalist
- Kämmerer
| | 117177989 | 1 | W |
Mühlbacher, Engelbert | | non fictional | 1843-1903 | | | 11716173X | 1 | M |
Habert, Johannes Evangelista | | non fictional | 1833-1896 | - Komponist
- Organist
- Musikautor
| | 11894049X | 1 | H |
Labor, Josef | Labor, Joseph | non fictional | 1842-1924 | | | 128716088 | 7 | L |
Rietsch, Heinrich | | non fictional | 1860-1927 | - Musikwissenschaftler
- Komponist
| | 116545526 | 1 | R |
Eberle, Josef | | non fictional | 1845-1921 | | | 143658441 | 1 | E |
Haen, Anton de | Haën | non fictional | 1704-1776 | | | 118700162 | 1 | H |
Maximilian I., Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reichs | Max I. | non fictional | 1459-1519 | | | 118579371 | 5 | M |
Gallus, Jacobus | Hendel, Jacob | non fictional | 1550-1591 | | | 118689363 | 1 | G |
Froberger, Johann Jacob | | non fictional | 1616-1667 | | | 118536249 | 3 | F |
Daphne | Dafne | fictional | | | | 118823310 | 1 | D |
Škréta, Karel | Skreta, Karl | non fictional | 1610-1674 | | | 118765728 | 1 | Š |
Pirophrastes | Pyrophrastes | fictional | | | - Musica per la Festa delle Serenissime Arciduchesse e Signore Dame di Corte
| | 1 | P |
Skýlla | Scylla / Skylla | fictional | | | | | 1 | S |
Chárybdis | Charybdis | fictional | | | | | 1 | C |
Gudden, Bernhard von | | non fictional | 1824-1886 | - Mediziner
- Psychiater
- Hochschullehrer
| | 118825224 | 1 | G |
Lutz, Johann von | | non fictional | 1826-1890 | | | 118940139 | 1 | L |
Döllinger, Ignaz von | | non fictional | 1799-1890 | - Theologe
- Historiker
- Priester
| | 118526243 | 1 | D |
Clavigo | | fictional | | | | | 1 | C |
Werther | | fictional | | | - Die Leiden des jungen Werther
| | 2 | W |
Skoda, Joseph | | non fictional | 1805-1881 | | | 119034603 | 1 | S |
Holofernes | | fictional | | | | 118706616 | 2 | H |
Laurencin d'Armond, Ferdinand Peter | Philokales | non fictional | 1819-1890 | | | 116755792 | 2 | L |
Swieten, Gerard van | | non fictional | 1700-1772 | | | 118758055 | 1 | S |
Springer, Anton | | non fictional | 1825-1891 | - Kunsthistoriker
- Journalist
| | 117479373 | 1 | S |
Preyer, William T. | | non fictional | 1841-1897 | - Psychologe
- Mediziner
- Physiologe
| | 118596411 | 1 | P |
Landois, Hermann | | non fictional | 1835-1905 | - Schriftsteller
- Zoologe
- Hochschullehrer
| | 118569147 | 1 | L |
Maupassant, Guy de | | non fictional | 1850-1893 | | | 118579207 | 1 | M |
Gockel | Goockel | fictional | | | - Gockel, Hinkel und Gackeleia
| | 1 | G |
Haizinger, Anton | Haitzinger | non fictional | 1827-1891 | | | 12918375X | 2 | H |
Lotti, Antonio | | non fictional | 1666-1740 | - Komponist
- Dirigent
- Organist
| | 117227498 | 1 | L |
Perugino | | non fictional | ca. 1445-1523 | | | 119091771 | 1 | P |
Amfortas | | fictional | | | | | 1 | A |
Titurel | | fictional | | | | | 1 | T |
Parsifal | | fictional | | | | | 1 | P |
Kundry | | fictional | | | | | 1 | K |
Gurnemanz | | fictional | | | | | 1 | G |
Messalina, Kaiserin des Römischen Reichs | | non fictional | 25-48 v.u.Z. | | | 118511114 | 1 | M |
Paetus, Aulus Caecina | | non fictional | ?-42 | | | | 1 | P |
Lindau, Karl | Lindau, Carl | non fictional | 1853-1934 | - Schauspieler
- Schriftsteller
| | 12106428X | 2 | L |
Lecocq, Charles | | non fictional | 1832-1918 | | | 118779184 | 1 | L |
Spencer, Herbert | | non fictional | 1820-1903 | - Philosoph
- Soziologe
- Polyhistor
| | 118616080 | 1 | S |
Stricker, Salomon | | non fictional | 1834-1898 | | | 117318477 | 1 | S |
Beurges, Henri de | | non fictional | 1822-1912 | | | | 1 | B |
Sueß, Eduard | Sueß | non fictional | 1831-1914 | - Geologe
- Paläontologe
- Politiker
| | 118757709 | 1 | S |
Groll, ? | | non fictional | | | | | 1 | G |
Gutmann, Wilhelm von | | non fictional | 1826-1895 | | | 120068605 | 1 | G |
Gutmann, David von | | non fictional | 1834-1912 | | | | 1 | G |
Walter, August | | non fictional | 1821-1896 | | | 117128511 | 2 | W |
Semper, Gottfried | | non fictional | 1803-1879 | | | 118613154 | 2 | S |
Moleschott, Jacob | | non fictional | 1822-1893 | - Mediziner
- Physiologe
- Philosoph
| | 118734547 | 2 | M |
Horner, Johann Friedrich | | non fictional | 1831-1886 | | | 118817264 | 1 | H |
Heer, Oswald | | non fictional | 1809-1883 | - Paläontologe
- Botaniker
- Geologe
| | 11656508X | 1 | H |
Wislicenus, Johannes | | non fictional | 1835-1902 | | | 117413054 | 1 | W |
Temme, Jodocus Donatus Hubertus | | non fictional | 1798-1881 | - Jurist
- Politiker
- Journalist
| | 118801597 | 1 | T |
Büdinger, Max | | non fictional | 1828-1902 | | | 11705495X | 1 | B |
Kinkel, Gottfried | | non fictional | 1815-1882 | - Schriftsteller
- Historiker
- Hochschullehrer
| | 11856224X | 1 | K |
Haab, Otto | | non fictional | 1850-1931 | | | 118800256 | 1 | H |
Przibram, Ludwig von | | non fictional | 1840-1916 | - Journalist
- Beamter
- Diplomat
| | 11630619X | 1 | P |
Zeller, Ferdinand | | non fictional | 1814-1865 | | | | 1 | Z |
Hummel, Ferdinand | | non fictional | 1855-1928 | | | 117062251 | 1 | H |
Delmar, Axel | | non fictional | 1867-1929 | - Schriftsteller
- Regisseur
- Theaterdirektor
| | 116064471 | 1 | D |
Regel, Heinrich | | non fictional | 1858-? | | | 120659522 | 1 | R |
Hassreiter, Josef | Haßreiter, Joseph | non fictional | 1845-1940 | | | 116516003 | 5 | H |
Berté, Heinrich | | non fictional | 1857-1924 | | | 121064344 | 2 | B |
Mara | | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
Eddin | | fictional | | | | | 1 | E |
Djul | | fictional | | | | | 1 | D |
Dimitri | Dmitri | fictional | | | | | 1 | D |
Santuzza | | fictional | | | | | 6 | S |
Januschowsky, Georgine | Januschofsky | non fictional | 1849-1914 | | | 117084093 | 2 | J |
Sironi, Irene | | non fictional | 1874-1961 | | | 1019648732 | 2 | S |
Dommayer, Ferdinand | | non fictional | 1799-1858 | | | 1273489985 | 1 | D |
Eisenberg, Ludwig | | non fictional | 1858-1910 | | | 116426543 | 1 | E |
König von Portugal | unklarer Bezug | non fictional | | | | | 1 | K |
Masson, Marie-Joseph | Sax | non fictional | 1791-1861 | | | | 1 | M |
Lefèbvre, Constance-Caroline | Faure | non fictional | 1828-1905 | - Sängerin (Sopran)
- Sängerin (Mezzo-Sopran)
| | 1278299467 | 1 | L |
Diemer, Louis | Diémer | non fictional | 1843-1919 | - Pianist
- Cembalist
- Komponist
| | 116102977 | 2 | D |
Arbter, Emil von | | non fictional | 1839-1895 | | | 143802771 | 1 | A |
Berger, Alfred Freiherr von | | non fictional | 1853-1912 | - Dramaturg
- Theaterdirektor
- Schriftsteller
| | 118655930 | 3 | B |
Hohenfels, Stella | | non fictional | 1857-1920 | | | 116132043 | 1 | H |
Gernerth, Franz von | | non fictional | 1821-1900 | | | 104033886 | 1 | G |
Jelka | | fictional | | | | | 1 | J |
Mirko von Gradinaz | | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
Vasil von Gradinaz | | fictional | | | | | 1 | V |
Joschko | | fictional | | | | | 1 | J |
Girardi, Alexander | | non fictional | 1850-1918 | | | 11869510X | 2 | G |
Raimund, Ferdinand | | non fictional | 1790-1836 | - Schriftsteller
- Schauspieler
| | 118597914 | 1 | R |
Ramann, Lina | | non fictional | 1833-1912 | - Musiklehrerin
- Musikautorin
| | 12159811X | 2 | R |
Sayn-Wittgenstein, Nikolaus von | | non fictional | 1812-1864 | | | | 1 | S |
Maria, Großherzogin von Sachsen-Weimar | | non fictional | 1819-1887 | | | 104304219 | 1 | M |
Bayle, Pierre | | non fictional | 1647-1706 | - Schriftsteller
- Philosoph
- Theologe
| | 11850777X | 1 | B |
Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst, Gustav Adolf zu | | non fictional | 1823-1896 | | | 116955422 | 1 | H |
Ebert, Karl Egon von | | non fictional | 1801-1882 | | | 100116450 | 1 | E |
Claudius I., Kaiser des Römischen Reichs | | non fictional | 10 v.u.Z.-54 n.u.Z. | | | 118521063 | 1 | C |
Albrechtsberger, Johann Georg | | non fictional | 1736-1809 | - Musikautor
- Musiklehrer
- Komponist
| | 118501704 | 2 | A |
Leo, Leonardo | | non fictional | 1694-1744 | | | 118779524 | 1 | L |
Duesberg, August | | non fictional | 1867-1922 | | | 1018631445 | 1 | D |
Erxleben, Richard | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 3 | E |
Šárka | | fictional | | | | | 1 | Š |
Ctirad | | fictional | | | | | 1 | C |
Vlasta | Wlasta | fictional | | | | | 1 | V |
Mil | | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
Bodenstedt, Friedrich | | non fictional | 1819-1892 | - Schriftsteller
- Theaterdirektor
| | 118512293 | 2 | B |
Schut, Cornelis | Schut, Cornelius | non fictional | 1597-1655 | | | 119441020 | 1 | S |
Seghers, Daniel | | non fictional | 1590-1661 | | | 121973263 | 1 | S |
Rubens, Peter Paul | | non fictional | 1577-1640 | | | 11860354X | 1 | R |
Cornill Schut | Cornelius Schut | fictional | | | - Cornill Schut / Pittori Fiamminghi
| | 1 | C |
Warnegg, Anna | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 3 | W |
Elisabetta van Thourenhoudt | Elisabeth | fictional | | | - Cornill Schut / Pittori Fiamminghi
| | 1 | E |
Elbert, Imre | | non fictional | 1867-1897 | | | | 1 | E |
Romeo Montague | | fictional | | | | | 4 | R |
Franz Hals | | fictional | | | - Cornill Schut / Pittori Fiamminghi
| | 1 | F |
Craesbecke | | fictional | | | - Cornill Schut / Pittori Fiamminghi
| | 1 | C |
Teniers | | fictional | | | - Cornill Schut / Pittori Fiamminghi
| | 1 | T |
Breughel | | fictional | | | - Cornill Schut / Pittori Fiamminghi
| | 1 | B |
Brouwer | | fictional | | | - Cornill Schut / Pittori Fiamminghi
| | 1 | B |
Correggio, Antonio Allegri da | Coreggio | non fictional | 1489-1534 | | | 11867692X | 1 | C |
Giulio, Romano | | non fictional | 1499-1546 | | | 118639242 | 1 | G |
Gertrud | | fictional | | | - Cornill Schut / Pittori Fiamminghi
| | 1 | G |
Ludwig, Otto | | non fictional | 1813-1865 | | | 118574973 | 1 | L |
Plüddemann, Martin | | non fictional | 1854-1897 | - Komponist
- Musiklehrer
- Dirigent
| | 116246790 | 2 | P |
Bedura | | fictional | | | | | 1 | B |
Asaf | | fictional | | | | | 1 | A |
Levi, Hermann | Lewi | non fictional | 1839-1900 | | | 118865900 | 1 | L |
Raimann, Rudolf | | non fictional | 1861-1913 | | | 137682093 | 1 | R |
Nopcsa von Felsőszilvás, Elek | | non fictional | 1848-1918 | | | | 1 | N |
Zichy, Géza | Zichy, Geza | non fictional | 1849-1924 | - Pianist
- Schriftsteller
- Komponist
| | 116985925 | 2 | Z |
Coppée, François | | non fictional | 1842-1908 | | | 118670042 | 1 | C |
Szabó, Xavér Ferenc | Szabo | non fictional | 1846-1911 | - Violinist
- Komponist
- Musiklehrer
| | 1076177867 | 1 | S |
Poldini, Ede | | non fictional | 1869-1957 | | | 116261919 | 1 | P |
Broulik, Franz | | non fictional | 1854-1931 | | | 130860840 | 1 | B |
Tennyson, Alfred | | non fictional | 1809-1892 | | | 118621327 | 1 | T |
Mandl, Richard | | non fictional | 1859-1918 | | | 116728361 | 1 | M |
Stojanović, Petar | Stójanovits | non fictional | 1877-1957 | - Komponist
- Violinist
- Musiklehrer
| | 139092218 | 1 | S |
Wette, Adelheid | | non fictional | 1858-1916 | - Schriftstellerin
- Librettistin
| | 119514125 | 1 | W |
Hänsel | | fictional | | | | | 1 | H |
Gretel | | fictional | | | | | 1 | G |
Gertrud | | fictional | | | | | 1 | G |
Peter | | fictional | | | | | 1 | P |
Sandmännchen | | fictional | | | | | 1 | S |
Michael, Erzengel | | fictional | | | | 118733591 | 1 | M |
Knusperhexe | Hexe | fictional | | | | | 1 | K |
Lehmann, Marie | | non fictional | 1851-1931 | | | 116871199 | 2 | L |
Ellinger, Georg | | non fictional | 1859-1939 | | | 11645153X | 1 | E |
Spies, Hermine | | non fictional | 1857-1893 | | | 117490199 | 5 | S |
Calderón de la Barca, Pedro | Calderon | non fictional | 1600-1681 | | | 118518399 | 2 | C |
Hitzig, Julius Eduard | | non fictional | 1780-1849 | - Schriftsteller
- Verleger
- Jurist
| | 119209349 | 1 | H |
Johannes Kreisler | | fictional | | | - Kreisleriana;
- Johannes Kreisler's, des Capellmeisters musikalische Leiden
| 119121476 | 1 | J |
Seconda, Joseph | | non fictional | 1761-1820 | - Schauspieler
- Theaterdirektor
| | 142617962 | 1 | S |
Fouqué, Friedrich de La Motte- | | non fictional | 1777-1843 | | | 118534556 | 1 | F |
Hippel, Theodor Gottlieb von | | non fictional | 1775-1843 | | | 116899875 | 1 | H |
Peiser, Karl | | non fictional | ?-1903 | | | 1073456633 | 1 | P |
Krause, Emil | | non fictional | 1840-1916 | - Pianist
- Komponist
- Musikautor
| | 116389346 | 1 | K |
Zimmermann, Julius Heinrich | | non fictional | 1851-1922 | - Instrumentenbauer
- Musikverleger
| | 116999330 | 1 | Z |
Wilkens, Cornelius August | | non fictional | 1829-1914 | | | 117384984 | 1 | W |
Holland, Henry Scott | | non fictional | 1847-1918 | - Theologe
- Philosoph
- Hochschullehrer
| | 132122979 | 2 | H |
Rockstro, William Smyth | | non fictional | 1823-1895 | - Musikautor
- Komponist
- Musiklehrer
| | 13483643X | 2 | R |
Spies, Minna | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | 11749030X | 1 | S |
Antigone | | fictional | | | | 118503340 | 1 | A |
Ismene | | fictional | | | | | 1 | I |
Kohut, Adolph | | non fictional | 1847-1917 | | | 116309105 | 2 | K |
Mechetti, Pietro | | non fictional | 1777-1850 | | | 11697673X | 1 | M |
Schmidt, August | | non fictional | 1808-1891 | - Schriftsteller
- Komponist
- Beamter
| | 117501816 | 3 | S |
Anita | | fictional | | | | | 2 | A |
Araquil | | fictional | | | | | 2 | A |
Judit | Judith | fictional | | | | 4073093-1 | 2 | J |
Beer, ? | | non fictional | | | | | 1 | B |
Horvath, ? | | non fictional | | | | | 1 | H |
Szilágyi, Arabella | Szilagyi | non fictional | 1861-1918 | | | | 1 | S |
Garrido | | fictional | | | | | 2 | G |
Ney, Dávid | | non fictional | 1842-1905 | | | 1014874815 | 2 | N |
Takáts, Michael | Takats | non fictional | 1863–1913 | | | | 1 | T |
Giannina | | fictional | | | | | 1 | G |
Ábrányi von Lászlófalva und Mikeföld, Margit | Abranyi | non fictional | 1861-1948 | | | 1150894806 | 1 | Á |
Annie Lee | Anna | fictional | | | | | 1 | A |
Enoch Arden | | fictional | | | | | 1 | E |
Szendröi, Louis | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | S |
Mercutio | | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
Capulet | | fictional | | | | | 2 | C |
Friar Lawrence | Pater Lorenzo | fictional | | | | | 1 | F |
Schmerling, Anton von | | non fictional | 1805-1893 | | | 119233460 | 1 | S |
Egger, Franz | | non fictional | 1810-1877 | | | 130144150 | 1 | E |
Mährentheim Dratschmiedt, Friedrich von | Drathschmiedt | non fictional | 1801–1885 | | | | 1 | M |
Bärmann, Carl | | non fictional | 1810-1885 | | | 116036842 | 2 | B |
Wilhelmj, August | | non fictional | 1845-1908 | | | 117381209 | 1 | W |
Albani, Emma | | non fictional | 1847-1930 | | | 119144220 | 3 | A |
Bellincioni, Gemma | | non fictional | 1864-1950 | | | 116114851 | 6 | B |
Hofmann, Joseph | Hoffmann | non fictional | 1865-1927 | | | 141351861 | 2 | H |
Rolli, Paolo | | non fictional | 1687-1765 | | | 119079070 | 1 | R |
Hasse-Bordoni, Faustina | | non fictional | 1697-1781 | | | 118513478 | 1 | H |
Cuzzoni, Francesca | | non fictional | 1691-ca. 1772 | | | 1019247940 | 1 | C |
Desdemona | | fictional | | | | | 3 | D |
Borghild | | fictional | | | | | 1 | B |
Bruch, Amelie von | | non fictional | 1821-1871 | | | 116724501 | 1 | B |
Tappert, Wilhelm | | non fictional | 1830-1907 | - Musikautor
- Komponist
- Musiklehrer
| | 117201731 | 1 | T |
Robespierre, Maximilien de | | non fictional | 1758-1794 | | | 118601563 | 1 | R |
Burmester, Willy | | non fictional | 1869-1933 | | | 117174793 | 2 | B |
Mayer, Mathilde | Meyer | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 2 | M |
Fenten, Wilhelm | | non fictional | 1870-1951 | | | 116463910 | 1 | F |
Niessen-Stone, Matja von | | non fictional | 1870-1948 | | | 1329194845 | 1 | N |
Fréderi | Frédéri | fictional | | | | | 1 | F |
Hamerling, Robert | | non fictional | 1830-1889 | | | 118701223 | 1 | H |
Hamburg, Markus | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | H |
Krehbiel, Henry Edward | | non fictional | 1854-1923 | | | 1019313978 | 1 | K |
Kneisel, Franz | | non fictional | 1865-1926 | | | 116251530 | 1 | K |
Fitzner, Rudolf | | non fictional | 1868-1934 | | | 116586540 | 1 | F |
Przybyszewski, Stanisław | | non fictional | 1868-1927 | | | 118742108 | 1 | P |
Gregor XIII. | | non fictional | 1502-1585 | | | 118697390 | 1 | G |
Straeten, Edmund van der | Straeten, Edmond van der | non fictional | 1855-1934 | - Cellist
- Musikautor
- Komponist
| | 117305863 | 1 | S |
Dehn, Siegfried Wilhelm | | non fictional | 1799-1858 | - Bibliothekar
- Musikautor
- Musiklehrer
| | 116054670 | 1 | D |
Statzer, Josefine | Statzer, Josephine | non fictional | 1870-nach 1908 | - Sängerin (Mezzo-Sopran)
- Sängerin (Alt)
- Gesangslehrerin
| | | 1 | S |
Becker, Hugo | | non fictional | 1864-1941 | | | 11610368X | 3 | B |
Florimo, Francesco | | non fictional | 1800-1888 | - Bibliothekar
- Musiklehrer
- Komponist
| | 117737224 | 2 | F |
Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst, Marie zu | | non fictional | 1837-1920 | | | 11695549X | 2 | H |
Sue, Eugène | Sue, Eugen | non fictional | 1804-1857 | | | 118619861 | 2 | S |
Hagn, Charlotte von | Oven / Hagen | non fictional | 1809-1891 | | | 118544772 | 1 | H |
Belgioioso, Cristina | Belgiojoso | non fictional | 1808-1871 | - Revolutionärin
- Publizistin
- Schriftstellerin
| | 119195860 | 1 | B |
Augusta, Kaiserin des Deutschen Reichs | | non fictional | 1811-1890 | | | 118651102 | 1 | A |
Friedrich Wilhelm, Fürst von Hohenzollern-Hechingen | | non fictional | 1801-1869 | | | 116957212 | 1 | F |
Lampert, Ernst | | non fictional | 1818-1879 | | | 11666469X | 1 | L |
Oesterlein, Nikolaus | | non fictional | 1841-1898 | - Beamter
- Kunstsammler
- Schriftsteller
| | 117107034 | 1 | O |
Dessoir, Ferdinand | Dessauer | non fictional | 1835-1892 | | | 116085126 | 1 | D |
Pecht, Friedrich | | non fictional | 1814-1903 | - Schriftsteller
- Maler
- Lithograf
| | 118592343 | 1 | P |
Feuerbach, Ludwig | | non fictional | 1804-1872 | - Philosoph
- Theologe
- Hochschullehrer
| | 118532758 | 1 | F |
Röckel, August | | non fictional | 1814-1876 | | | 118083929 | 2 | R |
Murad, Efendi | Effendi | non fictional | 1836-1881 | | | 104073454 | 1 | M |
Grün, Anastasius | | non fictional | 1806-1876 | | | 118719033 | 1 | G |
Kopisch, August | | non fictional | 1799-1853 | - Schriftsteller
- Maler
- Erfinder
| | 118983776 | 1 | K |
Wolff, Julius | | non fictional | 1834-1910 | | | 118770004 | 2 | W |
Pfizer, Gustav | | non fictional | 1807-1890 | | | 118973630 | 1 | P |
Wesendonck, Otto | Wesendonk | non fictional | 1815-1896 | | | 11900979X | 1 | W |
Weinlig, Christian Theodor | | non fictional | 1780-1842 | - Kantor
- Musiklehrer
- Komponist
| | 117269565 | 1 | W |
Liepmannssohn, Leo | Lippmannsohn / Liepmanssohn | non fictional | 1840-1915 | - Antiquar
- Musikhändler
- Buchhändler
| | 101488769 | 2 | L |
Gottsched, Johann Christoph | | non fictional | 1700-1766 | - Publizist
- Philosoph
- Historiker
| | 118541013 | 2 | G |
Tolstoj, Lev Nikolaevič | Tolstoi, Leo | non fictional | 1828-1910 | | | 11864291X | 2 | T |
Pfohl, Ferdinand | | non fictional | 1862-1949 | - Musikautor
- Musiklehrer
- Komponist
| | 116173394 | 1 | P |
Spitta, Karl Johann Philipp | | non fictional | 1801-1859 | | | 118890875 | 1 | S |
Leopold, Fürst von Anhalt-Köthen | | non fictional | 1694-1728 | | | 104173416 | 1 | L |
Hunold, Christian Friedrich | Menantes | non fictional | 1681-1721 | - Schriftsteller
- Übersetzer
- Ästhetiker
| | 118554840 | 1 | H |
Rinaldo, da Capua | Capua, Rinaldo von | non fictional | ca. 1710-nach 1771 | | | 100001912 | 1 | R |
Scholze, Johann Sigismund | Sperontes | non fictional | 1705-1750 | - Schriftsteller
- Kunstsammler
| | 104278870 | 1 | S |
Schnyder von Wartensee, Franz Xaver | | non fictional | 1786-1868 | | | 11684938X | 1 | S |
Elben, Otto | | non fictional | 1823-1899 | | | 118681907 | 2 | E |
Amor | | fictional | | | | | 1 | A |
Sudermann, Hermann | | non fictional | 1857-1928 | | | 118619853 | 2 | S |
Lorenzo | | fictional | | | | | 2 | L |
Remigio | | fictional | | | | | 1 | R |
Sylvain | Silvain | fictional | | | | 118638904 | 1 | S |
Bustamente | | fictional | | | | | 1 | B |
Zuccaraga | Zaccaruga | fictional | | | | | 1 | Z |
Friberth, Karl | Frieberth | non fictional | 1736-1816 | - Komponist
- Sänger (Tenor)
- Librettist
| | 116788674 | 1 | F |
Schuch, Clementine von | Proska | non fictional | 1850-1932 | | | 117117145 | 1 | S |
Chavanne, Irene von | | non fictional | 1863-1938 | | | 116493119 | 1 | C |
Pohl, Carl Ferdinand | | non fictional | 1819-1887 | | | 116260386 | 5 | P |
Fink, Gottfried Wilhelm | | non fictional | 1783-1846 | - Komponist
- Musikautor
- Theologe
| | 118687301 | 1 | F |
Angelica | | fictional | | | - Orlando paladino, Hob. XXVIII:11
| | 1 | A |
Pasquale | Pasquino | fictional | | | - Orlando paladino, Hob. XXVIII:11
| | 1 | P |
Medoro | | fictional | | | - Orlando paladino, Hob. XXVIII:11
| | 1 | M |
Orlando | Roland | fictional | | | - Orlando paladino, Hob. XXVIII:11
| | 1 | O |
Kasperl | Casperl | fictional | | | | 4369412-3 | 1 | K |
Esterházy von Galántha, Paul | Eszterhazy | non fictional | 1635-1713 | - Offizier
- Komponist
- Schriftsteller
| | 119031337 | 1 | E |
Thode, Henry | | non fictional | 1857-1920 | | | 119116898 | 1 | T |
Zenger, Max | | non fictional | 1837-1911 | - Komponist
- Musikkritiker
- Musikautor
| | 116979682 | 1 | Z |
Schachner, Joseph Rudolph | | non fictional | 1816-1896 | - Pianist
- Musiklehrer
- Komponist
| | 12284890X | 1 | S |
Reinthaler, Karl Martin | Rheinthaler | non fictional | 1822-1896 | - Komponist
- Organist
- Dirigent
| | 116428473 | 3 | R |
Elisabeth | | fictional | | | - Die Legende von der Heiligen Elisabeth, S2
| | 1 | E |
Giotto, di Bondone | | non fictional | 1266-1337 | | | 118539477 | 1 | G |
Cimabue | | non fictional | ca. 1240-1302 | | | 119138883 | 1 | C |
Rothmühl, Nikolaus | | non fictional | 1857-1926 | - Sänger (Tenor)
- Gesangslehrer
| | 116641444 | 1 | R |
Schauseil, Wally | | non fictional | 1860-1951 | | | 117113034 | 1 | S |
Grienauer, Alois | | non fictional | 1850-1937 | | | 131611801 | 2 | G |
Zelinde | | fictional | | | | | 1 | Z |
Wille, François | | non fictional | 1811-1896 | | | 117387576 | 1 | W |
Hades | | fictional | | | | 124025080 | 1 | H |
Odescalchi, Zofia Katarzyna | | non fictional | 1821-1886 | | | | 1 | O |
Uhlmann, Jakob | | non fictional | 1837-1871 | | | 1046327119 | 1 | U |
Otter, Franz | | non fictional | 1837-? | | | 1038462665 | 1 | O |
Ibener, Gustav | | non fictional | 1826-1901 | | | 1328181944 | 1 | I |
Ascher, Anton | | non fictional | 1820-1884 | | | 116360534 | 4 | A |
Lefort, Jules | | non fictional | 1822-1898 | | | 116856599 | 1 | L |
Bevignani, Enrico | | non fictional | 1841-1903 | | | 116158948 | 1 | B |
Strakosch, Moritz | | non fictional | 1825-1887 | - Pianist
- Gesangslehrer
- Komponist
| | 117306282 | 2 | S |
Déjazet, Virginie | | non fictional | 1798-1875 | - Schauspielerin
- Sängerin (Sopran)
| | 116054824 | 2 | D |
Trani, Joseph | | non fictional | 1707-1797 | | | 1046152858 | 1 | T |
Pauline | | fictional | | | | | 1 | P |
Tymoleon von Gerius | | fictional | | | | | 1 | T |
Erasmus Friedrich Müller | | fictional | | | | | 1 | E |
Christof Heffele | | fictional | | | | | 1 | C |
Malvine Heffele | | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
Freda Heffele | | fictional | | | | | 1 | F |
Botho von Wendt | | fictional | | | | | 1 | B |
Jeanne | | fictional | | | | | 1 | J |
Gräfin | | fictional | | | - Der Wildschütz oder die Stimme der Natur, LoWV58
| | 1 | G |
Lunzer, Eduard | | non fictional | 1842-1913 | - Schauspieler
- Schriftsteller
| | 117316741 | 2 | L |
Kernreuter, Ehrenfried | | non fictional | ?-1906 | | | | 1 | K |
Nikisch, Amélie | | non fictional | 1863-1938 | - Sängerin (Sopran)
- Schauspielerin
- Komponistin
| | 117019690 | 1 | N |
Hofmann, Joseph sen. | Hoffmann | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | H |
Hieronymus Knicker | | fictional | | | - Hieronymus Knicker, Kr. 297
| | 1 | H |
Krautmann | | fictional | | | - Doctor und Apotheker, Kr. 292
| | 1 | K |
Stößel | | fictional | | | - Doctor und Apotheker, Kr. 292
| | 1 | S |
Fritz | | fictional | | | - La Grande-Duchesse de Gérolstein
| | 1 | F |
Grande-Duchesse | Großherzogin | fictional | | | - La Grande-Duchesse de Gérolstein
| | 1 | G |
Wanda | | fictional | | | - La Grande-Duchesse de Gérolstein
| | 1 | W |
Ajax deuxième | | fictional | | | | | 1 | A |
Tautin, Lise | | non fictional | 1834-1874 | | | | 1 | T |
Schneider, Hortense | | non fictional | 1833-1920 | | | 119191830 | 2 | S |
Dupuis, Joseph-Lambert | Dupuy | non fictional | 1833-1900 | | | 141631023 | 1 | D |
Grog | Groy | fictional | | | - La Grande-Duchesse de Gérolstein
| | 1 | G |
Jacob | | fictional | | | - Das rothe Käppchen, Kr. 298
| | 1 | J |
Rodrigo | Marquis von Posa | fictional | | | | | 1 | R |
Philipp II., König von Spanien | | non fictional | 1527-1598 | | | 118593862 | 1 | P |
Filippo II. | Philipp II. | fictional | | | | | 1 | F |
Elisabetta | Elisabeth | fictional | | | | | 1 | E |
Eboli | | fictional | | | | | 1 | E |
Don Carlo | Don Carlos | fictional | | | | | 1 | D |
Grande Inquisitore | Groß-Inquisitor | fictional | | | | | 1 | G |
Schlegel, August Wilhelm von | | non fictional | 1767-1845 | - Schriftsteller
- Übersetzer
- Philosoph
| | 118607960 | 2 | S |
Capulet | | fictional | | | | | 3 | C |
Pâris | Paris | fictional | | | | | 1 | P |
Mercutio | | fictional | | | | | 4 | M |
Tybalt | | fictional | | | | | 1 | T |
Frère Laurent | Pater Lorenzo | fictional | | | | | 3 | F |
Stéphano | | fictional | | | | | 4 | S |
Balthasar | | fictional | | | | | 2 | B |
Wilhelm Meister | | fictional | | | - Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre
| | 1 | W |
Wilhelm | | fictional | | | | | 3 | W |
Augustin | | fictional | | | - Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre
| | 2 | A |
Friedrich | | fictional | | | - Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre
| | 1 | F |
Frédérick | Friedrich | fictional | | | | | 2 | F |
Philine | | fictional | | | - Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre
| | 1 | P |
Laertes | Laёrtes | fictional | | | - Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre
| | 1 | L |
Laerte | | fictional | | | | | 2 | L |
Lothario | | fictional | | | | | 3 | L |
Mignon | | fictional | | | - Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre
| | 3 | M |
Natalie | | fictional | | | - Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre
| | 1 | N |
Marianne | | fictional | | | - Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre
| | 1 | M |
Therese | | fictional | | | - Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre
| | 1 | T |
Boccaccio, Giovanni | | non fictional | 1313-1375 | | | 11851217X | 2 | B |
Carvalho, Caroline-Marie | Miolan-Carvalho | non fictional | 1827-1895 | | | 116464143 | 4 | C |
Queen Mab | Fee Mab | fictional | | | | | 1 | Q |
Benda, Georg | | non fictional | 1722-1795 | | | 118655329 | 2 | B |
Vaccai, Nicola | | non fictional | 1790-1848 | | | 119287439 | 3 | V |
Obin, Louis Henri | | non fictional | 1820-1895 | | | 117078298 | 1 | O |
Fauré, Jean-Baptiste | Faure | non fictional | 1830-1914 | - Sänger (Bariton)
- Komponist
| | 134852028 | 4 | F |
Duprez, Gilbrecht-Louis | | non fictional | 1806-1896 | | | 118957260 | 3 | D |
Gueymard, Louis | | non fictional | 1822-1880 | | | 116919965 | 1 | G |
Gueymard, Pauline | | non fictional | 1834-1918 | - Sängerin (Sopran)
- Sängerin (Mezzo-Sopran)
| | 116919973 | 1 | G |
Warot, Victor | | non fictional | 1834-1906 | | | 117142468 | 1 | W |
Morère, Jean | | non fictional | 1836-1887 | | | 1328761495 | 1 | M |
Villaret, Pierre-François | | non fictional | 1830-1896 | | | 1330625455 | 1 | V |
Sass, Marie Constanze | | non fictional | 1834-1907 | | | 116973226 | 1 | S |
Romberg, Andreas | | non fictional | 1767-1821 | - Komponist
- Violinist
- Dirigent
| | 100763871 | 1 | R |
Idomeneo | | fictional | | | | 122413857 | 1 | I |
Haslinger, Carl | Haslinger, Karl | non fictional | 1816-1868 | | | 116513772 | 1 | H |
Favart, Marie-Justine-Benoîte | | non fictional | 1727-1772 | - Schauspielerin
- Tänzerin
- Schriftstellerin
| | 121995569 | 1 | F |
Rossi, Marcello | | non fictional | 1862-1897 | - Violinist
- Komponist
- Musiklehrer
| | 116631317 | 1 | R |
Contino Belfiore | | fictional | | | - La finta giardiniera, KV196
| | 1 | C |
Bertha | | fictional | | | | | 1 | B |
Arminda | | fictional | | | - La finta giardiniera, KV196
| | 1 | A |
Herzog Philipp der Gute von Burgund | | fictional | | | | | 1 | H |
Herold des Herzogs | | fictional | | | | | 1 | H |
Serpetta | | fictional | | | - La finta giardiniera, KV196
| | 1 | S |
Marchesa Violante Onesti | Sandrina | fictional | | | - La finta giardiniera, KV196
| | 1 | M |
Roberto | Nardo | fictional | | | - La finta giardiniera, KV196
| | 1 | R |
Colas | | fictional | | | - Bastien und Bastienne, KV50
| | 1 | C |
Bastien | | fictional | | | - Bastien und Bastienne, KV50
| | 1 | B |
Bastienne | | fictional | | | - Bastien und Bastienne, KV50
| | 1 | B |
Maximilian III., Kurfürst von Bayern | | non fictional | 1727-1777 | | | 118579436 | 1 | M |
Hellmesberger, Ferdinand | | non fictional | 1863-1940 | | | 116687959 | 4 | H |
Syřinek, Adalbert | Syrinek | non fictional | 1847-nach 1921 | | | 1045466328 | 1 | S |
Brandt, Marianne | | non fictional | 1842-1921 | - Sängerin (Mezzo-Sopran)
- Sängerin (Alt)
| | 116406364 | 4 | B |
Schultz, Edwin | | non fictional | 1827-1907 | | | 117191809 | 2 | S |
Sitt, Hans | | non fictional | 1850-1922 | | | 117418382 | 1 | S |
Adlersfeld-Ballestrem, Eufemia von | | non fictional | 1854-1941 | | | 116008512 | 1 | A |
Brambach, Karl Joseph | | non fictional | 1833-1902 | | | 116396105 | 1 | B |
Jouret, Léon | Jouret, Leon | non fictional | 1828-1905 | | | 117739405 | 1 | J |
Mayer, Friederike | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | 117543071 | 1 | M |
Brennerberg, Irene von | | non fictional | 1873-1922 | | | 116486600 | 5 | B |
Wessely, Hans | Wessely, Hanns | non fictional | 1862-1926 | | | 130178837 | 2 | W |
Achard, Léon | | non fictional | 1831-1905 | | | 116004959 | 1 | A |
Galli-Marié, Célestine | | non fictional | 1840-1905 | | | 116368691 | 1 | G |
Cabel, Marie | | non fictional | 1827-1885 | | | 116395931 | 2 | C |
Cico, Alexandrine | | non fictional | 1841-1875 | | | | 1 | C |
Baron | Fürst | fictional | | | | | 1 | B |
Cipriani | Cypriani | fictional | | | - Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre
| | 2 | C |
Fioravanti, Vincenzo | | non fictional | 1799-1877 | | | 118049410 | 1 | F |
Cresci, Francesco | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | C |
Gardoni, Italo | | non fictional | 1821-1882 | | | 116439238 | 2 | G |
Fraschini, Gaetano | | non fictional | 1816-1887 | | | 141691719 | 2 | F |
Scalese, Raffaele | | non fictional | 1800-1884 | | | 1300681888 | 1 | S |
Skoczdopole, Johann Daniel | Skoczdopolle | non fictional | 1811-1877 | | | | 1 | S |
La Grua, Emilie | La Grua, Emmy | non fictional | 1831-1922 | | | 116646896 | 2 | L |
Persiani, Fanny | | non fictional | 1807-1867 | | | 118926292 | 2 | P |
Severini, Carlo | | non fictional | 1793-1838 | | | 1030347492 | 1 | S |
Pit | | fictional | | | | | 1 | P |
Cavaliere Ramiro | | fictional | | | - La finta giardiniera, KV196
| | 1 | C |
Don Anchise | Podestà | fictional | | | - La finta giardiniera, KV196
| | 1 | D |
Karl, Erzherzog von Österreich | | non fictional | 1771-1847 | | | 118723049 | 1 | K |
Artner, Josephine von | | non fictional | 1869-1932 | | | 116353589 | 8 | A |
Mesmer, Franz Anton | Meßmer | non fictional | 1734-1815 | | | 118581309 | 1 | M |
Hamme, Eduard Voitus van | | non fictional | 1853-1921 | | | 1011573547 | 2 | H |
Grün, Jakob | | non fictional | 1837-1916 | | | 116887788 | 5 | G |
Rossini, Anna | Guidarini | non fictional | 1771–1827 | | | | 2 | R |
Enequist, Mathilda | Ennequist, Mathilde | non fictional | 1833-1898 | | | | 2 | E |
Strigelli, Guiseppe | | non fictional | 1843-1916 | | | 115783202 | 1 | S |
Gindele, Ernestine | | non fictional | 1841-1879 | | | 116632550 | 9 | G |
Tartini, Giuseppe | | non fictional | 1692-1770 | - Komponist
- Violinist
- Musiklehrer
| | 118620878 | 3 | T |
Rode, Pierre | | non fictional | 1774-1830 | | | 132535122 | 2 | R |
Alexander VI. | | non fictional | 1431-1503 | | | 118501844 | 1 | A |
Don Ruy Gomez de Silva | | fictional | | | - Hernani ou L'honneur castillan
| | 1 | D |
Francesco Borgia | | fictional | | | | | 1 | F |
Cesaro Borgia | | fictional | | | | | 1 | C |
Lucrezia | | fictional | | | | | 1 | L |
Lucrezia Borgia | | fictional | | | | | 1 | L |
Don Alfonso | | fictional | | | | | 1 | D |
Burney, Charles | | non fictional | 1726-1814 | - Musikautor
- Historiker
- Publizist
| | 118665340 | 1 | B |
Kunigunde | | fictional | | | | | 1 | K |
Pylades | | fictional | | | | | 1 | P |
Erdődy, Anna Maria | | non fictional | 1778-1837 | | | 137543662 | 1 | E |
Jobsen Zeckel | | fictional | | | - Der lustige Schuster, oder, Der zweyte Theil vom Teufel ist los
| | 1 | J |
Rigoletto | | fictional | | | | | 1 | R |
Spitzeder, Betty | Vio, Henriette | non fictional | 1808-1872 | | | 132425831 | 1 | S |
Hélène | | fictional | | | | | 1 | H |
Diana | | fictional | | | - Iphigenia in Aulis, Bearbeitung von Christoph Willibald Glucks Tragédie-opéra, WWV77
| | 1 | D |
Iphigenie | Iphigenia | fictional | | | - Iphigenia in Aulis, Bearbeitung von Christoph Willibald Glucks Tragédie-opéra, WWV77
| | 1 | I |
Artemis | | fictional | | | - Iphigenia in Aulis, Bearbeitung von Christoph Willibald Glucks Tragédie-opéra, WWV77
| | 1 | A |
Papagena | | fictional | | | | | 1 | P |
Erste Dame | | fictional | | | | | 2 | E |
Zweite Dame | | fictional | | | | | 2 | Z |
Dritte Dame | | fictional | | | | | 2 | D |
Bottero, Alessandro | | non fictional | 1831-1892 | | | | 1 | B |
Lachnith, Ludwig Wenzel | | non fictional | 1746-1820 | - Komponist
- Hornist
- Musiklehrer
| | 103914625 | 1 | L |
Zita | | fictional | | | | | 1 | Z |
Miller, Richard | | non fictional | 1832-1901 | | | 133114910 | 1 | M |
Carlo Broschi | | fictional | | | | | 1 | C |
Casilda | | fictional | | | | | 1 | C |
Renom, Adolfine | | non fictional | 19. Jhdt. | | | 116444061 | 1 | R |
Isaac, Heinrich | Isaak | non fictional | ca. 1450-1517 | | | 11855588X | 2 | I |
Bezecný, Emil | Bezecny | non fictional | 1868-1930 | | | 1089816537 | 1 | B |
Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz | | non fictional | 1644-1704 | | | 118510622 | 1 | B |
Rémaury, Elvire | Thomas | non fictional | 1827-1910 | | | 1316278751 | 1 | R |
Shakespeare | | fictional | | | - Le songe d'une nuit d'été
| | 1 | S |
Élisabeth | Elisabeth | fictional | | | - Le songe d'une nuit d'été
| | 1 | É |
Aboul-y-far | | fictional | | | | | 1 | A |
Birotteau | | fictional | | | | | 1 | B |
Hamlet | | fictional | | | | | 2 | H |
Ophélie | Ophelia | fictional | | | | | 1 | O |
Ariel | | fictional | | | | | 1 | A |
Caliban | | fictional | | | | | 1 | C |
Miranda | | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
Ferdinand | | fictional | | | | | 1 | F |
Prospero | | fictional | | | - Caliban. Suite de la tempête
| | 1 | P |
Carnot, Sadi | | non fictional | 1837-1894 | | | 119221225 | 1 | C |
Wolff, Marguerite | Thomas | non fictional | 1838-1925 | | | | 1 | W |
Éros | Amor | fictional | | | | | 1 | É |
Montigny-Remaury, Caroline | Serres, Caroline de | non fictional | 1843-1913 | | | 117134260 | 1 | M |
Voggenhuber, Vilma von | | non fictional | 1841-1888 | | | 116565918 | 2 | V |
Stoerk, Carl | Störk | non fictional | 1832–1899 | | | 117265977 | 1 | S |
Adams, Charles | | non fictional | 1834-1900 | | | 1050400917 | 4 | A |
Elvino | Elwin | fictional | | | | | 2 | E |
Marthe | | fictional | | | | | 2 | M |
Ritter Pásmán | Ritter Pasman | fictional | | | | | 1 | R |
Gundy | | fictional | | | | | 1 | G |
Rodomonte | | fictional | | | | | 1 | R |
Eva | | fictional | | | | | 1 | E |
Karl Robert von Anjou | | fictional | | | | | 1 | K |
Königin | | fictional | | | | | 1 | K |
Mischu | Mischnu | fictional | | | | | 1 | M |
Othello | | fictional | | | | | 2 | O |
Angely | | non fictional | 17. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | A |
Omodé | | fictional | | | | | 1 | O |
Steiner, Franz | | non fictional | 1839-1902 | | | 1044451319 | 1 | S |
Ehnn, Bertha | | non fictional | 1845-1932 | - Sängerin (Sopran)
- Sängerin (Mezzo-Sopran)
- Sängerin (Alt)
| | 116381434 | 7 | E |
Efillag, Rosa | | non fictional | | | | | 1 | E |
Clement, Franz | | non fictional | 1780-1842 | - Violinist
- Dirigent
- Komponist
| | 116543450 | 4 | C |
Enrico Ashton | | fictional | | | | | 1 | E |
Robinson, Adolf | | non fictional | 1838-1920 | | | 116577673 | 2 | R |
Rosettina | | fictional | | | - Italienisches Liederspiel
| | 1 | R |
Desplaces, Henri | | non fictional | 1822-1877 | | | 143341863 | 1 | D |
Nana Sahib | Dandy Pant / Nena Sahib | non fictional | 1820-1859 | | | 130494070 | 1 | N |
Sanderson, Lillian | | non fictional | 1867-1947 | | | 116800313 | 1 | S |
Viktoria, Königin von Großbritannien | Victoria | non fictional | 1819-1901 | | | 118626876 | 2 | V |
Wheeler, Hugh | | non fictional | 1789-1857 | | | | 1 | W |
Nena Sahib | | fictional | | | | | 1 | N |
Ophelia | | fictional | | | | | 1 | O |
Bentinck | | fictional | | | | | 1 | B |
Sita | | fictional | | | | | 1 | S |
Georg | | fictional | | | | | 1 | G |
Rota, Giuseppe | | non fictional | 1823-1865 | | | 1028556535 | 2 | R |
Golinelli, Giovanni | | non fictional | 1809-1884 | | | 120407515 | 1 | G |
Panizza, Giacomo | | non fictional | 1804-1860 | | | 115823476 | 1 | P |
Wildhack, Adelheid | Adele Wildhak | non fictional | | | | | 2 | W |
Bochoris | | fictional | | | | | 1 | B |
Panteo, Bianca | | non fictional | 1876-nach 1928 | | | 1171860234 | 4 | P |
Tomschik, Adolf | | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 1 | T |
Lewinger, Max | | non fictional | 1870–1908 | | | 134878620 | 4 | L |
Pancera, Ella | | non fictional | 1876-1932 | | | 116021918 | 4 | P |
Nicholl, Horace Wadham | | non fictional | 1848-1922 | | | 1070669636 | 1 | N |
Nicodé, Jean Louis | | non fictional | 1853-1919 | | | 116995254 | 2 | N |
Karajan, Theodor Georg von | | non fictional | 1810-1873 | | | 121409406 | 1 | K |
Genzinger, Maria Anna Sabina von | Gentzinger | non fictional | 1750-1793 | | | 1042173575 | 1 | G |
Pleyel, Ignaz | | non fictional | 1757-1831 | - Komponist
- Verleger
- Klavierbauer
| | 118792555 | 1 | P |
Schroeter, Rebecca | Schröter | non fictional | 1751-1826 | | | 129995916 | 1 | S |
Gardiner, William | | non fictional | 1770-1853 | - Komponist
- Fabrikant
- Herausgeber
| | 14165449X | 1 | G |
Breitkopf, Christoph Gottlob | | non fictional | 1750-1800 | | | 120691124 | 1 | B |
Paul, Oskar | | non fictional | 1836-1898 | | | 116061189 | 2 | P |
Leuckart, Franz Ernst Christoph | | non fictional | 1748-1817 | | | 130626074 | 1 | L |
Paride | Paris | fictional | | | | | 1 | P |
Ahna, Heinrich de | | non fictional | 1835-1892 | | | 116271558 | 2 | A |
Fischhof, Robert | | non fictional | 1856-1918 | - Pianist
- Komponist
- Musiklehrer
| | 116584653 | 3 | F |
Friedrich Wilhelm II., König von Preußen | | non fictional | 1744-1797 | | | 11869362X | 1 | F |
Savart, Louis | | non fictional | 1871-1923 | | | 130141380 | 2 | S |
Finkenstein-Pulvermacher, Jettka | | non fictional | 1861-nach 1931 | | | 1327514303 | 2 | F |
Rabcewiczowa, Zofia Maria Wiktoria | Poznanska, Sophie von | non fictional | 1870-1947 | | | 1081429968 | 1 | R |
Mottl, Henriette | Standthartner | non fictional | 1866-1933 | | | 116942045 | 6 | M |
Gutmann, Albert | | non fictional | 1851-1915 | | | 128746734 | 1 | G |
Pales | | fictional | | | | 140646345 | 1 | P |
Helene, Großfürstin von Russland | | non fictional | 1807-1873 | | | 11901663X | 1 | H |
Esclarmonde | | fictional | | | | | 1 | E |
Roland | | fictional | | | | | 1 | R |
Parséïs | | fictional | | | | | 1 | P |
Stavenhagen, Bernhard | | non fictional | 1862-1914 | | | 117223794 | 4 | S |
Mollner, Amalie | Mollnar | non fictional | 19./20. Jhdt. | | | | 2 | M |
Weißenegg, Minna von | Walter | non fictional | 1859-1901 | | | 117565415 | 1 | W |
Pucitta, Vincenzo | | non fictional | 1778-1861 | | | 1052841090 | 1 | P |
Coccia, Carlo | | non fictional | 1782-1873 | | | 130206164 | 1 | C |
Aspa, Mario | | non fictional | 1795-1868 | | | | 1 | A |
Benvenuti, Nicola | | non fictional | 1783-1867 | | | | 1 | B |
Gentili, Raffaele | | non fictional | 1837-1867 | | | | 1 | G |
Charlotte | Lotte | fictional | | | - Die Leiden des jungen Werther
| | 1 | C |
Bailli | | fictional | | | | | 1 | B |
Schmidt | | fictional | | | | | 1 | S |
Johann | | fictional | | | | | 1 | J |
Fräulein von B. | | fictional | | | - Die Leiden des jungen Werther
| | 1 | F |
Heinrich | | fictional | | | - Die Leiden des jungen Werther
| | 1 | H |
Knecht | | fictional | | | - Die Leiden des jungen Werther
| | 1 | K |
Albert | | fictional | | | | | 1 | A |
Sophie | | fictional | | | | | 1 | S |
Massenet, Alexis | | non fictional | 1788-1863 | | | | 1 | M |
Massenet, Pierre | | non fictional | 1748-1824 | | | | 1 | M |
Cerale, Luigia | | non fictional | 1859–1937 | | | 101816815X | 2 | C |
Rombalt | | fictional | | | | | 1 | R |
Carl | Karl | fictional | | | | | 1 | C |
Martin, Tours von | | non fictional | 316-397 | | | 118578308 | 1 | M |